
Chapter 327: Heaven wrath (3)

Sweat is forming in his forehead, and his heart is beating so fast like it was about to burst out from his chest

The pressure of the Wheel has lessened after finishing the Wheel turning but now, the Heavens is seeking to exterminate him.

He saw the red lightning from the Will of the World forming and he knew what it was. It is the Extermination Lightning.



‘Heh’ Azief smirk even as he is in this desperate corner. It was like he was fearless even in the face of death.

The sky roars and then the humongous bolt of red lightning charged out. As it passes through space, space was exterminated, creating vortexes of empty void that dissipated as fast as it was formed.

As it passes Time, time was rendered immobile, crack and breaks into motes of fragmented Laws. As it passes matter, matter disintegrated like ashes.

This is extermination at its pinnacle. Or at least the pinnacle of extermination by the current Will of the World.

The Extermination Lightning affected the endless golden thunder in the sky that keep coming down from the Heavens to try and render Azief to dust

‘Arghh!’ Azief shout as he gritted his teeth. He could not let go of the wheel but he could not die also.

Yet, he could not let go of this Wheel. He controls the energy on his Palm stabilizing the gigantic wheel.

He has his own plan. An effortless battle is now turning dangerous because of the interference of the Will of the World.

But he constructed a new plan the moment the Will of the World comes into play. But…. he needs time for his plan to work.

He is angry of course at the current course of event but he is not flustered. In his battle, there is never such a thing as a perfect battle situation.

He knows that in a battle anything could happen.

He did not forget about it but even if something unexpected happen, the only thing he could do and must do is face it head on….and surpassed it

Surpass himself and break through the limit of what he can do. That is what he always do and that is what he is going to do now.

He is going to do the impossible again.

‘ARGHHH!’ His shout to the Heavens contains his determination and iron will

The rumbling in the sky intensified and it was like someone is striking the heaven with a hammer and making the sky to collapse upon him.

The pressure is mind blowing as the Will of the World uses all of its energy to exterminate Azief. The Heavens spare no expenses to bring him down this time

Whether the Will of the World succeeds or not, the Will of the World would be passive and unresponsive for a few years after this battle.

But even so, the Will of the World still did not relent even though that would be the conclusion of this battle.

The Heavens still rumbled with wrath and thunders and lightning accompanied it like a heavy hand of a father trying to beat his child into submission.

As Azief shouted to the Heavens the red thunderbolt descended down on Azief as eternal thunder and thousands and millions of lightning bolts is descending down like an arrow shot by some Celestial Gods that ruled the High Heavens.

The sky was lit up that even on some part of the world where it was supposed to be night, it shines bright like day

It was as if the entire sea had turned into a thunder prison and this is where Death Monarch would be entombed, under the seabed of the ocean.

Azief palm is still buzzing with energy as it drains as much energy as it can weakening the Will of the World at the same time.

‘Only a little bit more’ he said as blood dripping down from his cracked skins and his palm is so badly injured because of the pressure of the Wheel and the Will of the World combined that there is no longer any flesh on Azief palm

One could see the whites of his finger bones.

But Azief needed more time.

This energy he is gathering on his Palm is to execute the last move and it is barely able to keep the Wheel not being moved by the thunder.

The Will of the World knows it is pointless trying to attack the Wheel since it absorbs the thunders and any attack and form Karma with anything it touches.

So, the thunderbolts are only focusing on Azief.

It descended down with a ferocity resembling a crazed army that is about to slaughter anyone that defies them.

‘HAHAHA’ Azief laugh as he puffed out his chest.

‘Fine, let us contend against each other!’ Azief shouted to the Heavens. But then an ear shaking sound rips though space and parted all the clouds around fifteen kilometers radius.


A red aura sweeps through Space as a large sword energy sweeps through millions of lightning bolt, slicing them into spars of fireworks and destroying them in one clean sweep.

There is no sound of explosion after that ripping sound of space tearing. It was like for a moment the world was in a vacuum state where sound could not travel.

The sword energy is red and domineering and has cold properties embed into it.

‘HYARGH!’ That voice shouted as another slash was unleashed. This time it was even more domineering than the last time

The sword energy once again sweeps above as the lightning in the sky was frozen and turns into a beautiful sparkles of snow that falls down to the sea.

Kaleidoscope colors created rainbows bridges in a sky infested in lightning and thunders.


Appearing in almost a second later beside Azief is Katarina. Azief coughed out blood as he could feel his bones getting hotter.

Katarina hold his chest pushing him backward so he will not fall forward. She was about to say something but Azief beat her to it

‘What are you doing here?’ Azief almost shouted, his voice is hoarse and nervous; worries are etched on his face.

‘You are still injured!’ Azief said and Katarina reply back

‘Well, you don’t look to good either’ Azief look at the sky above him and saw the millions of thunderbolts still raring to have a go at him.

Time slowed around him as he is using Speed Thought. All around him is not really slowing down. It is his thoughts that are being speeded up.

Azief shake his head and close his eyes.

In that moment he closes his eyes, he thought of all the argument he could say to make her not participate but he knows the answers the moment he closes his eyes to think.

She will never budge. That is just the way she is.

And because he knows that if Katarina was in this situation, he knew he would also not budge.

So, almost a second later he opens his eyes and sighed.

In the sky he could hear the thundering hooves of thunderbolts like a marching cavalry that will try to ram him until he is exterminated

Then he look at Katarina, and looking at here determination he gives up. Instead he said

‘Be ready. This is Extermination Lightning’ Katarina only smiles slightly and nodded as she readied her sword in a slashing stance.

Azief look at the sky as blood drips down from his palm. Katarina on the other hand took a sneak glance at Azief and unconsciously she smiles.

For some reason, Katarina always felt that Azief sometimes know her better than even she knew herself.

He did not try to persuade Katarina to go away because he knows whatever he said would never be able to persuade her.

And she likes that. She likes the fact that he knew what she is thinking.

So, if he could not stop her, then the only thing he could do for her is to help her.

Azief felt an endless danger when the lightning descended but oddly enough, now that Katarina is beside him, he felt even calmer.

He still feels danger….but he did not feel cold…or lonely like he always felt in his battle. He never admitted it but he really is afraid of dying alone and he will deny it if you ask him.

His fear is quite normal for someone so eccentric and powerful and somewhat unexpected. But that is what he fears. Not so much the dying part as he fear more the alone part

Azief don’t know how he will die. But if he is going to die someday, he wanted to die around the people he loves.

The last time he thought he is going to die Katarina was there. What he said to her back then was not a lie.

Dying on a lap of a beautiful woman….that is not a bad way to go. And now, she is here again. Watching his back, worrying about him, trying to protect him.

It seems kind of absurd to worry about the strongest man in the world and trying to protect someone like that but that is what she did. And he loves her for it

The feeling of having someone having your back is unfamiliar for him. Because he is usually the having someone else back.

Azief grips his other hand tighter as the wind around his hand compressed and condense into a ball of compressed wind that has the power of a thousand bombs.

Azief look at the sky and he knows Katarina could not fight this lightning alone. Azief knows that just with a glance.

He sighed as he look the determine face of Katarina.

It is not a question of capability. It is a simple question of strength. Katarina current power level is insufficient and unsuited for this battle.

Azief knows it. Katarina probably knows it but she was always stubborn girl

Even so, the feeling of being protected is not bad. Azief had already planned an emergency measure the moment Katarina offer her help.

If she looks like she is going to be in danger, Azief would push her away.

Katarina look at Azief, smile and then surprisingly kiss his cheek before flying upward and screams to the Heavens


A surprise kiss before a big battle is usually a death flag in certain stories. Hehehe. And Azief is battling the Will of the World /Heavens Extermination lightning. Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter and please vote and leave some comments. It is not long now before this Arc is ending

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