
Chapter 163: The cold hands of death (2)

Air and plasma cannons on top of the building roof have been activated and the photon beam turret is properly manned.

Both are on high alert.

The alarm system has also been fully repaired and serves as a warning if another attack would come.

The proud defense structure of United States of America is now full with Evolvers, walking around its vicinity, inside it and outside of it without the slightest fear.

In their face was only pride and joy.


For the first time in the long years of the War, the Evolvers in the North America Bloc have taken a step forward to release themselves from the chains of slavery and walk the path of freedom like their brethren that is fighting and bleeding in Europe.

For the first time, they tasted victory and it is intoxicating

Nearby the open field of devastation hundred more Evolvers are scavenging the area after the government sent drones and fighter jets to reclaim the structure but was badly defeated by their Supreme General and leader, General Shadow.

Azief told people to call him like at after knowing the history of this world. Making them call him Lord Shadow is in bad taste after all they are warring against slavery.

They have called many people lords and master at least with him they do need to. Around the area, corpses were toss into a large pit which is dubbed the Hell Pit.

Evolvers who have strength abilities are the ones tasked to throw the corpses of Normies into the Pit and dig new pits.

All the corpses were emaciated and some were calcified. After being piled up in the Pit they would be burn.

None puked or avert their eyes.

Their eyes were full of hatred towards these Normies that have oppressed them for five millenniums especially after they discovered the child sex doll factory list in one of the houses of a CEO of a slave company.

They went to the factory and after seeing the horrifying scene their Supreme General killed all of the people inside that factory.

What they saw made all of them red in their eyes, some were crying and some were trembling with anger towards the world.

They wanted to kill someone, and vent their anger.

What they saw was little girls and boy who had their limbs and tongue cut off and their eyes gouged out to be made into some sick rich people sex toys.

They were give food but other than that they were no different that pigs waiting to be slaughtered.

Their only purpose is to satisfy their master perversion and when their master is sick of them they would be thrown out into a grinder.

It wasn’t a figure of speech it is literally like that.

The slave company also offers disposal services for the rich and famous to help them avoid legal ramification.

It was at that time the Supreme General blew his top vowing to those who follow him that he would embark in a blood soaked path to eradicate the world of these scums and those who have weak hearts should not follow him.

None of them backed out.

Harrison was the first to volunteer with his hands trembling in anger, and his eyes red with tears flowing.

It was then that with brutal precision and lightning speed, that their Supreme General decimated county after county, battalions after battalions, fleet after fleets without mercy.

They all die in pain and despair. One could see the expression on their faces before their death to know how painful their death is.

Those who followed him were shocked at the display of their Supreme General abilities. It almost seems endless.

Their Supreme General was not at all like an Alpha Level Evolver.

HE was more than that. It wasn’t until they interrogate a few high ranking officer that they captured during the Occupation of Pentagon that they finally knew the power level of their Supreme General.

An Omega Level Evolver.

Not an evolver who have the potential to break through to Omega level, but a real Omega Level Evolver.

And like the legends of the ancient past of Evolvers, their Supreme General embodies all that was true about the stories of Omega Level Evolvers.

It is said that Omega Levels Evolvers is…..Gods.

It is the basis of the Old Gods of the past.

Many scientists believes that the Old gods of the past were merely Evolvers who have reached Omega Level and being able to control everything around them.

All the Evolvers that follow their Supreme General from Park View until he conquered Washington in just one week all know how terrifying their Supreme General really is.

But they also view their Supreme General as their savior, their avenging angel. His method might be cruel but it is undeniable that a lot of Evolver salves were freed.

There are some that advices the Supreme General to use a more gentle approach and was rebuked and scolded saying they do not understand.

The Supreme General said that if Evolvers wanted to be compassionate, than at least be compassionate when you are capable to.

When you are weak and tries to be compassionate to your enemy, the only thing that compassion would invite is a calamity.

After controlling half of the territory of Washington DC, their Supreme General moved his attack to Pentagon not only to destroy the foundation of military strength of Washington DC at its roots but also to search for classified information about the famous Speedster that appears in the world news a year ago.

Many of the Evolver inner circles that are close to the Supreme General speculated the Supreme General relationship with the speedster.

Many conclude that the Supreme General and that mysterious speedster are friends. Birds of a feather flock together.

The speedster was also a threat to the WSC because he is an Omega Level potential Evolver but disappeared all of a sudden.

It is the main reason why the Supreme General hastened his plans to take over Pentagon instead of the two week period.

By now, all Evolvers in DC have been decreed to be freed.

The moment the Supreme General gain control of Washington, he declared himself the Supreme General of the Army with Harrison as the General of the Continental Army

After that the Supreme General cut off contact with the Blood Brother citing that they both shares different ideologies about how best to fight for Evolvers.

The Blood Brothers believes using force isn’t enough for the Evolvers to lives peacefully.

The Supreme General on the other hand believes that if force isn’t enough that means you haven’t used enough force.

After the Supreme General enacted massacres after massacres all over the district of Columbia, Washington DC could be said to be the base of Evolver revolution with almost no Normies unless if you count the children.

The slave factory was dismantled with its metal is being used by the Evolvers to create weaponry, tanks and aircraft.

Foods were gathered by taking all those mart that was abandoned after the Supreme General kill almost all of the Normies.

One thing that the Supreme General did not allow is to kill children. Old people are fair game. But children…he strictly forbids it.

As he says, they are not yet tainted by the opinion of those around them, and are still too innocent to understand hatred because of your race.

They can be taught free of biased thinking. They can be guided to follow a better way. They are the future of coexistence if the Evolvers still dreams of it.

But the Old Order must be destroyed, pulled out from its roots entirely, not leaving anything so it might sprout again.

And in order to do that, the Supreme General declares that Washington D.C is a sovereign state with Harrison being the head of the state.

Many wanted the Supreme General to take the post for himself but he refuses even after many persuasions.

But controlling the entire Army and its division and department is the Supreme General. With Harrison as the head of the state, slowly Evolvers from oppressed states are flocking to the capital of the Evolver nation in North European Bloc

Virginia and the states near the borders of Washington closes its borders and bridges with their customs checking tunnels and underground path to make sure no slaves would run as the entire government is blocking the sea, the sky and the land for any Evolvers sympathizes to send aid.

They began attacking the first day the Supreme General declares his intention of establishing a sovereign state inside the dominion of USA.

Hundreds of fighter jets filled the skies with land soldiers also invade.

With one slash of his flaming saber, the Supreme General creates a sea of fire in the sky that lasted for half a day and burns the clouds.

and then when he had to face about ten thousand soldiers armed to the teeth with high tech grenades and guns , the Supreme General only had to stomp his feet as a dark wind swirled and turns all those soldiers into emaciated corpse.

They didn’t even have the chance to pull their triggers or throws their grenades.

It is for this reason that the Evolvers who are now living free in Washington no longer doubt their victory and is confident that the dream of a slaves world could be realized by their Supreme General.

Sometimes, those who were working outside for the Revolutionary Army would look at the Pentagon and could feel their heart assured.

As long as they have their Supreme General that dream could be realized they think to themselves before continuing their job and enjoying the sweet air of freedom.

The work they do was not forced upon them but they do it of their own will. That feeling of doing something out of their own will….they will never want to let go of that.

And they remember their Supreme General speech

‘Give us liberty or death!’ And now that they have tasted how sweet freedom is, they truly would rather die than being a slave again.

And they steeled their resolve again, fighting for a better tomorrow, sacrificing their sweat and blood for the Revolution.



Inside a large grey room Azief look towards the many huge TVs screens prepared for his viewing.

A soldier has delivered him the video file that he wanted.

He looks at the USB drive and then excited at the first clue he found as he quickly insert the drive into the terminal and the screen processing the files in almost a second.

Then hundreds of documents popped up filling the screens with some screens showing a video of building explosion, failed raid, torture and a blue lightning streaking all over the world.

And Azief smiles.

Looking at one of the screen in the center, he saw that unmistakable figure clad in lightning disappearing in a flash of blue blur and Azief nodded.

But one video file shocked Azief.

It was a video of Will running. But it was not the running he was surprised about. It was the color of Will lightning.

A mixture of red and blue. And Azief eyebrows creased.

‘An imbalance. Will…what happened to you?’ And this time Azief is worried as he comes closer to the scene and uses his finger to touch the screen to rewind the scene in question.

‘I’m not mistaken. Could it be…the Speed Source is in imbalance? Which is why I couldn’t detect Will?’ And Azief look back toward a large desk behind his back.

On that desk is variety of weapons that the Normies uses to restrain Evolver. One which piqued his interest was the collar.

Then he looks back at the screen and this time Azief rub his forehead.

‘Could it affect you too?’ Then looking back at the collar behind him he muttered

‘If my speculation is right…Will you are in a lot of trouble than I even imagined.’ He then looks at the other documents file that was also shown on the screen swiping down to read the reports that the WSC had on Will.

‘It will be a long night’ Azief said as he spends his night inside the room that day while the whole world was in chaos.



Somewhere in Kansas, a thin muscly person who had a red cap on his head and wearing a plaid shirt down another pint of beer after looking at the news.

He has thick beard and his face is tanned. He was just taking a break hereafter a long night of driving his truck to the company.

Who would have thought a world shattering event would happen today. Since Kansas had low population after the Battle of Wichita event, news arrived late here.

The man look at the TV screen, smiles bitterly and get up after leaving the money under the pint glass as he ruffles his pocket and bring out his truck key.

But then realizing he had drink quiet a lot he decides to sleep in the nearby motel.

After paying for his room, he went to his room, drink a glass of water and sit down on the bed and open the TV.

The news is still reporting the event in Washington with updates every hour. The man looks at the TV screen with a blank expression as he touches his beard, thinking of something.

‘The beard does not suit me’ he said.

Then looking at the TV screen showing the Supreme General of the Evolver Army the man smiles as he muttered.

‘You finally come here….brother. I’ve been waiting’


So, here it is the new chapter. This chapter is long than normal chapter. Hope you like it. Leave some comments, donate if you can, and support my works.

This chapter shows many things. Evolver oppression, the Normies cruelty, Azief rise to power and the revolution of this world.

And the man at the end, who thought he was Will until that last sentence he uttered? And why he is working as a truck driver?

Remember when Azief first come to Earth 39 and he said he couldn’t sense the Speed Source.?

That is a hint. Oh and yeah, this world has Atlantis. And the previous chapter has been edited after realizing some mistakes.

I rarely write something unless it has something to do with the plot. And anyone can follow me in instagram and ask me question there.

My instagram handle have been written before in previous chapter. So, that’s it for this week I guess or maybe next week too since this chapter is a bit long.



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