
Chapter 257: The premonition of a disaster (1)

To establish a city in Pandemonium one had to register with the Centre Region where many world famous people under Death Monarch gather and also the centre of power in Pandemonium.

They also need to prove they have the capabilities to safeguard their citizens. Then they also need to prove their eligibility.

They must have at least had five Energy Disperse Stage High Realm experts or three Energy Disperse Stage pinnacle realm experts

The Centre Region also did not lose out on this. It was like they were leasing lands.

The Centre Region would only take thirty percent of the profit of the city and anyone that dares skimp on payment would have their cities sacked the people in power executed and expelled from Pandemonium

Most of the time the mayors and the founders of the cities were given full authority in their towns to do whatever they wanted but they must follow the rule that is established in the Centre Regional powers.

Not to mention they must not forget that there is still Death Monarch who is effectively the ruler of all Pandemonium and the deterrent for any forces in Pandemonium that have dark thoughts.

Then there is the Three Army led by Wang Jian, Athena and Freya.

If the World Government is ruling by uniting the humanity sentiment and the Republic is ruling by winning the hearts of the people then Death Monarch is ruling by the oldest and most simple principle.

Might is right!

Just because he doesn’t show his face didn’t mean people forget him or underestimate him.

Instead because he is rarely seen in public occasion whether in the establishment of cities or development fairs it only adds to his mysterious image.

The Centre regions in the beginning are governed by people that Sina picked which are mostly her friends and acolytes.

This was during the three months when the Death Monarch is in seclusion.

It is also when the Republic and the World Government seems to be discussing something with each other and seems to enter a period of cooperation.

Wang Jian who saw that Sina friends seem to be using their position to their advantages and suppressing the military factions was clearly incensed

He also did not like that the people Sina picked start acting like the nobles in the World Governments or the Senators of the Republic.

It is beyond their station because Death Monarch has never officially promoted them or gives them any real power

Their influence and power derives from Sina influence as the Death Monarch companions.

Wang Jian himself sees himself as a loyalist and he believes that the Genius Alchemist Sina while she means well, her actions do more harm than benefit

On the other hand Sina also saw this happening right in front of her eyes but she herself is usually busy in her apothecaries and rarely checks the work of the people she recommended.

There is also the fact that the people she appointed to is her friends or apprentices so she did not have the heart to reprimand them

There is also the constant voyage she makes every week or the secret correspondence she had with many people.

Some people even say that she sometimes talks to birds. Mostly black ravens that usually perched itself on the large tree behind her hobbit-like house

Wang Jian opposed this practice and then forcefully appointed his own deputies and people into the Central Government

Sina of course heard this and while she herself hated power struggles since she herself views it as unimportant, she felt like she had at least had to hear Wang Jian explanations.

Sina met with Wang Jian and they seem to reach an agreement and Wang Jian people were put in charge of many things.

Since the Death Monarch did not assign titles or assign allocation of jobs it was practically the Wang Jian faction and Sina faction ruling the Central Government.

And of course when such thing did happen, with the White Tiger army and Sina acolytes holding the reins of power, the allocation of resources is also affected.

Athena and Freya who were always good friends noticed that the resources for their army to grow and level up are low compared to the allocation of resources for Wang Jian White Tiger Army.

They of course could not stand this and return from the border area to the Central Government.

They both met with Wang Jian and threatened to report this to the Death Monarch to seek redress and air out their grievances.

Wang Jian also did not expect this to happen.

But it was then they saw the problem.

Even though Athena and Freya is under the Death Monarch now and is his subordinates and his generals, some people in the Central Government who was appointed by Wang Jian don’t think that Athena and Freya army would be as good as their own White Tiger Army.

This is because Wang Jian was the first general under Death Monarch and he was known to be loyal and have always done his job without ever complaining to the Death Monarch.

But Athena and Freya….they used to be enemies.

It was a long time ago, but this fact is undoubtedly true. Wang Jian promised the two generals that he will put a stop to this but how could Athena and Freya believes him.

They could not believe mere words, and they trust those people in the Central Government even less.

So they too put their people in the Central Government.

And so a fierce struggle for power is always happening in the Central Government mostly because of the allocation of resources.

And this resource is collected either from expeditions or the taxes they levied on the cities that is established all around Pandemonium.

Some mayors also was loaned military service for a while to clear out the settlement and had to pay back when the cities started generating income

In the three months where Azief is in his seclusion all of this happens.

But when the Death Monarch finishes his seclusion it appears nothing happened, no power struggle, no conflict, no nothing.

Everyone seems to have no problems and seems to get along.

The public dares not tell the Death Monarch the chaos that Pandemonium faces because of this power struggle in his seclusion.

After all the mayors in the periphery of Pandemonium still had to rely on the Central Government for many things and it is clear that the people governing Pandemonium want to hide this problem from Death Monarch eyes.

But Azief was not an idiot. How could he not see? How could he not hear? Not hearing also means something.

The absence of noise is sometimes very telling. And not to mention, he has Sasha that commands his Shadows Guards.

She is his ears and eyes. Sometimes even Azief was shocked at the irony. Sasha was his enemies at one point of his life.

Kidnaped her friends and try to kill him. Who would have thought that their relationship will evolve like this?

Of course this had to do with Sina who wholeheartedly believes in Sasha. And because of Sina faith in Sasha, Azief also trust her.

And she did her job well.

Because of that Azief knows everything and hears everything. Pandemonium is his turf.

That is why Azief brought the Three Generals before him at that time and pressure them with his power.

To remind them who is really in charge.

They can play their power struggle and make-believe court politics all they want but if it reached his bottom line do not doubt that he, Death Monarch is decisive in his action and would not let a thorn in his eyes to remain long

From that day on, the Central Government seems to runs a little bit smoothly than before.

And the communication with the cities around the continent of Pandemonium is also strengthened as cooperation and protection of the Central Government towards the cities improved.

This is the result of the Decree by the Death Monarch that promotes the cooperation between the Central Government and the cities

He also created an Administrative Bureau and told Wang Jian to find someone to handle the governance in his stead.

When Wang Jian recommends Loki, The Death Monarch did not say anything but he just harrumphed and then he said he will think about it.

This was a day before the Death Monarch went to his second seclusion.

No one knows how long this seclusion is going to take but since the Distribution of the world was decided to happen in just a few months many speculates that he will be out before that time.

They would probably be shocked if they knew it only took the Death Monarch one day to finish his seclusion.

For now nobody knows that the Death Monarch has already went out from his seclusion and is right now resting in his own private chamber in the Centre Palace.

Of course the only other person that knows he is out from his seclusion is Boris, Katarina and Sasha.

Katarina also were quiet after that night. And Boris will not spread the word. Firstly, because it involves her sister. Second, because there is no benefit of spreading that news.

The days seem to be unchanging in Pandemonium until the day the Oracle showed up in the city of Achens which becomes local news for a while.

But…the weird thing started from that day. There are many Greeks in Achens as there are Europeans and even some Asians.

To the Greeks and many Europeans in the city, Erika is known to have prophetic ability. It is fearsome and also enticing.

And there are even some that worship her as the gifts of prophecy even in the world after the Fall is rare and unique in itself.

But none of the officials from the Administrative Bureau and anyone from the Central Government comes greet or welcome her.

Any factions would have at least shows a semblance of courtesy. But the Central Government was silent.

This is highly unusual

Some mayors also tried to inquire about why such matter happens. But it was like the Central Government is on lockdown.

No one is saying anything.

It is like someone on the top has ordered this gag order. Knowing this, the mayor of Achens felt even more nervous.

They all left like something big is surely going to happen. And then their premonitions prove true.

The city of Achens which is established around the southern shorelines of Pandemonium is in chaos today.

All of the leaders of the city contacted the Centre Region to inform of the appearance of four large tortoises not too far away from the shore.

What is more frightening is the white misty fog that shrouded the four tortoises. At certain times of the hour the mist would thin and people could see the four gigantic tortoises.

Around the entire sea area of around one hundred kilometers, mist seems to gather and preventing or people from seeing the rumored Storm Tide clearly.

Sitting on a peak of one of the mountains on top of the head of one of the tortoise is a man wearing purplish red mask.

It was a mask of an angered Demon that is usually depicted in Japanese Temples. His red robe seems to be flapping gently.

He seems to be waiting. He did not alight from his tortoise nor did he come closer to the continent or the city.

He just sits there, on the peak of that mountain, probably smiling underneath that mask, looking at Pandemonium, never moving an inch from that position.

He is a hundred kilometers away from the shores of Pandemonium, just staring at it, waiting for something.

He seems to be waiting for anything. A reaction or something. An attack or even a warning. But Pandemonium was silent.

Was this silence the decision of the mayor?

Or the leaders of the city? No!

They were warned by the Central Government to stay put and do not do anything. This is highly unusual and the order is strict resembling a military order

Someone from the top orders this. Someone who have enough clout and power to cow the whole Central Government.

The mayor instantly knew who is the dark hand that is behind the lockdown after thinking about the matter a bit.

Why there is not even a chirp about what happens in the Central Government? He quickly understands and with understanding the matters, he felt slightly relieved.

The Death Monarch, the true ruler of Pandemonium has come out from his seclusion.

This was true.

Azief when he returns from his visit to Katarina was resting in his secret chamber when he learns about Erika from Sasha

Azief had long known about Erika arrival.

But he did not seek her. He…out of everyone knew that knowing the future is not always good. Most of the time it could even be tragic, knowing one own future.

But that is not to say he was not tempted. After all, who does not want to know what will happen to them?

He knew that Erika the Oracle spoke of prophecies. But he also knows that prophecy is a double edged sword.

Sometimes hearing the prophecy propels you to that destiny which was prophesized. A so called self-fulfilled prophecy

And he also knows that every time the Oracle arrived somewhere that means there will be problems appearing not far away from her.

And like always Azief premonition is correct. Storm Tide appears just a few days after her arrival.

Azief and the League of Freedom had a complicated relationship.

Azief knew that they used to conspire against him but that conspiracy backfired on them when he acquires the Seven Fairy of the Plains.

But he also never forgets about this matter. This is also the reason why the League of Freedom is always wary of him.

But during his massacre on the Island of Peace, it was also true that he allowing the League of Freedom entering and raiding the World Government opens the possibility of a truce.

So, he expected that Narleod, the leader of the League of Freedom to mend his relationship. Whether he will accept or not depends on his mood.

But instead of coming out of his four tortoise island, this leader of the League of Freedom had the gall to stay in Storm Tide and force him to come out and meet him

And Azief could only laugh in amusement. It is somewhat a negotiation tactics. When you force the other person to act, you are the one in control

It is always better to make your opponent come to you, abandoning his own plans in the process.

Brutal and aggressive person is rarely in fall control.

Azief hated to be constantly being forced to react to the moves of his ever-growing host of enemies, and to the unforeseen consequences of his own rash actions

He wanted stability.

He could of course just crush the League of Freedom and that was probably what the other factions in the dark and even the World government is hoping.

Then they would have a reason to unify all the heroes of the world to attack him. He is mighty…but he is not almighty.

He is still not at a level where he alone could fight millions of people and even a host of Disk Formation experts.

He could fight twenty Disk Formation experts by his lonesome and at least survive but how could he hold back fifty Disk Formation experts?

It is impossible considering his prowess right now even when he added his Physique

Azief knows his limits. He might regenerates his flesh and have many abilities but those who reach Disk Formation are they all weak?

They must have their own skills to survive and grow to be that strong.

But thankfully all Disk Formation experts, the top experts in the world is rare and few.

Of course this did not include those people that are intentionally hiding from public eyes that did not want to meddle and be dragged into the matters of the power struggle in the world.

The reason why his act of attacking the World Government was not condemned was because he was on the righteous side.

The World Government kidnapped his woman and his general. It is only right that he come attacking.

No experts in the whole world would stick out their necks to defend the World Government when it is clear who is wrong and who is right.

But if Azief started willy-nily destroying faction after faction, Azief knows that the World Government will use that fear to convince the heroes of the world to fight with him.

He did not want to always watch for traps and assassination attempts while he is attempting to break through to higher levels.

He did not want that distraction.

That is why he did not exactly blow his top and started slaughtering everyone in the Storm Tide. Many people mistaken aggressive action for effective action.

Most often the most effective action is to stay back, keep calm, and let others be frustrated by the traps you lay for them, playing for long-term power rather than quick victory.

And Pandemonium is his area. He could afford to wait. After all he needs nothing from League of Freedom.

Instead he could rest more. So, he just waits in his Secret Chamber.

He would not give the initiative to his enemy.

The essence of power is the ability to keep the initiative, to get others to react to his moves, to keep his opponent and those around him on the defensive.

Azief knows that when you make other people come to you, you become the one controlling the situation.

And the one who has control has power.

But there are two essential things one must has to place oneself in this controlling position.

He must learn to master his emotions, and never to be in?fluenced by anger; meanwhile, however, he himself must play on people’s natural tendency to react angrily when pushed and baited.

Azief has used this many times.

Because he recognize how he fallen for this trap many times. It has been how many times the World Government forces him to come to them where he lost all initiative.

Azief was sure if not for his prowess; he would have long been captured and jailed by the World Government.

And the World Government knows how to make him lost his calm. They kidnapped the people he regarded his family and causes him to be influenced by anger.

He was baited even when he knows it was bait. Because he could not just leave his new family in a lurch.

It is effective bait. That is what a good trap does. Even when you know it is a trap, you still have to enter.

And the World Government knows.

That is why he punished them terribly.

He wanted to make sure every time the World Government hears his name, they would remember his terrible wrath and know not to cross him.

And Azief knows that the ability to make others come to him is a weapon far more powerful than any tool of aggression.

And so both men are waiting. There is no signal only silence.

It was like Pandemonium was challenging Storm Tide. “Come closer so that we could devour you too.” It seems to be saying

Everyone knew that the leader of the League of Freedom Narleod is a cruel and brutal man.

But just because you are brutal and cruel….doesn’t mean you are strong. Especially when you are compared to such a titanic figure as the Death Monarch.

How many people who was crueler and vicious and even more brutal than Narleod that has becomes bones and ashes beneath the dark boots of the Death Monarch?

Countless of such people had challenged Death Monarch and they all failed, turning to dust forgotten by the era.

Beneath the Demon mask, Narleod eyes seem to glints with anger. He then spit on the ground.

‘It seems you are not a man that only knows how to use your brawn’ He said to himself.

And then he sighs, as complicated emotion is in his heart right now.

Both because he was relieved, and at the same time also because he becomes even more worried.

For someone so powerful still so adept in controlling his emotions means he is an even more formidable opponent than he expected.

Narleod never cares much about the title of the strongest. He has been accustomed of being the underdog.

He has schemed and plotted against people stronger than him and he has always come on top so he never fears fighting people stronger than him as long as he has his wits.

If the Death Monarch is just a simple brute, even if he was not the one that brought him down, there will be others.

No wonder Hirate had so much difficulty in reining this calamity and had to suffer losses each time they clash.

Beside him was Warp, his feet is glowing with silver color of his Disk ready to teleport him and Narleod away if the Death Monarch suddenly appears and attacking Storm Tide.

‘I told you didn’t I?’ Then Warp look at the shores of Pandemonium and sighed.

‘And we could not afford to wait. If the World Government beat us on this….we lost our chance. We need a slot in the World distribution event and considering our old conspiracy against the Death Monarch I doubt that he would favor us in the meeting unless we give him what we have now. Information he would surely appreciate’

Narleod nodded.

‘I know what is at stake, Warp. I just need to know what kind of a man this person people called the strongest person in the world. I want to know what kind of a threat he is’

‘Do you need to risk your life offending him?’ Warp asks with an exasperated tone.

Narleod only smile beneath his mask as he is slowly is coming down form the peak.

Narleod coughed and then he chuckles

‘What is life anyway? I already bet it against the world a long time ago. I need to know whether I am dealing with a bruited ape or a civilized man. If he comes attacking Storm Tide, the most he could do is slaughter all the people in Storm Tide’

Narleod says this without even a shred of mercy.

‘We would probably be safe for a while. But if he really intends to hunt us, I doubt we could last for long unless we join the World Government or the Republic which you know I would never do. I would rather be dead than become someone else lackey.’

Warp sigh as he knows what Narleod is talking about. Other people might not know but Warp knows the true identity of Narleod.

He is a ghost of a past the World Government blotted out from their history books. But Narleod clearly was not afraid of death.

When you have died once, you rarely fears death anymore.

‘After all we have too many enemies that wish for me to die. I bet my life, Warp. I bet my life just in order to see what kind of person this Death Monarch. Many people say that he is an eccentric that his behaviors are hard to understand. He spares people and punishes people by the drop of hat and some called him vindictive, others called him other things. I just think he is a simple man….driven by a simple purpose.’

Warp was never the bright one. He knows better than to ask what Narleod means. SO, he only ask

‘And what is the conclusion?’ Warp asks.

Narleod laughed.

‘He is man of reason. At least we could talk to him. And maybe just maybe we could make him forget about old grudges. He would never trust us but he probably would never thought of us as a threat. Since he could even disrespect every single nobles in the World government and cow them so much so that they do not dare to even mock him in public what does our little organization amount to in his eyes? Probably in his mind, he believes he could destroy us anytime he wanted to.’ Narleod said in a mocking tone

‘But the more he underestimate us, the more we are safe. You don’t see busy people keep playing with ants don’t you? They have better things to do’ And Narleod chuckles as he shakes his head.

‘Since he didn’t attack I know we at least could talk’

‘What if he did attack before? What happens then if he was a brute?’ Warp asks. Narleod walks to Warp and then pats his shoulder.

‘Then I guess we die. HAHAHA’ he laughed madly.

Warp shakes his head as he saw that Narleod is walking down from the peak. Not long after that a messenger from Storm Tide came and reported to the Centre Palace.

The Keeper of the Palace then sends a message back to Storm Tide. This takes three days in total.

By now, the whole world had learned the news that the Death Monarch has come out from his seclusion.

Many people wanted to enter the palace but were denied entry. The Death Monarch wanted to see Narleod.

It seems whatever messages that Narleod send him has aroused the Death Monarch interest. The Strom Tide waited. And the whole world waited.

The Republic seems to also send some of their Thunderbirds to Pandemonium and Storm Tide.

Since they used to deal with each other, the Republic began inquiring the matter of Storm Tide.

But everyone was tightlipped.

The World Government is still licking their wounds after the Death Monarch attack.

Hearing the development in Pandemonium they also send some Company agents to investigate.

What is the message that Narleod send to the Death Monarch that causes the Death Monarch to not met other representatives?

Especially considering the threat of the fleet of aliens warship hovering on space right now. Both the Republic and the World government were perplexed.

Then news arrives from the Central Government. Only Narleod and Warp is allowed to step foot into Pandemonium.

Narleod was given the permission to enter Pandemonium but leave his tortoise at the same distance.

Any threatening action would be construed as an act of war.

Narleod did not take long before he arrived at the Port of Achens after he makes his preparations.

He walks the port and then a Pegasus was offered to him as he was escorted to the Centre Palace by the Pegasus Cavalry Squad.

In half an hour they arrived at the outside of the Centre Region where they dismount outside the Capital City.

Narleod and Warp then walk and enter the city gate.

The moment he enters Narleod and Warp both could feel like they were being watched.

Narleod knows that the Death Monarch had the Shadow Guards but he knows this feeling did not come because he is being watched by the Shadow Guards.

He felt like there is a force above, looking at him.

It was like the Heaven itself is looking at him. Both Warp and Leonard look at each other and bitterly smiles as they were thinking of the same thing.

The Will of the World.

The Death Monarch is watching them using the Will of the World.

Now, each step they take does not feel as light and unrestrained as before.

As they arrived in front of the large Palace Gate, they could feel the aura coming out from the Palace.

And they immediately know….Death Monarch is in there….and he is waiting.

Narleod wipes the sweat on his hand and then he nodded

‘Fuck it! What is life anyway? It is taking risk!’ He said to shield as he enter the Palace steps and Warp who was hesitating follow him from behind.

The Palace Gate behind them slowly closed.


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