
Chapter 726: Magician

Feng Jing takes a deep breath and then said.

‘Something happened. People in my continent discovered a disease’

‘Hmm?’ Hirate raise their eyebrows. Of all the thing that Feng Jing said, there is only a few words in what he said that truly make Hirate puzzled.

A disease is something that is rarely could be seen after the advent of the new era.

Most people lost any of their disease when they climb the evolutionary levels.

Of course, the Order of Thinker do warn that as the energy of the world becomes stagnant, a new kind of disease could also appear and it might even be more diverse and harder to cure than the normal disease.

Since, there is thousands of path of reaching the top, as such, there is thousands of disease that have different variations.

Feng Jing continued.

‘This new disease is quickly spreading and it have killed a few of my citizens. And many more is infected. The fact that some of the carrier is asymptomatic made trying to contain this disease very hard’

Sighing he continue

‘From what we know it affects the Pillar Forming and Orb Condensing Stage. As for Energy Disperse Stage, the effect is minimal and some of them are even immune from it. From our observation and with the data that the Order of Thinkers had provided to us, we come to the conclusion that this disease is very infectious and very easy to be transmitted with contact. one of its symptom is flu. That is how it started. And when one sneeze and coughed, this particle would be expelled which in turn infect more people. The Order of Thinker believes that this flu is unlike the normal flu we had before the Fall. It had the energy of the world in it, but the energy of the world is very scant and it was also corrupted. I think you know what I am getting at here’

Hirate nodded. And his face is solemn. He understood why and because of that he is pale in the face

‘You mean…. like what happened in Japan a few years ago’

‘It is worse for me’ Feng Jing said

‘And? What did you find out?’ This time Hirate is sure that Feng Jing did not say all of this just to tell him that his rule had a problem

‘It is manmade’ Hearing this Hirate widened his eyes

A few years ago, there is an outbreak of disease in the Empire of Japan. The symptom is the same as Feng just describe.

But there was no death and the matter ended in a week and it has been forgotten by most people there.

Some attributed it to some freak accident of nature. However, the World Government certainly didn’t think so.

Since then the Twin Sages of Japan rarely come out from Japan anymore. Hirate always had a nagging suspicion that Oreki and Hikigaya know more than they let on.

The reason for it low effect is probably because the disease did not mutate at that time.

However, because of its fast disappearance, the scientist in the World Government could not collect enough sample to make any conclusive fact about the disease.

The matter was very shocking since after the Fall, there has never been a case of diseases unless you were poisoned by some Poison Master.

There were no natural diseases occurring in one body

With the ability that was bestowed by the World Orb, their body composition and endurance all strengthened to the point that even the weakest of Pillar Forming would be stronger than any human before the Fall.

But at that time, they did have some theory. Some of them theorized that the diseases outbreak that happened in Japan is manmade.

If it is manmade, who made it? And for what purpose?

And now hearing Feng Jing mentioned that is was really man made, Hirate knows that probably Feng Jing had found the culprit of the case

‘Since you are saying all this, I think you have found who is responsible?’ as Feng Jing is about to answer the sound of Battleship leaving the island could be heard in the distance.

The last speck of snow falls into the ground and melted under the blaring sun

All around the island, Raymond is flying around supervising the area that was affected with his mace flying beside him, nagging him about things

And below the hill, Nunurai and Eric had both reached an agreement with the White Owl and they too are about to depart as their carriage arrived in front of them

The wind blows gently on top of the hills and the robe of the two men flutters slightly. The wind passes and Feng Jing reply to Hirate words

‘Yes. And I need your help in capturing him. This is one slippery loach’ Hirate frown

Someone I know?

‘I think you only ever read his name in the Grey Report. But I don’t think any of your operatives ever met him. I met him once and even with my power, I failed to make him stay for a while. This man is dangerous. Because he is crazy. I have never met a man that have more dangerous idea than him. If we could not capture him, we should kill him before he became powerful’

Hirate ask

‘Who is it?’

‘The so called Magician of Aleppo. That is who he is. The Magician of Aleppo Farhan’

Hirate nodded.

Like something that he should have known a long time ago, he nodded in understanding. This man name is indeed in the report. However, he is not in the Grey Report. He is in the Red Report.

‘It was him’ Feng Jing nodded.

Hirate held out his hand.

‘For a moment, let us forget old resentment. After we caught him, we could go back in being rivalling colleague. But now, this is more important. Do you agree?’

Feng Jing shakes his hand and said

‘I agree’ Then they let go of their hands. But Feng Jing was not finished. He then said

‘I have one request however. Do not let the other powers know about this’ Hirate raised his eyebrows.

‘Why? Do you want something from him if we caught him?’

‘No. I fear that the League of Freedom would not sit still if they knew we captured the Magician of Aleppo. From what I know, the Magician of Aleppo had past dealing with Narleod. And knowing Narleod, I doubt they put their head together to do good things’

Hirate nodded at this. Just hearing the combinations of the two did not necessarily produce the image of them working together for the good of the people.

Feng Jing continue saying

‘If you told the Republic or any of the other powers about this, sooner or later, Narleod would find out. He has spies everywhere in the other powers. No one knows how he could keep them hidden but nonetheless, I would advise you to exercise caution when sharing this matter. As for the World Government, I doubt there is any spies considering you have that ability of yours that could see one thoughts and desire. That is why I cooperated with you and not the others’

‘Alright, fine. You just tell me when you have his location and then I will send some people’ Smiling Feng Jing nodded and then he changes the topic

‘Good. Now, let us hope that this matter with Death Monarch could be resolved without any of us going to war’

‘We have to just change the narrative of the story then. This way, everyone avoids losing face. I never agree with the decision to poke the hornet nest before. But all of you wanted to test him’ Hirate said.

Feng Jing frowned a little and then he asked

‘And you already have the narrative? ‘

‘People don’t know this but I am quite the storyteller’ Hirate said and they both laughed as they both climb down the hill.

The wind blows gently and the clouds moves calmly above the Island of Peace. Night came and three days had passed.

Dawn came and people thought things would escalate between the six great powers and Pandemonium.

Instead when they open their eyes that morning, a news came out that subverted all expectations

the White Owl release a news that apparently the destruction of the archipelago of Socotra was actually approved by all the six powers

Everyone called it bullshit in their hearts but nobody dares to said it directly to the great powers.

And by the evening another explosive news shakes the news.

All of the six great powers begin moving mobilization in concert with Pandemonium in an effort to eradicate the Crime Alliance.

They claimed that this action of mobilizing is the result of their meeting and that meeting before was not a meeting discussing how to handle with Pandemonium but instead a meeting on how to follow up Death Monarch action to strike the most decisive blow.

To those who in the know, they know that this is the six power attempt of saving face.

To those who don’t know, they take the news at face value.

The fourth day shows massive movement of troops and people attacking any bases of the Crime Alliance.

The world was turned upside down as the Great Powers shows their unprecedented attack

Void the leader of the Crime Alliance is nowhere to be seen. Sicily was turned into a sea of fire. Spain was turned upside down, as battle ravages the streets and earth swallow cities and villages

And as for the Bratva that run toward Turkey during the purge of the red sword by Katarina, they were hunted down by the forces of the Republic, the African Alliance and the Lotus Order.

The city of Ankara was sieged and all of the Crime Alliance member were either captured or killed.

Fortunately, there is not Disk Formation leveler in that city and there is no battle between Disk Formation leveler there.

If anything that was the most peculiar thing about the expedition. Like lightning, the military of the great powers attack many of the bases of the Crime Alliance.

Yet, even through all the chaos and all of the death, the Crime Alliance did not once deploy their Disk Formation leveler.

It was like they were giving up even before the conclusion settled.

With these, the people know that the Crime Alliance is not entirely defeated.

Since it seems they did not want a full war with the great powers and reserving their forces

There must be a reason why in all of the cities that was sieged and under attack, none of the members of the Crime Alliance there have a Disk Formation leveler

But as the world descended down to chaos with that hunt order of the six great power, Pandemonium remain silent.

And one day remain


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