
Chapter 566: Guided to here (2)

But what about before?

He once read that these deities and Gods once waged a war. A Great War that spans galaxies and dimensions and even Time.

He read that form the Forbidden History books that he bought from a merchant of Sarens.

He believes that the war was fought on Earth.

But if they did fight on Earth, it is a curious thing that Earth still exist. One swipe of their hands could bring down hundreds or maybe thousands of planets like Earth to crumble

Yet, the Earth did not perish. There is so many things that he finally realizes he does not know. There is still a lot of secret that needs to be discovered.

And while some civilization did not have the same stories and have different names for the same Gods, a different case that seems to be the exception is none other than the stories of the Etherna

And their stories are always told and it always the same, like it could not be washed away by time no matter how long It passes.

As long as there is people who remembers, people who knows, a civilization will not truly dies

Some shamans or some priest would always find ways to communicate with these traces of the remnant of past that did not change not matter how many epoch passes.

It was like, the Etherna are the building blocks of the Universe and in large the Omniverse itself and as such it could not be erased.

That is puzzling. They exist in all times, in all worlds with only different in their names and terms people used to title them

Probably because they exist before time, thus their stories and their histories were not affected by it.

Or it might be something else that sustains its continuity on every world that Azief had gone to.

They have as many names as the stars in the skies.

In some worlds they are called the Eterna. Some worlds call them The Ethernas. Some called them Eternals. And while some viewed them as saviors, others viewed them as Conquerors, and Invaders.

He was not obsessed about them but he was curious of them.

Maybe some people on Earth Prime ignores it but as anyone evolve, if they look at their status window they would found something different on the bracket that said their race

He might not be able to access his status window when he is sealed like this but he still remembers the information on his status window.

He was level 79 and on the bracket that describe his race he is no longer human. But Eterna Sacred.

Thus he believes that humanity had some connection with the Etherna race. Hence, the fascination he held with anything regarding that race.

Azief sighed. There is that. And then there is the plots of the Demon Monkey. And the other disturbing thing he had accidentally discovered about this world

He noticed the discrepancy of time and records of the past regarding of the events of the Demon Monkey ascension

It made him to hazard a guess. This world had a golden palm locking it, sealing it from the energy that comes from the outside.

But even so, the worldly energy is still in here enabling the mortals of this world to reach a level where they could become one with nature and possess powers that break the boundaries of what it means of being human

The Golden Palm is full with sealing symbols. Azief could see it if he uses his worldly energy.

He felt Universal energy coming in to this world after he cut the solid representation of that golden palm.

This matter and the revealing of that palm also remind him of the story of the Monkey Demon being suppressed by the palm of Buddha in his word.

Was that story more than just a story?

Buddha really exist? Or is the Buddha that people worship and the Buddha that exist in the Universe is a different kind of Buddha?

Or is the Being that suppresses the Monkey Demon is a Buddha Like-existence and his stories were passed down to Earth?

Or like the other Beings, he left his stamp on Earth?

That is too complicated for him to reach a conclusion of the answer since he did not know the origins of all this matters.

In such cases, he might even get strayed farther away. Thus, it is better to cut off the connection when he can, to avoid making the wrong step

But just because he didn’t have all the answers did not mean he had no answers at all.

He found a connection.

If the Golden palm is sealing something, then what was it sealing? Is it the powers of the elements that he senses when he uses his Divine Sense to scan the Five Element Mountain?

No. If that were the case, there is no need for the palm to be up there. Instead it would be better, if it seals the mountain itself. Why would it seal the entire world?

This mysterious Golden Palm is over the Heavens of this world so there is only one logical explanation for this

there is only one thing that it is sealing.

It is sealing this world.

But with one clue and one connection, the more light is shed on this matter.

The more clues he found and the more connection he made, the more enlightened he becomes on this event

He deduced further.

He believes the discrepancy of time in the records of the Temple and the records of this world suggested that this world might be cut apart from a unified galaxy.

Maybe it is not only the world is cut off. Maybe even its time.

This is a Sealed World in all its meaning.

This world was probably sealed since the moment the Monkey Demon and the Enlightened Monk exist in this world.

And maybe time here repeated itself though probably not as obvious.

Azief connected this with what he had experienced in this word.

He notices that there is an abnormality with the souls of the people of this world. There is something incomplete about them

He notices it when he kills people on top of the Five Element Mountain

After combining with all of this fact he believes that the people of this world is continuously reincarnated to the same world every time they die.

They are in an endless cycle of rebirths and existence. The only way is to ascend and break from it.

It is eerily similar to the Wheel of Rebirth and Reincarnations powers.

Probably in the past there are some people who have reached a level where they could see the truth of this world and try to break through.

But the Golden Palm up there had always prevented it. Azief don’t know why the Demon Monkey did not break the palm by himself but it is clear that he needs an external force to break through it.

Was it karma that restrains him? Or is it Fate? Or that other one……Destiny? Whatever it is, it seems that the Demon Monkey could not use his power to break the seal

And Azief believes he is that external force.

Somehow, Sun Wukong predicted that he would be in that Thirteen Steps of Supremacy Stairway and that he would walk the steps until the end.

When he falls as he passes the Thirteen Steps, instead of falling into some abandoned planets or stars or even a hostile world, the Demon Monkey guided his way to this world to break through the palm.

If this is the true chorological order of the events, then he was being schemed upon. But for some reason, Azief is not that mad beings schemed over.

After all, from the moment he realizes that he is being schemed upon, there is karma thread that connects him with the Demon Monkey.

Azief knows a lot about powerful people in the Universe because of Alsurt and knows some of their peeves

The more powerful they are, the more they do not want to owe anyone anything.

Thus, he knows that the Demon Monkey would want to cut these karmas between them. The only curios thing is how would he cut the Karma that has already been formed?

Azief was silent for a while and Xi Feng look at his teacher. Looking at his teacher intently thinking of something he did not say anything and waited.

Azief then nodded and clear his throat.

‘Tell me when we arrive in front of the Thirteen Steps of Gods and Devils. I would like to see whether it was as mystical as all the people that visited the Temple has said’

Xi Feng nodded as Azief closes back his eyes. He is now reminiscing on the past again.


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