
Chapter 439: Supreme (5)

Right now he no longer hesitate.

The Immortal Will has been suppressed by him and now that it has submitted, the energies quickly repairing his body.

Right now, his entire body is radiating power that could churn the Earth and shakes the Heavens, Even the space around him is breaking down just by walking.

He did not hesitate to jump to the Heaven Steps.

This time the Heaven accepts him because of the Immortal energy that is coursing through his body right now.

He took first step and he felt the might of Heaven entering his body transforming his body turning him into some lofty being.

The moment he takes the first steps, Azief could feel that his energies is the Laws of the Universe, and he as the Heavens takes its Laws from the Will of the Universe, tranquil and quiet, allowing all things to form naturally, as they should be.

The law of the Universe follows its nature; the Laws is being what it is.

The more steps he takes the more he felt that he is being assimilated into the Laws of the Universe a Supreme Will is molding his body to become a Being that could accept and embrace any kinds of energy.

Yet the Disk inside his body did not move or stirred.

The more he walks the larger and wider the steps became and each steps of the stairs are separated by a thousand miles and it increase with each steps Azief taken.

But he could still walk forward and step unto it because even as the steps between the stairs widened Azief himself is slowly getting larger.

He looks like a titanic being that is walking on a larger titanic stair.

A powerful pressure emanated out of him, and it even affect the asteroid belt near the stairs as his pressure squeeze that asteroid into dust.

His eyes are full of red and golden streak as his gaze emitted light that could vaporize any being that dares to set their gaze upon his eyes.

Nothing could stop his momentum as each steps sounded like a Universe is exploding and the shockwave of his step ripples the planets below the stairway.

Right now, the gazes of those Beings in the Universe was blocked as they could not see the person undergoing the trial anymore.

Laws of the Universe is concentrated on the barrier creating an impenetrable protection, and gazes.

Azul senses the disturbance in the Universe and he heard the ringing of the Bells and the hymn of Song from the many Universes out there

A Monkey sitting cross legged on a cloud laughed joyously as he took his staff and caress it like he was remembering some old war story.

On the Jade Empire, on the Palace of Everlasting Mist, a young man brought out a Temple from his sleeve.

The Temple is the size of a small toy but inside that small temple is full of codex of magical spells but most of all it has the inheritance of the Savi’krian race, the speedster race who worshiped Asargan.

He too casted his gaze away as the Supreme Golden Barrier was erected. Yu Wang is the current Jade Emperor and one of his incarnation did walk the Path of Perfection.

He only sighed.

Then he walks out form the palace, took his conical hat and his fishing rod and once again flew on the back of the Sky Dragon to his secluded fishing spot to fished Destiny and Fate once again after he was interrupted before

On the Mountains of Dread, with the mountains range fills with the bones of the trespassers and trees as sharp as sword, the High King of Asura Vritra was drinking wine with his colleagues when he senses the steps is being walked upon.

When he cast his gaze far from the Demonic Realm he saw the Supreme Golden Barrier was erected and he could only sigh.

He himself walks the Stairway but he never did manage to walk until the end and his statue is not there on the real stairway.

He failed at the Immortal Steps and his path to Perfection was broken. If not for that Indra would never be his match.

His Killing Heart went out of control and he was expelled out from the stairway when the Supreme Will of the Stairway appears.

All around the Universe when the Supreme Golden Barrier was erected those who have once try to walk the Stairway and those who have walked in until the end all sense the disturbance in the energy of the Universe

To many of the powerful beings in the Universe they of course know about the Stairway.

And they did not dare desecrate such place because they all knew that those who created those thirty-three steps and the Thirteen Steps of Laws Formations were all great character in the Universe.

Some of them have become Great Supremacy like Azul or great characters that rule many star systems like the Jade Emperor or the protector of their race like Odin and Zeus.

As all of this happened Azief is still walking the steps that is widening and enlarging at an accelerated speed.

Heaven is far.

And this uphill walk is like surpassing the Heaven. Azief Will right now is at its peak. He had even tempered it with the Gate appearance and now it is once again tested.

As the steps widen itself Azief Willform also become even larger. At this point, vacuum hole formed behind him and the area around him rippled like his body is breaking through the barrier of space that is an obstacle to him.

By now Azief had already walk five of the steps of the Heaven Steps and his body is emanating a heavenly pressure

If that is not enough the spiral that is originating from him created heavenly phenomenon with stars twinkling and the moon and the sun of this Universe moves and turn upside down yet an aura or energy kept them from spreading their gravitational force

It almost like all of the things that is happening right now in this Universe is governed by a completely new set of Laws.

Now, the Immortal Energy in his body become purer and purer as it is pressured by Azief already Perfect Physique it assimilated and fused with every part of his body which enables Azief to felt the energy of the Heaven Steps

Now a new energy enters Azief body.

It is Heavenly Energy of the Supreme Dimension.

These Supreme Dimensions was created by Thirteen Great Supremacy while the thirty-three steps are created by Thirty-Three Supreme Beings.

The accumulation of that energy forms a Heaven that bestow life and energy but at the same time it is immobile and stiff because it was not stirred.

But now that Azief has come to this Universe, devoid of energy and its own Heaven and is walking those steps part of that heaven is gathering, forming, its ancient energy was stimulated and then it enter Azief body.

His body is filling with Heavenly energy of the Supreme Dimension. This elicited a new change in Azief body as he is now surrounded by a boundless, blinding purple light

That purple light seems to spread like a mist enveloping the barrier of this Universe gravity sphere

Behind him, that Willform he had unconsciously summoned was slowly becoming even more solid.

All that energies swirled together to solidified his Willform and the titanic figure of his Willform become even larger that it seems to fills this entire Universe.

His Willform resembles even more like him and he is now unimaginably tall and large.

Its head touched the barrier between this abandoned Universe and the Universe beside it and his Willform feet seems to create cracks on the Heaven Stairway, like it is threatening to stomp down the Heaven with the might of his feet.


Next chapter in a couple of minutes. Hope you all enjoy it and leave some comments

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