
Chapter 291: The choice 03

And then a bitter laugh unintentionally comes out from his mouth. Azul is still waiting for his answer.

And then Azief asks himself….would his heart still be firm if he did not agree? Could he sleep at night knowing he could help this couple separated not by ten years or a few decades but eons and do not help them?

Does he have the heart to ignore Azul?

This is not a matter of benefit. Azief while he did appear cruel to some people, killing without hesitation he himself never lost any sleep because of it.

Because his heart could bear it. Because his heart could endure it. And then he thinks of the choice laid in front of him.

How tempting it is for him to just walk away now.

Azief then smiles a mysterious smile.

Then without intending to Azief laugh, his laugh reverberated through this large area.

Opening his eyes he looks at Meihul and Azul and then said to no in particular. No…he did not talk, he almost shout it out.

‘So what if I can’t walk the Supremacy Stairway? So what if I can’t complete my Thirteen Disk? As long as my heart is firm, my road that I carved up for myself will never disappear!’

‘Why should I lament something I didn’t even have and sacrificed my hearts? My Grand Path is clear. Being true to my heart is my path! And nothing would obstruct that’ He howls to the stars.

It is like he is on the verge of something. Following one own heart is not as easy as one said. You would always be tempted to do something that goes against one own heart.

Azief is in a war. Against himself.

Against the part of his head that is thinking about the benefit and his heart that wanted to be loyal to his intention.

‘The dream I have could not be extinguished that easily just because I don’t have thirteen disks! As long as I never give up, I could overcome it!’

Azief clench his fist like he was fusing his own wishes in his fist.

The fire of determination blazed in Azief eyes and his laugh grew louder. The desire for him to become strong and the intention of his heart.

His heart becomes weightless and his eyes are full of clarity.

He has chosen and he would not regret it.

‘Ah, fuck it!’ he shouted. Yet there is a smile on his face.

Looking at Meihul and Azul, he could not stand it. He knows if he returned back to Earth, he could never sleep peacefully ever again if he did not help.

Because he also knows that if he was in the same position as Azul was he would be truly grateful if anyone could help him.

Probably that is the whole point of the trials. And Azief laugh a bit. To understand Azul positions. To put yourself on his shoes.

But who would be like Azief that is fine with losing all that he accumulated. To cut off oneself own future?

To discard the one thing he wanted the most…strength.

Azief then look at the stars in the distance, but his heart was wide and free. He smiles at Azul and he said

‘Fine! Take it. What is the big deal anyway for one Disk! And revive your beloved, Azul!’ Azul hearing Azief words like listening to the most beautiful melody ever created in the Universe was so elated, so happy that the entire throne he was sitting on drones with a sound that resembles a melody of Songs that contains the truths of the Universe.

His body light up fills the entire universe showering life force all over the vast Universe.

Azul look at Azief with a grateful expression. Then suddenly he remembers something the Sorcerer once told him when he failed again after Azief in that other timeline.

The Sorcerer said he had already met his fated person. At the time Azul thought it means he has seen that person but that person did not take his saber.

But now thinking about it again, Azul suddenly understand what the Sorcerer means. That fated person has always been this mortal.

It was just not time yet. Azul shakes his own head and wonder how the Sorcerer could even foresee this.

Then in happenings he howls to the Universes.

‘He has passed, Sorcerer of All Realms! Descend now and fulfill your promise!’

His voice reverberated passing this Universe and reach the long and mysterious vast of space until it arrives at the Mystic Universe.

Somewhere in the Mystic universe, wandering across a purple desert with almost a broken sandal, a long silver hair man looks up to the green sky

‘Oho…so he finally found his fated person. Time solves many things.’ He said as he smirked.

This man is old and has sweeping silver beard. He has broad shoulders that made him to look like some wise advisor.

In his aged face under great snowy brows his eyes were set like coals that could suddenly burst into fire.

He had a white staff that emitted light and life force. Despite his appearance as a bent and aged old man there is a sense of incredible power and strength emanating out from him.

He then took a step and the area and space around him spiral out of control as he suddenly appeared near the barrier between his Universe and the vast Universe.

The barrier immediately opened up and gave way since Azul have sense him. This old man is none other than the Sorcerer of All Realms.

The Sorcerer of All Realms then took another step and then he arrived in front of Azul, as large as Azul was, emanating such powerful magical energy that around him stars and moons are formed and realigned under his feet.

Azief who is as small as a speck of dust is once again shocked as he saw another gigantic being and that name is embedded in Azief mind

The Sorcerer of All Realms.

‘You finally found your fated person. Didn’t I tell you that Time will solve everything’ Azul only smiles, this time his smile is free and a little relaxed

The Sorcerer only smiles looking at Azul and then he looks down, his wise eyes seems to be scanning everything and then he saw Azief.

There is a smile on the Sorcerer face.

‘What a noble and true heart! This is good. This is enough for me to do it!’ The Sorcerer remarked and then he laughs boisterously.

Then he waved his hand and Azief felt something was taken out from him.

Coming out from him is a white thread, translucent but thrumming with purity that it could lit up the entire universe.

‘What is this?’ Azief at first thought that the Sorcerer take out the Demonic energy in his body but when Azief revolve his energy he still sense the Demonic energy in his body.

Not only that happens, Azief also sense that his Demonic energy seems to be solidified.

So this is clearly not the Demonic energy.

But if it’s not then what it is? Azief looks toward Azul with an expression that is saying what is this?

Azul then explains, a smile on his face

‘Mortal, I have never needed your Demonic energy. Nor do I need to get back anything from you. All I need from you was a pure heart that wanted to help me. That is all. That is the last ingredient. A heart, a pure heart’

And Azul smiles proudly and there are gratitude in that gaze of him. Azul continues as the Sorcerer seems to add other ingredients to help him.

‘You know exactly what you will be giving up by giving me the Demonic energy. You rather sacrifice the certain path and help me rather than selfishly taking it for yourself. Whether you were moved by my love towards Meihul or simply you don’t want to betray your heart, you have helped me and I owe you one’

Azief listening to this then slowly understand. At least it was still good for him. It means he can still form his Thirteen Disks.

But he has another question.

‘Then…about the abilities I gained from you saber?’

Azul smiles and said

‘It is still yours’ Azul said smiling all the while.

As Azief and Azul was talking the Sorcerer of All Realm has finally finished refined what he needed to refine.

‘Now, it is time’ his wise voice seems to echoes through the vast space of the stars. He then waved his finger as a white silvery thread was formed.

He then shoots it at the translucent figure of Meihul

The translucent thread envelops her and wrapped her up. It was like she was a butterfly and the white silvery thread wrapped around her is a cocoon.

That cocoon is bursting with life force.

Azul then switch his gaze and look at Meihul in her cocoon of white thread. The Sorcerer of All Realm then declares to the stars and the Heavens beyond it

‘Let the Time go crazy, overturning Fate and Destiny, creating a new path’ The moment he finished saying this a great shaking occurred over all the Universes through all the Realities.

The Sorcerer, Azief and Azul also notices this shaking but the Sorcerer continues with his declaration

‘Let me alter the already written story!’ Then the Sorcerer pointed his finger and shooting out from his finger was the Laws of Time, the very essence of it

It shot toward the cocoon and the cocoon cracked in all directions.

Then just in a few seconds the cocoon exploded and with it the life force contained inside it and the accumulated Laws of Time that was absorbed by the cocoon also exploded out

Then Azief felt it with his entire body. There is a gust. At least it started as a gust. But no…it is not a gust of wind.

It was an explosion of storms. Azief closes his eyes by reflex even though he should not have felt anything with his current form.

A storm of Time, of Fate and Destiny rumbling through out all the Universes, all Realities, all timelines, rolling out through them like an eraser erasing the writings of a writer.

It did not erase all of them. Only erasing and editing the words that determine Azul and Meihul fate.

It was such a small change that even if the writer sit back down at his seat and started writing again, he would not notice that one slight alteration.

The Universes also undergoes great change for that one moment.

It was like they were unraveled for a moment and then put back together in the next second. But there was one thing that changed as Azief opens back his eyes.

When he opens his eyes again what he saw in front of him was two gigantic thrones instead of one like before.

One of the thrones is white while the other one is purple.

Standing on the white throne is Azul with a crown of stars on his head. Standing on the purple throne is Meihul and she as big as Azul.

She looks different this time. She wears a regal dress decorated with the stars of the Universe.

She is well proportioned with classy curves, long purple wavy hair, honey blushed skin and on her forehead there is a diadem of the brightest looking crystal in the Universe.

On her waist is small sharp dagger that glints with dangerousness.

Of course for titanic beings as them the dagger was considered small but by Azief estimation that small dagger is the size of planet Earth.

In the moment Azief closes his eyes and the storms of time passes him by the past was changed in mere seconds.

The changes Azief did in his trial were solidified and turns into the new reality.

And in the new reality Azul and Meihul break through the World Shackle together and became lovers and got their happy ending

Azul kept his promise of bringing Meihul with him till the ends of the Universe.

And when Azul started his journey to understand and master the Six Path of Reincarnation, he found Zinar and lives with her and become his lover when he was the Saint of Ten Thousand World.

The other did not change much but the effect was earth shaking and truly mess up the natural order that has been written.

Because of how much Azul touches people lives and the Karma that is attached to him is impossible to count, it was very hard to reverse it all.

The only way was to change it is to change it from the very beginning. From the very beginning that the first Universe has the concept of Time.

As Meihul sit there on her throne she like Azul has two memories.

The memories where she and Azul both break the World Shackle and then there is the memory where she was killed by Azul.

She looked beside her. But there is no accusation in her gaze as she looks at Azul.

Eons have passed. And eons she has been beside him in the other memories. She also saw all that Azul had done for her, all those epochs that passes him by.

It hurts her as much as it hurts him to see him never giving up.

Now, as Azul look at Meihul eyes he moved his hand and holds her hand. And tears falls down from his eyes.

That tears falls down and suspended by some Laws of Gravity below his feet and that tears turns into a planet filled with water.

Meihul grip Azul hand tights and she smiles. This time she shows a carefree smile. Looking at each other eyes, it was like they both knew what the other is feeling.

Not far from both of these two was the Sorcerer smiling happily.

‘Ah, love. What a happy occasion’ he seems to said.

Azul look toward the Sorcerer and said

‘I thank you White Wanderer.’ The Sorcerer only waved his hand and then he said

‘No, don’t thank me. Thank this mortal. I did not do anything. Without the ingredient even I was powerless’ And the Sorcerer flashed a smile as his wise yes seems to look at Azief and he just shakes his head.

Then the Sorcerer looks back at Azul and said

‘Next time we meet; let us drink from the Water of Lethe. It is harmful for mortals but for old beings like us it tasted like divine drinks!’ He then laughed joyfully.

Azul also for a long time since the many epochs that passes smile sincerely.

He then nodded in agreement.

The Sorcerer took two steps and the space around him districted as he return back to his Universe.

Then like always he wanders around the many planets on his Universe.

Now that the Sorcerer of All Realm has disappeared and exited the scene both Azul and Meihul look towards Azief.

Then in a shocking display of humbleness, Azul bowed to Azief, a mortal

‘I am grateful to you mortal’ Then he raises his head up back and there is a smile on his face.

Then Meihul who was sitting beside Azul said.

‘Now, I believe such great deeds should be rewarded don’t you think, my lord?’ Meihul said and Azul nodded.

Looking at Azief once again, Azul said, his voice booming through all of the Vast Universe.

‘Mortal. When you passed the six trials you were not instantly teleported out. Instead you arrived at the six steps. But you know that each time you passed one of the trials the saber abilities will be transferred to you’

Azief nodded. He has been used to it. Only this last trial seems different as he was instantly transported here, in this Universe he didn’t recognize, in a form he could not comprehend.

Then Azul added

‘In a way it is a repayment of Karma from me to you’

‘But now I will personally teach you how to properly used the last ability that my saber would give you which will imbue with the right to use of my spells’

And Azul laughed. Meihul smiles

Azief eyes suddenly are full of excitement. He has seen how powerful Azul really is. How could he not be excited to learned one of his spells?

‘You ready?’ Azul asked. Azief just nodded


Third part of the chapter. Azief say yes…..which one of you truly believe Azul words? And a new character the Sorcerer is introduced.

Let just say teh Sorcerer might amke an appearance later in the story…or he might not. But he sure does know more than he is saying. After all he did divine Azief would once again return to that steps and make a different choice

Hope you enjoy the chapter and please vote. There is a lot going on on this chapter. Azul is teaching Azief his ability and his spell. And this Azief is different from the Azief in Loki timeline. He did not have so much hatred. It will be elaborated later in the chapter

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