
Chapter 176: Invasions (1)


A man was standing there in the empty vacuum of space, looking towards a moon. His black cape fluttered as the energy inside his body repel the vacuum condition of space.

‘Saturn moon’ he muttered as his hand tighten into a fist and the air around his fist was trapped and exploded nothing but a gust of wind in the scale of space, affecting nothing.

All around his body a force field repel all kinds of pressure enabling him to do many impossible thing in space.

‘Hmm, it will not be long’ he muttered to himself.

He wear a black hood and his entire attire was black.

Compared to the vastness of space he is infinitely smaller than a meteor rock floating through space.

Yet, the power he emitted from his body was equal to a large planet towering over the galaxy.

The force of power coming off his entire being permeates through every cubic of space he traverses.

He, himself was a force of nature to be reckoned with. And today he has a mission to complete before time runs out.

His eyes narrowed as his body slowly defy the law of gravity as he flies closer to Titan. The rings on his finger glowed dangerously, ready to be activated the moment he sense danger

Even from this far he could feel life on Saturn moon. It was Titan.

The largest moon of Saturn. The headquarters of the World Council and the residence of World Noble.

He could feel the essence of Water and Life all over the moon.

With the Seed of Elements he could easily detect these things. In Titan there is many mines as it is called the giant factory of organic stuff after the terraforming was done.

Titan also possess hundreds of lakes and sea and coal are mined every day. Then as he comes closer he recognize a cylinder like structure in the distance.

‘A space station’ he mused, looking a little bit awed. Looking with his Penetrating Vision and scanning with his Divine Sense his smile turns bitter.

‘Permanent space outpost.’

This Earth while it is weak, their technological advancement has truly left Earth Prime in the dust.

If only the many nations in his world in the past spend more in scientific advancements instead of other stuff then maybe Earth Prime would be as advanced as Earth 39.

But then Azief remembered.

That while this Earth is advanced in science, their social circumstances is terrible. Their people suffers and discriminated and treated like animals.

Living in a world like that….that might be a nightmare.

‘O’Neill Cylinder’ that is what Azief mused as he nears the cylinder like structure. It looks eerily similar like the envisioned O’Neill Cylinder in Azief world

So, not only there are a colony on the surface of Titan but there is also a space station outpost?

Azief then fly forward rocketing the maximum speed as he hurtles through trash junk with the force field around him destroying everything on its path as he landed his feet on top of the cylinder like structure.

He closes his eyes and his divine sense swept the cylinder like structure.

The main body is about 5 miles wide and 20 miles long.

Three strips of land stretch along the interior, with three equal-size, interspersed strips serving as giant, sealed windows.

‘Huge’ he mutters and Azief mind quickly understand why it was built to be so huge.

The cylinder’s huge size means a gentle spin of one revolution every minute and a half would be enough for terrestrial gravity.

Not only that, it seems the scientist of Earth 39 even manage to solve the problem of needing to maintain the desirable short-axis spin rate.


The cylinder like structure even have a counter-rotating pairs to offset destabilizing, gyroscopic effects that would cause the cylinders to stray from their intended, Sun-facing angles.

Looking at the other aspect of the cylinder like structure Azief is once again awed.

To protect the colonies from meteorite impacts, leftover slag from manufacturing was built up as padding on the colony’s exterior.

It would take centuries for the colony’s air to leak out. It also has the advantage of immune to Earthly natural disasters.

There is millions of lives here. Normies lives. And Azief opens his eyes. Looking at the distance, he smiles.

‘And now, it begins’ he said as he stomps his feet.

As he stomps his feet, it was like Heaven was trampling the space station as immediately the window panel that could withstand meteor and even asteroid showers crack and exploded.

Harmful radiation immediately pouring in infecting the people with weak immunity.

Some people in the space station who was enjoying their evening tea and relaxing on their pools were yanked out and their faces was pale wit terror before turning into cold corpse in outer space.

Their body froze in matter of second the moment they were exposed to the vacuum of space

Cosmic rays shines on them as some of them develops rashes and warts the size of a coconut before dying in space with pain etched all over their expression.

There were also Evolvers slave inside the space station.

Azief only uses his Grand Telekinesis to construct a structure that is able to contain them as he infuse his Pure Divine Sense and Life force inside them enough for the reinforcement to come save them later.

‘AHHH!!!’ Screams sounded out as hundreds of thousand was sucked out from the space station pulled by the powerful pressure of space.

Corpse filled the area around the space station floating through space as Azief stomp another one of his foot and the entire space station cracked like it was being hit by a star and then the entire pillars and steel carbon fibers inside the structure exploded before the entire space station crumbles as it becomes junk space.

Azief did not wait as he fly forward his eyes aiming at Titan.

‘I don’t have much time’ he said as his small figure flies forward with the speed that surpasses sound, almost breaking the barrier of space.

Behind him a large explosion happens.

Since space has no air to transfer the explosive energy the explosion have an initial brilliant flash with the resulting spherical fireball and debris travel away from the point of explosion far too fast for the eyes to see.

Without any atmosphere of gravity to act on the debris of the destroyed space station it will continue on travelling at full speed until it hits something,

Explosion in space is actually more dangerous than explosion in the atmosphere. And the most eerie ting was that the explosion is silent. After all there are in vacuum space.

Even though Azief was fast the debris hits Azief back before turning to ashes the moment it moves into contact with his force field.

He did not even look back as he keep flying forward. His eyes burns with the determination to end the war here today.

Destroy Titan today and the victory of the Rebellion army is secured.

But before he destroy Titan he has to descended down to the surface of the planet and retrieve the sealed fragment of the Speed Source before destroying that moons into pieces.

And as he thinks that and his subsequent plans, his speed becomes faster, speeding through space while all the cannons and anti-intruder weapons on the surface of Titan is aimed at him, ready to be launched.


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