
Chapter 404: Scheming in the dark (2)

Even though Loki whereabouts is no longer a secret, nobody come to do anything to him and not even his worst enemies is just shutting up, pretending like he doesn’t exist.

And considering the thing he had pulled off in the Underworld, and the many mission where he sabotages both on the Republic and the World Government side, some people are surprised why no one is taking a shot at the Trickster.

It is simple really.

It is none other than because Death Monarch is about to leave.,

Instead of being the most dangerous moment, this is the safest moment for any acquaintances of Death Monarch.

Because everyone know Death Monarch is only waiting for an excuse to go on a rampage. Give him any excuse, provoke him in any way and everyone knows they could end up being like the Heavens, wrecked.

And no one wanted to volunteer themselves to become an example to everybody else. No one wanted to be the monkey that warn the chicken

The World Government Quorum even sent out an order to the Agency not to pursue Loki right now and they are just gritting their teeth

The Republic on the other hand do not want to risk a fallout with Pandemonium and decided to just classified any mission that had Loki involved in it.

Trisha look around her as she could felt the existence of runes around her and she ask

‘Is this still necessary? I heard he is not here in Pandemonium. Last I heard he is in the Amazon in seclusion’

Loki just sneered.

‘There is no harm in being cautious. Who know how many eyes and ears are watching me and listening to me? Sasha have been sending her people to guard me when in fact it is to watch over me. Especially after that stunt I did in Belize’

Loki did not mention about other thing. There is still Wang Jian, Athena, Freya and Will. Of course The Speedster is rarely here, disappearing almost every day and sometimes even months.

Will the Purple Speedster also have change a lot from Loki memory and like his fact was changed

Like Azief he is growing faster than he should be.

In the future where Loki resided, Will nearly became a Sovereign before his life was extinguished by Death Monarch in the Final Battle.

If not for that he would have become the Eight Sovereigns. And he even has a teacher that is still worshipping the Will of Asargan.

Trisha who did not know what Loki is thinking nodded. Then she remembered something and quickly relay the message

‘The Order of Thinkers is grateful for your help. The Grand Researcher especially’

‘Heh’ hearing this Loki snorted.

‘They never liked doing business with me and they despise me personally. It was because they were desperate that they finally turned to me. Anyway, they owe me one. And I always come to collect’ Loki said as there is a smirk on his handsome face.

Trisha knows her lord so she only bitterly smiles.

She even pities the Order of Thinkers. After all she was there when he made a deal with the Inventor and Loki squeezed that man dry.

Then she brought out something from her storage bag. It is a flat thin stone with circuit like runes.

Loki take it and connect the circuit board with energies and then the information streamed into his mind

He then frowned after he finished digesting the information

‘This is…. shocking’ he said

‘Right? That is what I thought to. ‘

‘Who gave you this information? I know the Broker didn’t give you this information. Since he supported Void for the position, any information around him were sealed and since the Broker have the most information about anyone in this world, finding this information would not be easy’

Yes, Loki is worrying about a certain person. And for once that person in not Death Monarch. It is Void.

He has been searching information about Void for the past for months.

And the more he got to know this man, the more it seems he does not seem the generic villain that Azief or he ever faced.

It is not that he is diabolically evil that makes him a threat. It is his power. The more Loki learns about him, the more he felt a premonition of something terrifying.

But it wasn’t until last month that feeling become seven stronger.

Last month, there is a news that a giant palm descended down from the Heavens to strike the area around Moscow.

From eyewitness account they said it was a cloudy palm print descending down with a force so mighty, that the entire land caved in seven feet deep even before the palm print could land on the ground.

But just right before it reached the ground and smashed the area it dissipated like it was wind like it encountered something and the palm print could not bear it and burst into nothing

Some people thought some people were attempting to breakthrough and complained that if any of the levelers wanted to breakthrough they should have breakthrough on secluded area or create some protective formation around them so it will not affect the world and the city

But Loki had a contact in the White Owl. That contact told him what happened that day.

Void appeared in Moscow and was heading to the Senate. Even though no one knows why he appears there, they believed that Void was coming to either kill or kidnap Katarina.

Or maybe he wanted to stir chaos in the Republic. Whatever the reason was, he clearly didn’t come there with good intention.

The moment he appeared, the Heavens above him turns violent as the sky turns cloudy, thunder roars and lightning fills the entire sky.

The wind was howling and storms was forming.

Then a palm the size of a mountain was shaped from the clouds as it descended down upon him. And Void only uses one finger to destroy that palm.

When Loki ask why the White Owl not reported this, his contact said they got the gag order from the top. Either the Republic don’t want people to know or some other people did not want the news that Void attempted to stir chaos in the Republic to come out.

However, Loki knows that in this world there is only a few people that could create such powerful palm technique without breaking a sweat.

And that person is only Death Monarch.

If Loki was there on the Amazon forest, he would understand why Azief was asking Sasha to investigate more about Void and why his expression is weird when Sasha said she could not find the whereabouts of Void.

That is because Azief have clashed with Void albeit it was an indirect clash.

That palm attack is a warning to not come near the Republic.

Loki could deduce all of this because while the Broker boast he knew all the information; Loki is not too shabby either.


Anyway, now you coudl undersatdn why Azief have a weird expression on his face when he talks with Sasha about Void.

And the chapter for LS this month is not that many sicne I just come out of seclusion and started writing LS back. I am also editing the chapters for Age of Heroes Age of Heroes Chronicle and Age of Adventure. My schedule for LS has always been like this. Two thousand words a day. I know the plot and I know where it should go but I will only write two thousand words a day for LS and sometiems it falls short fo that.

And since it is near the end of the month, you all know I would take a six day break at the beginning of the month to write before I posted it either in the 7th right?

Hope you like the chapter and please support mne by voting for the story and leaving some comments

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