
Chapter 320: Red herring (1)

To some people the sound of the Wheel, of the creaking movement is merely a droning sound like a buzz of mosquitoes.

But for others, there are some people who could hear a chanting sound of holy enlightenment pertaining to the truth of the Universe enlightening them on their Grand Path if they are ready.

Others would be trapped in the melody of that sound, reliving the moment in their lives they regret the most, tears streaming down their face.

Some remain still, like they were frozen, their eyes seems to be seeing something else, their ears seems to be hearing something else and their mind is blank, like they are a shell of something empty.

It was like they were trapped in the endless cycle of existence and endless rebirth. Azief knows this matter the best.

Seventy years could be only seven seconds, and all of it could be a dream but just because it is a dream doesn’t means it doesn’t have some truth in it.

Dreams…sometimes contains some truth the eyes could not see

Of course this effect would only be temporary since Azief does not really mastered the Wheel of Reincarnation but this is a terrifying event as his Spell powered by all of his Seven Disk affect the whole world.

Other than some places like the World Government, the Storm Tide of the League of Freedom and Moscow where the Senate is situated where many enchantments, barriers, talismans and protection arrays are situated, the effect of the Wheel in this places is lessened compared to the rest of the world.

But for the rest of the world it is not a pretty sight.

And it does not only affect humans. Even monsters are affected. Some of them devolved, while some of them gained some sentience.

Those monster who devolved stand still blanking in their thoughts before they turned to dust, their energy merged with the Will of the World strengthening the Will of the World and healing the bleeding of the sky

And for those monsters who gain sentience, like a blind man seeing for the first time roams the Earth thinking who and what it is?

The once mindless monsters began to question itself. But only a few monsters out of millions of monster all over the world gained sentience.

It is like Azief when he was the Divine Dragon in one of Azul lives.

In the first few hundred years of his life, he lived as a mindless dragon, destroying anything in his path before he become enlightened and become a True Dragon.

Such monsters and such beast could become a protector and not just a scourge. This is just a few of the effect of the Wheel of Reincarnation.

Azief himself must not have foreseen that by summoning the Wheel, he would set such a chain reaction that affects the entire world.

It is not that Azief is overpowered. It is his spell that is overpowered. Considering that he has Seven Disk right now, in the entire world, he has no match.

He is matchless and peerless under Heaven.

But even as powerful as he is, the moment he summon the Wheel of Reincarnation, his Disk cracked and his Seven Disk is almost drain of power the moment he activated the Wheel.

If not for the regeneration of energy in his body, he would have long been sucked into that Wheel as backlash of the energy rebounding.

For every people that see the Wheel of Reincarnation and heard the sound coming from the creaking of the Wheel moving, they all have different experience based on their understanding of the world and the Universe, and based on the understanding of their own path and their own self.

In Chatham Island in New Zealand, someone is hearing a melody instead of a droning sound. And that melody is unpleasant to his ears.

It is torturing him to be more accurate.

And he is reacting to it in a different manner than any other person.

His soul is desperately yelling, screaming and thrashing about and it was like a different personality is about to come out from his soul.

This is a young man wearing wolf fur with long silver hair that covered his left eyes.

This man is Yewa Hafar. He is in New Zealand because it is near Pandemonium. The reason is none other than to observe Death Monarch.

But then he saw the gigantic golden figure of Death Monarch, the power erupting out of him suppress the Heavens and pressured the Earth, the Will of the World cracked and bleeds as something pressure the World Orb.

At that time Yewa Hafar already had a foreboding sense that something terrible is happening.

It wasn’t until that wheel appears in space and descended and then is grabbed by Death Monarch that Yewa Hafar finally accepted it.

Yewa Hafar would not be mistaken. He knows that Wheel. The Wheel of Reincarnation belonging to Great Supremacy Azul of the Vast Universe.

The moment that Wheel moves Yewa Hafar dropped down to the ground, his entire body is shaking and his every nerve is assaulted with mind breaking pain.

It was like each and every strand of his blood vessel is being grinded slowly and leisurely with a grated knife.

The pain was out of this world.

The reason why Yewa Hafar recognizes the Wheel of Reincarnation is because he once met with Great Supremacy Azul when He came to meet his Master.

Seeing that Wheel of Reincarnation on the Death Monarch hand is a shocking sight for him. It is another thing that is out of Yewa Hafar calculations.

In his mind he remembered in the final battle that Azief did not use such thing against the Destroyer. If not he could probably delay the inevitable.

But Azief is not Great Supremacy Azul. Just by possessing the Wheel does not make him Great Supremacy Azul.

But if many more things stacked into Azief, more abilities and more power were given to him, then…..Yewa Hafar could foresee a different future.

And a different future is bad for Yewa Hafar as he would not be able to fulfill the wish of his Master.

In this world there are not many that could pressure his Master but Great Supremacy Azul is one of the few beings that could contend equally with His Master.

There is also the fact that Great Supremacy Azul has Karma with his Master.

This Wheel is a bane to all darkness and life banishing magic.

It contains life, but it also contains death.

It contains the Laws that govern Life and Death, contain the deeds that determine one life and one death, determine destiny and fate.

This Wheel at its full power could change the fate of the Universe and write a new story.

Unless the Supreme Being awakened and decided to interfere, nothing could stop that Wheel at its full power.

But one already knows that the Supreme Being of All, The Only One Being, The Great Source, will never interfere for he is very hands off.

Yewa Hafar on the other hand is having a pain of the soul. And such pain could not be described.

Yewa Hafar comes to this world using a vessel.

This vessel is perfect for him.

But the calling from the Wheel forced that sleeping soul to awaken and now that other part of the soul is awaken it is trying to fight against him, to reclaim back his body.

The fighting of the soul is torturous. And each battle is different for each person so there is no guide in fighting in a soul battle.

As Yewa Hafar is suffering Azief is bearing the brunt of the pressure of the Wheel. If not for the fact that he had already lives six lives in the wheel, he would be assaulted by an even more powerful pressure.

Even though his gigantic figures seem imposing and domineering, he himself knows his own body and his own limits.

With seven Disks he does not fears contending with the Heavens. He might not be able to control the Will of the World but he could usurp it for a few minutes.

But now adding the pressure of the Wheel of Reincarnation, his gigantic body constructed by his Will, he is now at the verge of breaking down.

But he needs to wait until the wheel rotates and goes through the Six Path.

Each of the six lives depicted in the wheel and the part of that lives must rotates perfectly. It must revolve one complete turn to absorb Yewa Hafar into the Wheel.

Meanwhile, below him the pressure coming out from him and the accumulated pressure added from the descent of the Wheel created ripples that turned and underwater storm as it sweeps all sea monster and turns them into shredded meat.

This in turn strengthened the Will of the World. The rest of the world might not have realized or might not have known it but it is different for him.

Azief is standing alone in the highest mountain, standing on that mountaintop looking the farthest.

He is on that lonely top and of course he knows something that other people don’t. Because he sees what other people couldn’t see from the bottom of the mountain.

He knows some truth about the so called heavens and the Will of the World.


Where does the energy that all of humanity absorb come from?

Azief don’t think he is the first person to ask this question but he is probably the one person closest to the answer.

If EXP comes from monster death or generated from quest completion from the World Orb then where does it come from?

The Will of the World, where does it come from?


Part one of the humongous fifteen thousand word chapter. I know this might be adding a little bit to the inkstone you have to use to read but I need to tell this here.

You all can go to my discord if there is any question about releases or plot points. And I have not write for this couple of days because of the holidays and I started around yesterday.

There is a holiday in my country right now and I am posting this at 11.32 pm at night. I could not post it earlier in the day because there is heavy rain and I couldn’t go to the cyber cafe.

Anyway, I decided to cut the fifteen thousand word chapter into two which will be probably cut in part around 12 chapters. So, rejoice! And leave some comments, reviews and never forget to vote.

PS: There wuil be chapter tomrorow and hope you enjoy teh story so far. For ******* the chapter will be posted aroudn 8 June. After all patrons coudl read the whoel chapter. And it is a long chapter so buy some eye drops before you read it.

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