
Chapter 282 Coming Home

Madeline's POV

My husband didn't allow me to send him to the car, and I could feel the heaviness of my heart the moment he closed the door. I wanted to come with him, but I needed to help my husband.

I don't understand, and I don't know why until now, Hunter's father is still angry with me. They found out I am one of the wealthiest women in the world after my great-grandfather, Hector Grant, announced I am his only grandchild and the heir to his properties and businesses.

I felt so sad that even though I had given birth to our son, my father-in-law was still angry with me without knowing the real reason. And now that his son was killed because of him terrifies me. And I knew I needed to do something to stop him from killing another innocent individual, and it disheartened me that he killed the two members of his family.

Rebecca, Parker's wife, became a member of the Divenson family like my son and me. We are also part of his family.

I slowly got up from the bed and went to the bathroom, and took a shower longer than usual. I couldn't deny I was having second thoughts, and I wanted to stay and be with our son. But thinking of the possibility that Clark would do something terrible to my husband made me want to be with Hunter right away.

I put on my bra and panties, then slipped on my comfy dress, which Hunter bought for me when he attended the summit.

Hunter called me the moment he landed at Archois airport, and I couldn't deny how much I missed him. We talked only for a moment since he went straight to his old office.

I went to my son's room, and I smiled when I found him still sleeping peacefully in his crib, but I couldn't stop myself from carrying him into my arms. He looks so handsome, and I know he will grow up like his father. I smiled when he didn't wake up as I held him in my arms.

My son's nanny was still sleeping, but I didn't wake her up because I knew she had been out most of the night feeding and changing Frank's diaper.

I usually have him in my room, only last night I asked the nanny to stay with Frank.

I got out of the nursery and went downstairs, and looked for my grandpa. I found him in the backyard reading newspaper; he smiled when he saw me with my son in my arms.

"Good morning, Madeline!" He greeted me with a smile before he sipped his coffee.

One of the maids came and served him his food, and then another one helped me with mine. My grandpa took Frank from me and told me to have breakfast.

"Are you sure about your plan, Madeline?" He asked after making sure we were alone. And I nodded my head.

"Yes, grandpa, there is no backing out; I want to do this," I replied.

"As much as I wanted to say no to you, I know you will never stop bugging me until I say yes." He responded, and I smiled weakly at him.

"I am sorry, grandpa, for being hard-headed, but I want to do this once and for all," I replied, and he grinned at me.

"You are so different from Frank, and your father has always been the shy type; you got your personality from your grandma, my sweet wife." Grandpa Hector, and I could see the love on his face as he remembered my granny.

"You have her spirit, and I could tell she would be so happy to know you, and wherever she is right now, I can tell she is smiling as we are having this conversation." He added.

"I asked the head of my security team to prepare everything you needed, including hiring the best artists to help with your plan, and I hope it would work. Please, be careful, Madeline." He said, and I nodded my head.

"Don't worry, grandpa, nothing will happen to us; I will make sure everything will go smoothly," I responded.

"Of course, you have to, your son will be waiting for you, and I will miss you, Maddie." He said, and my heart swelled as I looked at my grandpa.

I stood up and put my arms around his neck after I kissed his cheeks.

"I love you, my granddaughter, and I knew I would regret it the moment you leave this house. But you always have these brilliant ideas in your head, and I know you will succeed since all you want is for

the common good of everyone." He added.

"I love you too, grandpa; I promised I would come home in one piece, besides I missed Archois, and I wanted to visit the only place I knew before I learned about my true identity," I responded.

"Of course, I understand." He said.

We talked some more until aunt Francine joined us, and she looked horrified when she learned I am

leaving, but I knew she could keep a secret.

"Don't worry, mom, and I will be okay," I assured her.

"You better be, Maddie." She replied as she took my son from grandpa, and I could see how much they adored my little boy.

I excused myself and went to Gina's room, and I smiled when I realized she was talking to Jack on the other line. I sat on the edge of her bed smiling as I listened to the one-sided conversation, and I felt so happy for my best friend that, at last, she found love.

"Jack was excited that I am coming home, but don't worry, and I didn't tell him about our plans." She said, and I grinned at her.

"Thank you, Gina, for doing all this for me, and I hope our plan will work," I said, and she came

closer and sat beside me.

"I know it will work, Madeline," Gina responded, and I realized she had packed her things already.

"Wow! Someone is excited!" I said as I turned my focus on her luggage, and I could see how her face blushed.

"Yeah, I will be staying at Jack's place, and I don't know what it means, but.." she trailed off, and I took her hand.

"Hey, I know how much you wanted Jack in your life, Gina; you are old enough to sleep with him," I replied, and I could see the blush on her face.

"He is a good man, and I know Jack will never hurt you, Gina," I added.

"Thank you, Madeline, but I am not as beautiful

as you." She responded.

"Gina, please, stop talking nonsense, he is into you, and I am sure Jack's love for you is not that shallow," I said.

"Besides, you are beautiful, Gina," I said, and she smiled at me.

"Thank you, Madeline." She responded.

"I am excited to go to Magnolia, and there were many places we needed to visit before the funeral service," I said, and her face turned solemn as she listened to me.

"Maddie, I know what you are going to do would be risky; what if they will not take you with me?" She asked, and I shook my head.

"Believe me, Gina, they will take us both, and they will never know. It would be dangerous for you too, and I know I am putting your life in danger, but we don't have time, and I know Clark will never stop until he can get what he wants, and that is me." I responded.

"Don't worry, my grandfather's men will be there, and the head of his security team already coordinated with the authority. Nothing will happen, and we will be okay." I said.

"You can back out now if you want," I added.

"Who says I will back out? I am always ready to fight and be by your side, Madeline. I promised your mom I would be with you through thick and thin." She responded, and I couldn't stop feeling sad as I remembered my mom.

"You were so young back then, Gina; it doesn't count unless you were eighteen," I said and laughed.

"Hey, friendship has no age boundary, Maddie. Even though I was so young back then, I know

it was binding." She replied and hugged me, and I tightened my arms around her.

I know Gina would always give me comfort I couldn't explain, maybe because she had always been there for me.

"I should go to my room now; I have some packing to do," I said after we let go of each other.

"Of course, I don't want you to end up borrowing my clothes, and all your clothes are now branded." She teased me, and I went out of her room laughing.

I woke up early since we had an early flight. I kissed my son goodbye, and I was holding my tears as I left him with aunt Francine, and my granddad was already waiting for us outside.

"Good luck, Maddie; I know you can make it," he said as he took me into his arms.

"Thank you, grandpa, for believing in me and allowing me to go after my husband," I responded.

"Of course, I know how much you wanted to be reunited with Hunter, even if you needed to stay away from him for a while." He stated.

"You take care, Maddie." He added, and I kissed his cheeks.

"Thank you, grandpa; please take care of yourself too and watch over my son," I replied.

"Don't worry about Frank; we will take good care of him," he said with a wide grin.

"Are you ready?" I asked Gina when we arrived at the airport, and she nodded as she said yes, and we got inside the private plane owned by my grandpa. The moment the plane took off, I couldn't stop feeling excited and thrilled. I wished we would all be fine, and I couldn't wait to see my hometown.

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