
Chapter 340: That arrow (2)

One of the reclusive experts in Mount Baekdu in Korea opens his eyes and looks at the sky and said

‘This is an unparalleled force of the Heavens? How will you pass through this calamity, Death Monarch? This man is overflowing with the energy of Heaven and Earth like he stands harmonious with the flow of the energy in the world.

A millions people, a million paths. Like Azief who decides to defy the Heavens, there are also people who decide to obey the Heavens.

There is no right and wrong in choosing path.

As the whole world was looking with anticipation and nervousness, a few dark clothed men covering their faces is waiting in rows in a dark half illuminated Hall somewhere in Turkey.

On their hands is a triangular talisman that possesses the energy of Space Time. A man is standing on top of a podium as he address the other man gathered in the Hall

‘We all know what we had to do. If you die don’t blame us. You all volunteered for this bounty. We all know that this target is not really an easy target. Instead this target is probably the hardest target this organization has ever issued a kill order for.’

The other people nodded

‘Anyone who kills the target today would surely become the most famous man in the world though that is not exactly helpful in our profession. Granted we need to succeed first. Anyway, I am not a fan of pep talk so be ready. When the time its right, we go for the kill.

The other people gathered in the Hall nodded and waited in patience as they look at the screen depicting the Death Monarch fighting the Will of the World

Meanwhile on the sky as Azief felt the force of destruction emanating down from Space his pupils contracted slightly.

This is the true might of the Heavens and the Will of myriads beings of the world. The last round truly lives up to its destructiveness.

One could feel that the Will of the World integrate itself with the thunderbolts that is about to descended don and strike him. It is like putting a part of your soul into something and refining it, making it stronger and more dangerous.

But this is also the perfect time to drain everything in his body, to dried up his entire prowess and vitality so that it could be reborn.

The more severe the injury, the more powerful it will be after it is healed. He will not miss this chance now that he is so close that he could taste the sweet joy of victory

‘Heh’ he smirked as he only had a few drops of vitality blood in his body.

I could die he said to himself but he said it with a smirk like he is not worried at all and like this event is not happening to him and he is a spectator.

He felt it now, that he could truly die if he failed. But he didn’t care.

He is stubborn like an ox. If he had the mentality to only fight when he knows he could win, he would never reach this far,

He used to have that mentality but he had grown since then. You could run from a fight but you must not lose faith in your own self.

As long as you believe you could defeat someone that defeated you, as long as that Will burn in you then sooner or later you will surely become stronger and overcome your limit.

He might lose today but he could win tomorrow. But not today. Today, if he missed this chance there will be no other.

Life or death, it depended on whether he would survive this thunderbolts integrated with the Will of the World.

BOOOM! The thunderous sound finally sounded when the thunderbolts break through the stratosphere and enter Earth atmosphere.

Claps of thunders all around the world follow suit as it merged with the thunderbolts. All thunders in the whole wide world had integrated into that thunderbolt.

Like a rainbow colored dragon the thunderbolt rolled in the clouds of tribulations as it passes.


Another loud sound sounded this time as the whole world could hear it. It was like a huge bell in the sky being hit by a bronze hammer that it created echoing soundwave all over the world, circling the world six times.

The Heavenly Extermination Thunder finally fell which terrified all who saw it. The whole world was stunned seeing it and feeling its might

Even though the Thunder did not fell on them, just a glimpse of its power was enough to scare them into submission.

By this point there is no one near the battle site anymore. Even Katarina has retreated far away, her body being entombed in her artifact the Coffin of Snow.

Oreki on the other hand merged with the thunderbolts on the other side of the sea and appears in a small island far away from the site of battle.

Hikigaya turns into mist and travels between the fine lien of reality and illusion. As for Raymond he burrowed himself into the seabed.

Even they felt a life death calamity when the thunderbolt descended down. Azief right now is basking in a great light of the Heavenly Extermination Thunder.

Which means he is basking in a pain and suffering no one have ever felt before on Earth. Azief could feel his vitality and longevity is constantly weakened.

He felt the destructiveness and the exterminating intent of the heavens. Azief could actually ask help from Katarina right now and he knows Katarina would not refuse him.

He could ask the other great heroes that aid him today to help him tide off this last bolt of thunder but he did not do it either,

Azief could use many other ways but he did not

Why? Because he never planned to retreat from the very beginning. Only this way could his body potential be pushed to the limit and be fulfilled.

His mentality would also change if he from the very beginning intended to ask for help. Azief took a long time to understand how to upgrade his physique.

It took him a long time to understand that the more powerful a physique is, the harder it is to upgrade it.


Because one had to wring every one last bit of potential in one physique for it be reborn which means he had to push it to the edge of the breaking point.

Only then could the physique be reborn.


The endless sound of thunder crashing and colliding with Azief body shakes the heavens and Earth.

Amidst the Heavenly Extermination Thunder Azief newly formed physical body that is sustained by his vitality exploded and turned back into scorched cracking burning body.

The destructive force of the thunder scurried in his body and insanely burning and destroying everything in his body.

His Inner World once again turns to ashes but Azief could also feel that the nether energy was refined perfectly.

But he did not have time to transform it into a Disk right nw. if he did that his body would be assaulted by another pressure and that is too much for his body to handle right now.

This time his life is at stake. Azief is betting it all this time. If he succeeds he would become like a phoenix rising form the ashes.

All around the world many eyes is looking at this spectacle of Azief contending with the Heavenly Extermination Thunder

The sound of thunder reverberated and resounded to the whole world as the energy between Heaven and Earth all turns chaotic as one could only see lightning and thunders flashing and striking down in the South Atlantic Ocean.

Any creatures around the vicinity of Azief and the Will of the World battle has already either pulverized into atom or burned into dust

Then slowly people look at the sky and saw the clouds of tribulation slowly shrink and shrink and receded as it no longer have anything more to give.

The trials is about to end and everyone could sense it. The Heavens had done all of it could and now it is receding swiftly.

And then the thunder no longer roars and the lightning no longer flashed and the wind turns calms and the world stopped quaking.

The space stabilized and Time dilation around the area slowly synchronized back.

The energy of the World Orb is hard at work repairing and fixing the damage between Death Monarch and the Will of the World

The Heavens whimpers before it dissipated

The Heavens has finished it execution. And around the world the crime families all cheered with great fanfare.

Because they saw from the video a figure is falling down with high speed and is about to collide with the ocean below.

The whole world sees it. When the last of the thunder gradually disappeared, a completely burned black body without any life force is falling down to the ocean

Raymond was shocked and Hikigaya shakes his head. Oreki only sighs. But Katarina, her eyes is sharp and she looks closely.

That figure is none other than the Death Monarch who is falling down from the sky. He had failed and now he is dead.


The moment he falls down the sea water that collided with his body turned to gaseous substance and condenses into the sky because of the heat from the Death Monarch body.

The heroes of the world sighed looking at this outcome. Even the invincible Death Monarch could not truly defeat the Will of the World.

They all sighed and sometimes also mocked the Heavens because attacking Death Monarch when he is at his weakest.

One the other hand all the crime families and crime organization is delighted.

They were already had a headache with Death Monarch long before he is strong as he is now and if he did pas the punishment of heavens then he would become an even bigger threat.

Death Monarch has always been an unmovable mountain that would choke them of their criminal activity.


Next chapter, wait for it….like always thank you for reading and hope you enjoy the story so far. leave some comments or reviews.

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