
Chapter 292 Not Fake But Real

Hunter's POV

"Calixto, what is going on?" I asked my assistant as I settled next to him on the passenger's seat of his car after I briefed my men to be vigilant, especially now that someone had shown up and pretended to be my wife. We are on our way to the cemetery.

I couldn't believe my father would do something like this. I could see how angry he looked at the woman who faked Madeline.

"I was having some doubts if it was your father's plan all along or if someone was trying to bring chaos today because of your dad. I could tell he has enemies now, and I found out your father was doing something illegal." Cal declared, and I heavily sigh.

"I didn't expect he would become worst," I responded.

"Clark was desperate to remain on the top, Hunter, but after what transpired for the past years, you know, when your mom filed the divorce, he was devastated and couldn't accept he lost his power being one of the powerful men in the country." Calixto declared.

"Your dad felt like he became an outcast, and he thought Madeline was the reason why he was suddenly at the bottom, and Clark was blaming your wife for everything that happened in his life." He added.

"He is sick, and dad knew my wife had nothing to do with what was happening to our family. It was all because of his greediness." I responded, feeling pissed, looking at the road ahead.

"I still couldn't believe he would go this far; killing my brother and Rebecca wasn't enough for him, and I don't know what he was trying to do now," I replied.

"All you have to do is be alert, don't let your guard down, Hunter," Cal replied.

"I know," I replied as I looked at the sky over the window of his car. I couldn't believe the weather had suddenly changed, it was a warm sunny day, and I felt the hotness of the sun before the funeral service started, but now I could see an overcast in the sky; I could tell it would rain at any minute.

"Don't be distracted by that woman, Hunter; I am sure she was fake," he replied, and I could see the worries on his face.

"Don't worry, they can't fool me, Cal; I know my wife very well, and even if her physical appearance changes, I can tell whether she is my wife or not," I said while I couldn't stop thinking about the woman who showed up at the funeral.

"Do you think it was my father's plan?" I asked as I darted a glance at Calixto.

"I am not sure about that, and I don't get why he looked so angry, and I don't think your father was faking it; it seemed so real that he was angry a while ago when he realized Maddie was at the church." He responded.

"Maybe it was Charlotte, and it wasn't my dad since I could tell he was so affected by Parker's death," I stated.

"You could be right, and your sister could be deadly, Hunter; there is a strong possibility she was thinking about something that is why he was using a fake Maddie to make you apprehensive about what is going on." He replied.

"But there is one way to find out; you better call Madeline right now." He added, and I felt so stupid for not doing it right away to check on my wife.

I dialed Maddie's number, and she answered right away, and I put it on the speaker so Cal would know if Maddie was not at Hector's place.

"Hello, how are you, my love? I wished everything was okay, and how I wished to be there with you," she answered right away, and I smiled at Cal as I realized my wife was safe.

"Everything is fine, my love," I replied.

"That's great; I hope to see you soon, my love; I need to go now. Our son needs immediate attention," my wife responded as I could hear Frank crying in the background, and before I could even say goodbye to my wife, the line went dead, but it was enough for me to know that Madeline was in Neospoli.

"Thank goodness she was in Neospoli; I was holding my breath since I was expecting someone would answer your call," Calixto said, and I smiled as I received a text message from Maddie.

"I miss you so much, my love; I love you, I wanted to speak with you more, but I will only miss you more, take care always for us, my love." Madeline texted, and I was smiling from ear to ear.

"I miss you more, my beautiful wife; I couldn't wait to be with you and our son; I will talk to you again tonight, my love," I responded with three hearts emojis.

"To tell you honestly, Cal, I couldn't stop feeling doubtful, but now that I had spoken with Madeline, I felt at peace," I replied.

"I felt the same way, too, Hunter; you know how much I care about your wife; she is like my daughter," Cal responded, and my smile broadened.

"I know, and it hurts me that you have favoritism, Calixto," I replied, and he chuckled.

We fell silent as I leaned my back on my seat, and I was hoping it would not rain so we could correctly say goodbye to Parker. I could hear thunderstorms as we neared the gate of the cemetery.

Cal parked the car beside the vehicle where my mom and sister rode. I got out quickly, and I could see Cal getting the big umbrella from his car trunk.

I could see that they had assembled a tent near Parker and Rebecca's grave; it would be difficult for all the people who attended the interment if it would suddenly rain.

I saw my father get out of his car together with Charlotte, and I hate to think that we were divided since we are family, and it hurts me so much that we have animosity towards each other.

We settled on the front seats while they put the caskets on the bier coffin stands for final viewing. Parker's secretary was the one who helped Cal facilitate everything, including the funeral and interment service.

"How could you not give our family a little respect, Hunter?" He said in more than a whisper, but I could tell he was pissed, and I knew right away he was talking about the fake Madeline.

"What do you mean, dad?" I asked.

"I could never accept your wife as part of our family, and you should have the decency to tell her not to come." He added.

"Dad, Maddie is now my wife, and she is a friend of Rebecca and Parker; she has all the right to join us as we mourn my brother's death," I said, and I was controlling my anger toward my dad.

He looked at me with anger all over his face, but I didn't avert his gaze; I was no longer afraid of my father after what he had done to Parker. I wanted to tell him I knew the truth, but this was not the right time.

"She will forever be an outcast, Hunter; I already told you no matter what happened, I will never accept Madeline Brownwood to be part of our family." He hissed.

"Dad, please, we are here to give our final respect to my brother and not to fight each other," I pleaded, and I felt glad his face softened a little, and he fell silent.

When I looked at my mom, she was holding Lily's hand, and she was softly crying; and stood up and sat next to my mom, and she put her head on my shoulder while I tried to comfort my mother the best way I could.

"Mom, please, don't cry too much. I know Parker doesn't want you to cry; he wanted to see you with a smile on your face and not tears in your eyes." I whispered as I caressed her back.

"My son, I love you all; I gave birth to all of you, and as a mother, it breaks my heart to see your brother lying lifeless inside that glass since he was still very young to die, Hunter." My mom softly answered me, and I could feel the pain in her voice.

"We all love you, mom," I answered.

"I know, Hunter. I don't want any of you to get hurt, and if I could only have Parker in my arms like the day he was born, I would do it in a heartbeat just to keep him safe." She added, and I could feel the excruciating pain in my heart as I could see my mom's agony.

I wondered how dad was going to deal with Parker's passing, knowing he was the reason why my brother was gone.

I didn't tell him it wasn't Maddie since I didn't even know if his confrontation with me was just an act and part of his plans. I couldn't even see that woman as I looked around the area, and I felt glad but worried at the same time.

Parker's secretary handed each one of us a long stem white rose as a final offering to my beloved brother, and some of Parker's friends picked one stem, and I could see some of his friends from high school and college lined up to say goodbye to him for the last time.

We let the guests be first in line while the rest of my family and I was sitting on our seats waiting for our turn. I could see some of the girls crying as they looked at my brother's face for the last time, and they talked with him even if I knew Parker could no longer answer them.

It was a painful reality that he was gone; he was younger than me, and his death was untimely, and I wished to spend more time with my brother after I had a heart-to-heart talk with him during our vacation in Neospoli.

On the other side were the family and friends of Rebecca, who lined up to bid their final goodbye to her. I felt happy that many attended the funeral service, and they all came to join us as we were about to lay their bodies to rest.

My eyes widened in shock, and I could feel the hammering of my heart against my chest when I saw the woman who looked like Madeline; she was walking fast towards Parker's coffin after the last of the guests walked away from my brother's casket, and I got up quickly before my father can move to join her.

I could feel my nervousness as I stood beside the woman. I didn't know how to handle her knowing she was fake, but when the woman turned her head and look at me, my face paled, and my limbs trembled as I realized she wasn't fake but real, and I couldn't believe Madeline was in Archois.

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