
Chapter 139: The smiling man (1)


A man with a white coat is looking at a rectangle cube and typing into a keyboard full of undecipherable symbols.

The man was wearing a pristine white lab coat that had runic symbols on its back. A silver white runic that symbolizes intelligence lined the back of his coat, looking imposing.

The man hair was like a mix of Albert Einstein hairstyle and Weird Al Yankovic. It was funky and at times distracting.

He was lanky and possesses pale skin that kinda resembles a corpse which is creepy and he keep whistling a catchy tune from an ad before the Fall.

Raymond was not far from the man as he is looking at the man with utter annoyance written all over his face.

‘Akira….how is it?’ Raymond ask his tone was clearly impatient

Akira looks at Raymond with a trace of annoyance. In fact his annoyance is not even masked.

For the first few times, Akira was still polite but since is the fifth time Raymond ask in an hour, Akira is also getting annoyed.

In the Merchant association who dares takes that kind of tone with him?

‘Shush. A scientist like me requires peace.’ He type a few things in his cube and then press a button and then he smiles.

‘It’s done Raymond. An electronic barrier to trap the fastest man alive. Thanks for the super capacitors.’

Then Akira look back at the electronic barrier and he smiles

‘I must admit this is one of my best invention yet. It will generate a force field with enough force to trap the Dark Speedster.’

Hirate clapped his hand as he enters from the entrance of the lab, looking pleased and very much in a happy mood.

‘No wonder, the Merchant Association will not let you go. You sure I can’t interest you to join the World Government?’ Hirate ask.

Akira just smiles.

‘Your offer is tempting but I’m here only to settle my old debts with Raymond.’ Raymond nodded, acknowledging this matter.

Akira looks again at the barrier and nodding like he was satisfied.

‘Will, huh? There must be some shit happening in your organization if you’re going to capture him. Creating this cage for him was not easy. It is fortunate that I already have all the tools and already had the plan to capture him’

‘What do you mean?’ Raymond asked shocked hearing this for this first time. He never heard there is any conflict between Will and the Merchant Association

‘Why would the Merchant Association set a measure against Will?’ Raymond asked and Akira answers

‘The Merchant Association keep tracks all the threats towards it in the world. A speedster like Will that could run all over the whole world before you finished your lunch qualifies as a threat. They have long devised a way to trap or immobilize Will if he ever become….unmanageable.’

And Akira was reminded of the thorny path prepared for Will if Will ever wanted to speed into the Merchant Association Patrician Council.

‘Hmph’ Raymond snorted in anger.

That was like telling him that the Merchant Association also has ways to manage him and this is not something Raymond like to hear or ponder.

‘I knew Will was fast and that is why the trap must be invisible. You wouldn’t know you are being trapped if you don’t see the trap right?’

He asks without expecting an answer.

‘His cells must be able to repair themselves at extraordinary speeds so he could withstand the damage this cage will inflict on him. It’s the perfect cage for Will the Speedster.’

He confidently said.

Hirate nodded as he walk closer to the cage and smirk.

Akira then stores all of his tools inside his storage bag and began to walk to the exit but not before saying

‘Raymond. You and I are even. I owe you nothing now.’ Raymond just nodded. Akira smiles like he was being released.

‘Then, I’ll go.’

‘The payment?’ Hirate ask.

‘It’s free of charge. This time only. And….don’t tell anyone who I really am unless you wanted to anger the Merchant Associations. If I can manufacture a cage to trap the fastest man in the world, don’t you think I couldn’t create a cage to trap the most powerful telepath in the world?’ Akira said as he looked at Hirate.

‘And stop trying to read my mind’ as he revealed the invisible helmet on his head. Tapping the helmet once again, the helmet turns invisible again

Smiling mischievously he said

‘Sayonara bitches’ and he laughed all the way as he exit with styles.

Hirate look at Raymond dumbfounded. Akira was not like at all Hirate imagined. There is no scholar disposition or a scientist feel about him. He was more like a thug.

Raymond just shrugged his shoulders and said

‘That’s why I said I don’t like dealing with him. He is a hundred percent thug.’

Hirate shakes his head and then turn back to look at the cage. Nodding his head, he said

‘Raymond, we can begin.’

Raymond then ask

‘You sure? If we do this…..we are practically declaring war with Lord Shadow…if our conjecture is right.’

Raymond said as his mind is already thinking of the possibility of Lord Shadow coming to the Island of Peace and declaring an all-out war.

‘We need to know if Will knows what we hide in the Closet.’

Hirate said as he clicked his tongue. As long as he didn’t know what is hidden inside the Closet, Hirate could still negotiate with Lord Shadow.

If he did know….then Hirate must not let Will escape no matter the cause. Hirate would even be willing use the Sage of Eight Path Bracelet.

It was a one-time use item that could summon Eight Golden Warriors with the level of Energy Disperse Stage with Eternal Spring body refinement.

It is one of the hidden trump cards of the World Government and only the few echelon members of the government know about it.

If the World Government is facing a deadly attack, only and only then the use of such trump card is allowed.

This is the reason why the World Government remains a powerful organization even after the fall.

‘You’re still calling it that?’ Raymond said and it brings Hirate back to the present

‘Well, Closet seems like an appropriate name. And I don’t think the name stands out that much.’ Hirate replies

‘Whatever you say, Hirate.’

Raymond shakes his head and began sending recorded transmission to his officers. It was a secret transmission.

‘I send it already.’ Raymond said towards Hirate.

Hirate then turned his back and walked to the exit and with a last glance to the cage he said

‘Trapping a personification of lightning, of speed…..how do you think it would feel, Raymond?’ He asked.

Raymond who was following Hirate from behind also stopped and look at the cage and said

‘It would feel…good’ Smiling, they both exit the underground room.

That evening, Will was summoned by the President of the World Government in a secret meeting in an underground room and since then he has been missing.

And suddenly in the Plains…all the hostile forces begins to attack Eden borders. A new conflict begins.


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