
Chapter 454: The last step (4)

He then changes the target of his Divine Sense.

He spread out his Divine Sense on the eleventh steps and he finally could sense the statue on the edge of the step.

It is a statue of an angel-like being holding a sword riding a dragon with which his left hand holds the dragon golden rein.

The sword was shining with flames and his wing seems so large it could cover an entire planet.

Behind him there is a host of heavenly being just like him having a smaller wings and follow him from behind.

They are all emanating a source that resembles natural laws of the Universe

Azief could see all of this probably because he is using his Divine Sense. If he opens his eyes he would only see that one statue of angel-like being.

This statue is supplying Divine power and faith energy to Azief Divine Law Body.

The energy of the Divine is quite mysterious.

The energy and laws it derives from come from people belief. This power of Faith and belief would enable him to create, shape and manipulate forces of heavenly origin

Azief Divine Body is shining with white light and the Hymn of songs and prayers could be heard

Even though he is deaf right now, he could still hear it because this voice comes right into his mind.

It is the prayers and hope of the people of Pandemonium and the people who believes in him. It left an indelible mark on his soul

Now, he could hear all of their wishes. He could hear his people pray for safety, protection, mercy and kindness.

Others prayed to him for vengeance and protection from evil forces of the world and their belief strengthened his Divine Law Body

The gentle wind has healed him in a bit but it is still painful.

He takes his twelfth steps and the diamond mark and the vein like pattern appears instantly beneath his left feet, burning his left feet sole and carving the mark into his bones as the binding power grew even more powerful

By now his entire body is full of this marking of vein like patterns and there are now twelve diamond mark carved in his body

The veins pattern slowly connected from the below

Azief felt weak like this journey is stripping his godly powers and turning him into normal mortal.

By now, he could ignore the pain of the energy ripping out from him since his throat is so hoarse right now that he did not even have the effort or energy to scream in pain.

His body still trembled and his body is sweating with both sweat and melted skin but he no longer screams

On the twelfth steps there is the Cosmic Law Body. Cosmological forces around this sealed dimension extracted their own energy and flew to Azief Cosmic Law Body

The Law Body quickly become solid as his Law Body sit cross legged on that step closing its eyes, concentrating on gaining a comprehension on how to manipulate the Cosmic energy

Right now the sun and moon of his Inner Universe is dissipating like dust, the stars and moon collapses as nebulas after nebulas seems to be rolled out into nonexistence.

Vortexes of Time tearing and dimension ripping is slowly occurring all over his Inner Universe. Souls are no longer existent inside his Inner Universe.

It all crumbles away, turning into Nothingness but just at the end moment, the progression to nihility stopped as there one energy left in his body

He had brought out twelfth of his Disk, each one containing the energy that sustain his Inner Universe and everything should have crumbled away yet in the darkness of nothingness of his Inner Universe, the Tree of Life had appeared seemingly disconnected itself from the Death Source that Azief had possesses

It glows with a Life Giving power.

The nine flowers on the nine separate branches bloomed beautifully like spring has come after a never-ending winter.

From each flowers Laws comes out and merge into One

Death and Life intermixed creating a shining orb of white and black. It revolves around each other and morphed into a Law Body.

Rebirth and Time Concepts merged together creating another orb this time it is of purple color and green color.

It mixed and then flew into the Law Body

The Concept of Darkness mixed with that of the Elements, turned into an orb of darkness and a five colored orb.

It flew to the Law Body.

Every time the orb flew to that law Body, the Law Body becomes bigger and bigger. It figures seems to be slowly growing to encompass Azief Inner Universe.

Then three Seed blooms appear from the branches in Azief Inner Universe

Destruction Seed in the form of reddish black orb, Destiny Seed in the form of purple mixed with green orb and Fate Seed which is grey mixed with silver orb

It flew to the Law Body and immediately the Law Body expanded infinitely as the last energy of Azief body surges out from the darkness of his Inner Universe

Azief last energy is none other than the Omni energy. It is an energy that could theoretically paved the road to Omnipotence.

Azief Law Body inside his Inner Universe expanded without limits and his body seems to take infinite forms, existing in many timelines and limitless.

For a moment, in him, there is no end, there is no beginning and there is no middle. For one moment…. everything is Him and he is everything.

He once felt this feeling when he formed the Thirteen Disk.

Now he is feeling that feeling again. And then he felt that he once again returns to the real world.

He quickly spread his Divine Sense out. The energy turbulence around the area slowly settled and he could see where he is through the help of his Divine Sense

He is now at the last step. The Thirteen Step. He wonders at this moment. What is at the end?

He expected some kind of blessing and the healing of his body but nothing seems to happen.

He did not see the statue on the twelfth step and he could not sense it because of the powerful energy turbulence in the twelfth steps when he formed the Cosmic Law Body

He focused his Divine Sense and tries to locate the statue on this last step

When he locked on to the statue on this step, the appearance of the statue shocked him.

It is a statue of a monkey holding a black staff that look similar to the Ruyi Jingu Bang of Wang Jian.

Only this staff sees to emit powerful emanations of power that could breaks apart the Void of Nothingness.

The statue of the Monkey is also wearing a golden chain mail shirt with a flowing design of clouds, a phoenix feather cap and a boot that look similar to the Cloud Walking Boot of Wang Jian

Azief though to himself

Could this be possible?

‘The Monkey King? Sun Wukong? Or is it Hanuman?’

From what Azief knows of the legend it was constructed from a story during the Song dynasty. And from what he knew, some scholars believe that the character originated from the first disciple of the real Xuanzang and some even said that Sun Wukong is constructed based on the Hindu deity Hanuman from the Ramayana

In other word, he is a fictional character.

Azief knows that a few thousand years ago many powerful being of the Universe descended on Earth before returning back

Could it be there is some kind of a Monkey deity amongst those powerful being?

Considering that there is even powerful being that look like octopus, was it so farfetched that there is some powerful being who look like a Monkey?


See you all tomorrow. I will not address anything in this chapter. Anyway,I am still sad about IZONE matters so I am slocuhing in front fo my bed most of the tiem staring at the ceiling with the feeling of emptiness.


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