
Chapter 356: His feelings (2)

Because they shouldn’t be in pain. Because he doesn’t want them to be in pain. The reason he wanted to be stronger is to protect the people he loves.

But why do they keep trying to protect him? When it is he that wanted to protect them.

As he walks he think of this question and then he arrived at the answer

Probably because looking at me get hurts, hurts them as much. Because we feel the same. He thought in his mind

And he sighed as he gets to the answer.

He is anxious but he is not that worried. After all, the Nine energies he cultivated is the energy that probably could made up anything in the world.

In just a few minutes he then arrived at the infirmary. It seems the infirmary was busy as he could see many soldiers were wheel in and out of the infirmary.

Azief eyes turns cold.

He knows somewhat what happened to Pandemonium. When he scans the world before using his Divine Sense he also saw it.

But at that time he only saw the general situation and not this detailed imagery. He takes a deep breath and he enter the infirmary.

As he enters the infirmary he could see Sina in the distance. He saw Sina wiping her forehead from sweat.

Beside her is her acolyte giving her whatever she needs to concoct more pills.

She is concocting them in a golden cauldron that seems to spread the scent of herbs that fill the entirety of the infirmary.

The cauldron itself glows with a healing aura that seems to speed up the concocting of pills

Azief scans the room with his Divine Sense and he could see many people are still in pain. He snorted and then waved his hand.

An abundant life force spread out as a green aura revitalized and nourish the sick and the wounded.

The entire infirmary seems to glow with green aura. Life seems to flourish and Death seems shy to enter.

The soldiers and patients who are suffering from burns, wounds, or diseases was immediately healed.

Sina look toward his direction and she finally notice him. She stopped concocting her pills and there is a frown on her forehead.

It was a complicated expression.

She took one of her pills and crush it in her hands as a green smoke comes out from that broken pills and was absorbed into her nose as her body immediately free of fatigue.

She saw the person, and then she saw the person on that person shoulders and she sighed.

‘He is bringing two beauties to my infirmary’ Sina thought to herself.

Sina then approached Azief almost immediately the moment she saw Sofia on his shoulder.

She did not seem happy. But considering the situation it is hard to smile much less enjoying the moment.

The soldiers who was healed with one wave of Azief hand get up from their bed and bowed to Death Monarch. Azief only wave them away with a gesture and they all get out.

Azief decided that Sofia and Katarina condition is more deserving of attention.

The others while also sick and injured with one wave of his hand they were easily healed which is prove that their condition is not severe or as weird as Katarina and Sofia.

Sina arrived beside Azief and seems to marvel at the sight of him towing two unconscious girls on his shoulders.

Azief knows Sina is going to make an inappropriate remark so he beat her inquisition by asking a question

‘Is it bad?’ Azief ask as he look toward the soldiers exiting the infirmary

‘Did you know it was going to happen?’ She asks solemnly. There is also a hint of accusation in her voice. Azief could only sighed.

‘A little late’ Azief reply and Sina also sighed and nodded in understanding. She did not mean to accuse Azief but she felt for this people that had to fight and die

If their death could be prevented, it is better to prevent it

Then Sina explains what she knew of the matter to Azief

‘They take advantage of us and attacked when you were gone. They seem to be pretty sure that you are going to die though. Maybe that’s why they were so bold in attacking Pandemonium. They must have thought their chance have come’ Sina snorted in disdain

Azief nodded, understanding a little how this matter finally happened in Pandemonium.

Then Sina added with a cruel smile

‘Now they must be running around the world with their tail tucked in their behind’ Azief did not respond. It won’t matter if they run. Azief always repay his debts double fold.

Then he was reminded of something and he look at Sina and ask

‘Kasap?’ He asks. Sina heard the question and understand why Azief was asking her about Kasap. She also watches Azief get ambushed by Kasap.

But Sina shakes her head.

‘No, someone else’ Azief nodded and he put the matter at the back of his mind.

It means he just have to ask this question to Sasha later.

After all, Sina did not participate in the discussion about foreign enemies. Sina have always been kind of a like doctor existence in Pandemonium

As they were talking Sina acolyte was preparing things

A table was quickly prepped for Katarina and Sofia. Sina look at Azief holding the two girls and just shakes her head.

Azief put Sofia first and then he put Katarina on the other bed. He heaves a breath of relief.

Though the cold energy in Katarina body was potent, with the constant heat his vital force provided, she was not in a critical condition anymore.

Sofia on the other hand has her sharp force dulled by the constant beating it had to suffer trying to breakthrough Azief strand of energy he channels into Sofia body

It is because of that he is no longer worried about the immediate condition of these two but he is not proficient in healing others.

Especially not this kind of affliction.

Azief knew Katarina secret and the technique she cultivated. It is the reasons why she become so fast in leveling but that technique also has a major flaw.

He did think to ask Katarina to stop practicing that technique but how could he do that when he knew that it was her Grand Path.

It is because he understands that he did not ask her to do that. Because if Katarina ask him to abandon his Path right now, he too couldn’t do it.

Azief just fear that flaw has flared up when she overexerted herself.

That means she would be in danger for three days.

Sofia on the other hand uses the Houyi Arrow. That Houyi Bow in normal condition did not give any side effect.

It is only when one uses it with Houyi Arrow that it has side effect if the one pulling the string of the bow is not strong enough.

Azief frowned as he looks at these two girls. Sina is already applying herbs on their bodies but Azief stands transfixed in the infirmary looking at those two girls.

He sighed.

Both of these girls have sacrifices so much for him when they didn’t need to. He could not call himself human if he is not touched

If he still could not feel he is loved, he is probably the most idiotic man in the world. They both love him. It took him a long time to let that truth sink in.

These amazing girls loves him. They love him. He somehow needed to repeat this truth, so that he would not think he is just dreaming of it.

They love this broken thing.

He was deprived of love for so long that sometimes he couldn’t even recognize love even when it smacks him on the back of his head.

It makes him happy but then he became confused. They both love him. But could he love them both? Love them the way they wanted to be love.

Azief is new in this love business. He was experienced in one sided love. He is even a veteran in it. But he was not so experienced when his love is reciprocated.

He doesn’t know how to love them without hurting the other. Is there a way to not get hurt? Or does all love hurts?

And if all love hurts, they why do people keep loving other people? It seems love is an even harder subject than the Universe.

These two are probably the most amazing girls that Azief has ever seen and know.

And they love him. If not for the fact that it is out of his character, he wanted to shout it to the world.


Next chapter is tomorrow. Anyway, there is still many things that need to be addressed. Let me just preface this.

This Arc ending will have the most frustrating cliffhanger you would ever read. The first Arc ending was when Azief arrived at Earth two.

Then there is the ending arc of when Azief and Katarina was released from the Ice Mountain.

Let just say the ending of this arc would be more cliffhangery than that. And it all started with this chapter. This chapter is like a prologue to the last chapter of this arc.

I know how it ends in this arc and I apologize in advance. Mwahahaha.

Anyway, I promise you the chorology of the events. I’ll put it in next chapter. So, until tomorrow. Ciao.


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