
Chapter 358: His feelings (4)

That is Katarina.

The more he knows about her, the more he realized that he keeps looking at her when he can. And looking at her and knowing about her, he couldn’t help but love her even more. He will love her more today than yesterday, and tomorrow he will love her more than today.

Before he knew it he falls in love with this strange girl that does not know how to love. It was the first time Azief have become someone else first love.

And the feeling that he felt for her, this overflowing emotion just couldn’t stop. It is love. He tried to hide it before. He always struggled with it. An internal dilemma

Because love is always difficult.

And Katarina loves her more than he ever deserves to be loved. Every time she says his name it sounds like she was saying “I love you”

And Azief like the fact that she could never hide her trembling heart when she is in front of him. He likes that honest part about her

It is like that every time. And each time they hold each other hand, Azief had the thought that if time stopped right then and there, that would be good.

It is why he couldn’t deny that feeling any longer. The voice in his heart, it is screaming to be heard.

It seems to be screaming ‘What is important in your heart!’ And each time it screams Azief knew the answer.

He just pretends to be deaf until he could not pretend anymore.

And with that determination he decided to confess to her, in that night full with the light of the moon guiding her….and guiding him.

He was never a talker. He always said this to his friend. He is not someone who is quite adept with words thus he tries to speak less. But there is always a love letter in his heart.

It was probably written in his heart that day he saw her. She was a work of art that he has never seen before. She is beautiful and powerful at the same time

And since then, since that moment, there is always an endless love letter in his heart every time he saw her. An endless love letter that was never delivered to her.

He likes the fact that Katarina always seems to know what he is thinking about. Being with her……always felt right.

The happy moments, the sad moments, each and every one of them Azief just couldn’t seem to forget about it.

Each and every one of them is lighting up his heart, opening his heart bit by bit to accept her love.

In that one moment he looks at Katarina and Sofia these thoughts popped up and that is why it was so hard.

These two woman, these two absolutely amazing, stunning, extraordinary woman are probably the two woman Azief love the most in this whole wide world.

It is the reasons why it was so hard to choose just one.

It is an impossible choice for him.

As Azief finished his pondering, Sina also have finished pouring some herb filled oils on the girls. And then she turned around and look at Azief with an amused face.

Azief was perplexed so he asks

‘What?’ Sina glance at Sofia and Katarina almost half naked body and ask

‘You like what you see? Maybe you like to compare the two?’ She asks and there is a naughty smile on her face.

It takes a second for the word and the meaning to register into Azief mind and then he blushed.

‘No, I..I’m..not’ And Sina laughed as she said

‘Your Excellency Death Monarch please excuses yourself from the infirmary. Unless you think both of these girl won’t mind you seeing their naked body? I know you’ve seen Sofia but Katarina….’.and she let her words hang with a mischievous smile on her face.

‘She has big assets’ Sina said as her eyes linger on Katarina chest. Azief face gets even redder.

‘Men’ she said and then she chuckles after seeing Azief blushing face. The other Acolytes avert their gaze from seeing Death Monarch face.

They fear only Sina their teacher could make the all-powerful Death Monarch to lose composure and blush like a high school boy

But just because their teacher could see the blushing face of Death Monarch that doesn’t mean the other Acolyte would dare to see Death Monarch blushing face

What if Death Monarch was so embarrassed and in his anger kill people?

He surely wouldn’t kill Sina, one of his closest friend and considered family in the eyes of Death Monarch but these Acolyte don’t think that Death Monarch would mind killing them

After all in the hearts of the Acolytes of Sina, Death Monarch probably wouldn’t view their life that importantly

Of course if Azief could hear their thought he would only shakes his head. How could he just kill people just because those people see him blushing?

Azief don’t know where he got such reputation for killing people wily nilly

In a way Azief image was exaggerated and there is a good and bad side to it.

Azief on hearing Sina words coughed in embarrassment and quickly excuses himself from the infirmary.

But he did not leave. Instead he floated up above the infirmary and sit on the roof. Then he closes his eyes and waits.


Short chapter. Hope you like it. Next chapter tomorrow. Not going to say much today.


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