
Chapter 417: Supremacy stairway (1)

Seeing that today is going to be a good day, they went out of their shop house and bring out the tables as they pen for business.

The city of Pandemonium is bustling even in the morning. Some inn and large restaurant opens early for hunters that wanted a breakfast.

Unless you are some kind of Disk Formation experts, people still need to eat.

The blacksmith opens their forge and started making the fire and the enchanters and rune smith all ready to do their job for the day.

To those hunters they sometimes look toward the Centre Palace and nodded

To them as long as there is Death Monarch in the Pandemonium, there is no threat that would be able to threaten their family they left in the city. And yesterday the Three Army have come back

They felt secure and safe to leave their family away and with a smile they enter the forest to hunt for monsters and ear some silvers.

Morning has come for Pandemonium and on the port there are many foreign dignitaries that are coming.

They are all coming to see Death Monarch

For it has been two days since Dearth Monarch did not attend the court.

Everyone knows he is spending time on that small humble house not far from the Centre Palace

And today is his last day

So they all come to send him away and probably gaining some inspiration or even better to see Death Monarch fail in his attempt.

The moment they arrived they quickly rent out a carriage to go to the Centre Palace.

Some people did not come but there are many influential people that come.

On the other hand, one the humble hut, a pair of eyes opened up as they sun just begins showing its face to the world.

Azief sleep last night was peaceful. It has been a long time since he sleeps like that. He looks beside him and saw her

And unconsciously he smiles a bit. He approached her and then kisses her on her nose and she moved.

She slowly opens her eyes and look at him. She yawns for a second, then she shows him that smile and then lean on him and kiss him on his forehead.

‘Morning’ he said

‘Morning’ she replied

Then he sighs with a smile on his face.

For the first time in a long time Azief just wanted to laze around and stay on this bed. But it is already the last day. For these two days, he had not got off from this house.

He became lazy in a good kind of way

Because this is his only opportunity to become lazy. These past two days he lives like a bum minus the shabby clothes.

No one would ever believe that the cold Death Monarch would also have that kind of side

The lazy, useless bum side. And they both enjoy it. Just lazing around, doing nothing, thinking about nothing other than what to eat tonight and not about some kind of world scheme that could change the humanity fate.

It is not like Azief hate doing things, it is just that it is good to do nothing for sometimes.

He has been running to his goals all of this years and while he is not tired, he did not mind the occasional rest.

These past two days he would woke up in the afternoon and sometimes help Sofia trimming the flowers on the backyard.

Then they cook together, cuddle in the living room as Azief told him about his fiction novel he meant to write but never did, she told him about her fears and her hobby and then they go to their bedroom and they kiss and more kissing and then they fall asleep in each other arms

It was like they were still living in the world before the Fall. All in all, it is a pretty blissful life.

But everything good has its end.

Today, that ends. There is no more resting. He could feel that the energy he accumulated is enough and he could not delay it anymore.

Azief got up from the bed and he summon his attire and shadows envelops him as his appearance turns cold. The aura emanating from his body is that of the unapproachable, cold and mighty Death Monarch.

Sofia also got up and dresses herself.

When she enters back the room and saw the black clothed Azief, she knew that this is the moment of parting.

Sofia look at him and ask

‘Is it today?’ he nodded and said

‘I am summoning it today’

Sofia nodded. She sighed but she smiles anyway. She promises that she will send him with a smile. So that is what she is going to do.

She had said all that she wanted to said to him these past two days and yet, even after all that she is still nervous when she is in front of him. It is funny when she thinks about it.

Her heart is trembling so bad but her face shows no change.

‘Will it be hard?’ she then asked. Azief look outside the window and look at the skies and turn around and look at Sofia.

He smiles and nodded

‘It probably would be’ That didn’t make Sofia felt happy. Instead it made her even more worried.

She fears what is between her and Azief would happen like the other things in her life that is good and beautiful.

Broken. She always fears when she is too happy. It always felt like there is something just around the corner to jump on her and break her happiness.

‘Did you know anything else about the Supremacy Stairway? Any info?’ She asks. Smiling he said nonchalantly

‘I might die’ he said.

Sofia shakes her head, clearly not amused at his attempt at humor and said

‘Don’t die’ she said it with a serious tone. Azief laugh silently hearing this.

He then nodded

‘I’ll try not to’

‘You better’ she said

Sofia is actually worried about Azief. No, worried is an understatement of what she is feeling right now. She is feeling all kind of emotions right now.

Anxiousness, dread, longing and fear.

All of that is mixed yet she keeps herself together from shedding a tear or expressing her worries because she knew it would not help and might even burned him even more.

The Perfection Path.

Azief did explain it to her before but she could never understand it. No one in this world seems to be treading the same path like him other than Katarina.

And she didn’t like that before. And she still didn’t like it now.

But it is clear from her understanding that what he is attempting to do would be difficult and Azief himself don’t know what to expect.

That fact did not fill her heart with calmness

Other than the fact that he would be transported to the Supreme Dimension and enduring tempering of his Disk to convert it into Laws, he did not know much what happens after.

And it is the not knowing that Sofia is afraid of.

And it is not like anyone could teach him. She gave him a kiss on his lips, a long gentle kiss. He had his hand on her waist and pull her closer.

Then they broke their kiss and Azief take a deep breath

Azief then went out of the room and following behind him is Sofia, dressed in her hunter outfit. Her long hair waves as it is being blown by the wind and her bow is behind her back

They went outside the house and Azief stop at the entrance gate of the house.

He looks behind him, looking at the house and the patch of small garden on the side of the house and he sighed

‘It is a beautiful dream these past couple of days’

Sofia did not say anything. She just nodded.

‘It was a really beautiful dream.’ They stand in silence for a few second before Azief turned to Sofia and then said

‘Will you accompany me to go to the city?’


The first chapter in the beginning of the Supremacy Stairway arc. Anyway see you tomorrow and dont forget to vote.

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