
Chapter 741: Absolute truth

If Loki is here he would probably be shocked at the development of this matter.

It deviated from the path it supposed to be. Some things had changed. Who knows whether it is a good thing for Loki or not.

But it is certainly bad for Yewa Hafar.

For an apostle that is meant to clear His Lord path and to make sure nothing changes, changes happen.

Who knows whether he would make a new move that would jeopardizes the plan of Loki and Erika?

All of the other things in the past had been moving exactly as it is before.

There are some slight deviations but even Loki could not predict the changes that has been brought by his meddling of the past events that leads to the current situation

Azief in his timeline went to the future with Will the Dark Speedster because he could not believe the Oracle vision and the Oracle words.

That was the reason why he went to the future among other reason. He did not want to believe that his closest friend, Sofia at that time would betray him

Yes, in that other timeline, they never made it official that they love each other. Azief was hunted almost all the time, and he distance himself from Sofia on purpose.

If there is one thing that had changed that leads to the quickening of the relationship dynamic between them, it is the appearance of Katarina

As for Will the Speedster and Azief, their relationship now compared to the other timeline, is like the difference between heaven and Earth

At that time, the relationship between Azief and Will the Dark Speedster is merely a relationship of benefit.

Azief had something the Speedster wanted so he hired Will using that item.

In this timeline, Azief and Will become sworn brothers, and they have such trust for each other that they would not mind sacrificing their life for the other.

The relationship between them is like a true brother that would do anything for each other so that alone had changed the dynamics of the relationship between these two people

Yet, the ending of Will the Speedster is still the same. In that other timeline Azief did not harrow a journey into the Time Tunnel

It is not the Time Tunnel that prompted Azief to become curious of his own future. Loki always said that personality sometimes determine one destiny and fate.

In the other timeline, before Azief become the God of Life and Death, he was persecuted, hunted, and force to the corner by the suppression of the World Government and the many other organizations.

In that other timeline, when he went to fight the World Government, he had lost and was imprisoned. In this timeline he won and created a legend

And instead of getting called the strongest in the world after he became Sovereign, he had expedited that matter decades before.

And there is another thing that Loki could not predicted.

Because of Azief attainment is low that other timeline, he could not see things clearly.

But this time when he met the Oracle, he had already reach Divine Comprehension level and the things he could see and the things he could infer is more mature than his other self in that other timeline.

A different thought would lead to a different outcome. Probably this will be the true diverging point from the future.

Could the matter of the Ice Deity fighting with Death Monarch in the Dragon Cliff for the Dragon Palm manual also be erased?

The matter of the twenty King Fighting Death Monarch at the Stone Gates, would that mater also be erased?

How about the matter of slaying the Seven Generals of the World Government to save his friend? Would that also be erased?

Because this is no longer Lord Shadow.

Azief had shed the Lord Shadow title when he became the Sovereign that rules over the path of life and death, who created the Underworld and molded the Heavens of Earth, creating a Divine Kingdom for himself and starting the era of Divinity on Earth.

But in this timeline, after his dramatic escape from the Mountain of Everlasting Love, he had shed the title of Lord Shadow and titled himself Death Monarch.

Some people even had forgotten that Death Monarch Azief once had the class of Shadow Lords.

His tactics and his technique had nothing to do with Shadow Lords class skill.

In this world right now, who dares to fight against Death Monarch? All the great power tries to avoid antagonizing Death Monarch, fearing that he would move.

When Death Monarch moves, it is like a Titan waking up from slumber. Who would want to fight such figure?

It is like fighting a mythological god.

The road is long. And had many branches. And Azief had pick a new road to walk on. And that also change his tactics and his approach on things

In this timeline, he had a family, friend and a lover. He had a lot. So he become a bit warm. He had brotherhood and he had love and passion in his heart.

His situation is not hopeless and his life while a little bit grim sometimes, it still has some light that is worth protecting

He is not the Prince of Darkness that ruled over the underbelly of the crime world in this timeline. He is not feared for his ruthlessness. And he is not as cold.

He is the beacon of light in the darkness of the world. He is the hero of humanity, fighting an otherworldly invasion and giving a chance for humanity to strike back.

In some places of the world, he is worshipped as a God, his statue carved in his likeness put in front of their villages or city to ward off evil and calamity

He is a symbol of invincibility.

People hides under his shadow and felt safe under it. His might reached the four corners of the world, his name resounded loudly, shaking heaven and earth

Personality dictates fate and destiny.

Loki was not wrong. Because of all of this factor, Azief decision and his choice would also change

But it is ironic that this time, even though there is a lot of changes, Azief would still go this future.

But there is still a bit of a subtle difference. he did not only want to see the future because of Sofia but also to see why Will were killed by him.

The reason why he could see Will getting killed by him this time and not on that other nonexistent timeline is because this time, their lives overlapped and they created a bond.

Time Tunnel is a mysterious place that sometimes show those who is inside it, the revelation of their past, present and future.

It shows them not in an orderly manner and sometime confusing and perplexing but as long as one is in the Time Tunnel and could survive the Time Storms inside it without being lost, one could always gain a little bit of insight on the matter of time, and of matter of cause and effect

Like those bubbles he saw on the veil, everything is connected.

The reason you could not see the connection is only because you could not see far enough of wide enough

The stronger the connection, the stronger the bond of time, of fate, of destiny between them

Azief had seen about what happen to him and Sofia. He still could not infer why she would fight him and why she would ty to kill him

He also could not infer why he would try to kill people like that.

But he was at least comforted by the fact that even if she were to kill him, she would be sad doing it.

Probably that is not the thing he should be focused on. But for some reason, he didn’t feel bad about it.

If Sofia had wanted to kill him and felt not even an ounce of sadness in her heart, that would be too sad for him

At least, even if she wanted to kill him., Azief could see she was sad about it. And for some reason, that made him happy.

But he swore he would find the cause. And that is where Plan B come from. Will could break the barrier of Space Time.

He had never been able to. Accidentally breaking it is something he once did

But not doing it deliberately. Will had assure him that after his recent transformation, he could do it.

And Azief wanted to see the cause. He had seen the effect. But he still did not know the cause of the matter.

Azief thoughts all of this in just one second and then he looks back at the Oracle.

This time he wanted to ask her some things. He asks for some time from Will. But they both know, time is ticking. And they are running late.

The first thing he ask to the Oracle is this.

‘That future I saw. Is it the absolute truth of my future?’ The Oracle smiles. The wind blows past between these two people as both of their robe flap in the wind.

One is gray. One is black. The contrast is very striking.

She smiles again. Azief frowned


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