
Chapter 760: How could it be him?

They did not want to be separated inside the Time and Space tunnel and end up in different places and time

They could see a flashes of their past and they could see a bit of glimpses of the future.

But they keep focusing their mind.

Azief and Will both wanted to see the moment that Will die on the hands of Azief. And the reason for wanting to see it is the same for both of them.

They wanted to know how such a thing would happen and why it happens.

And if they knew this hey might be able to stop that tragedy. Azief did not want to kill Will. And Will doesn’t understand why Azief would kill him.

That is why they could trust each other right now.

Azief also wanted to know something else. The speed they have on their body is slowly being drained off.

In the Time and Space tunnel, they do not seem to possess any solid form. Instead they were like orbs that keep moving forward.

They felt solid but they know that they are not solid.

Azief look around him and he saw sceneries passes shim by. They do not know how long they have been running.

But they know that they are running toward the future.

The Time stability of the future is not quite stable.

Because as it seems to implied, the future did not happen yet.

If there is anything they would see in the future, it is the possibility of the future and not a real solid future yet.

The future like always is determined by the decision of the past.

They kept running and running and a few time they nearly strayed off against the Time and Space tunnel and sometime they nearly collide with each other.

Slowly Azief could no longer sees any scenery of his life and his eyes narrowed.

Will also saw the same thing that Azief did.

Azief saw his past and his present.

And Will saw his past and his present.

But when they both couldn’t see anything, they both know that they are passing the time of the past and is closer to the undetermined future.

This time they felt everything is accelerated. They could feel the speed draining from their body in an accelerated manner.

Before it felt like the trickling of water. Now, it felt like their speed is falling off from them like someone opened a tap and speed is coming out of it.

‘Brace yourself’ Will shouted and Azief nodded. Then they both jump toward the side of the Time and Space Tunnel.


It took them a little bit of time to see what was happening. Azief shake his head and felt a dizziness that he had never felt before.

In his mind right now, there is a lot of images.

Most of it is the images of his past deeds. He then slowly opens his eyes.

Everything around him is dark but then as his vision grows sharper he could see more clearly.

He saw Will beside him trying to stand up. The speed around their body still existed but it is slowly going away.

Azief took a deep breath and then he opens it back up with his eyes opened wide in shock. He could not believe what he had felt when he takes a deep breath.

What he felt was energy filling in his entire body.

It felt like the entire world is full of energy

Was I wrong? Azief thought to himself.

He had once speculated that Earth would slowly lose the ability to maintain high output of energy and one would have to travels the stars to seek more energy to breakthrough.

When he returns from his journey of the Supremacy Stairway, he already seen such signs with people finding it hard to break through to Disk Formation

But this vitality that flows between Heaven and Earth, this is even thicker energy concentration than when he is in his timeline. He then come toward Will and lift him up

Still dizzy?’ Azief ask. Will nodded

‘I am not a Divine Comprehension realm. The after effect is a little bit uncomfortable for me’ Azief nodded.

‘Where are we right now? Or when are we right now?

Will did not answer instead he closes his eyes and seems to be communicating with some force. Azief waited. After a few second he opens his eyes.

‘So?’ Azief ask

Will frowned.

‘This is not our destination’

‘What do you mean that this is not our destination?’

‘We jump down at the right time. This future is very unstable. We need to enter back the Time and Space Tunnel. This place is not where we could see what we want to see’

Azief nodded

‘Fine. Let’s go out and gather more speeds. I think it would be easier now.

Will nodded

‘Let us treat this place like a pit stop. There is no need to worry that much. We would just spend a bit of time to gather our energy and then we can continue our journey. It is better not to meddle in too much things here’

Azief first tries to determine their location.

He spreads his Divine Sense but like it was obstructed by some foreign power he could only sense a few meters in front of him. Will also did the same thig. They then both looked at each other

The Laws of this world seems to be controlled by something else. It is unlike the time where we come from

Will nodded

‘It is like, the Laws are very organized and I felt like someone is controlling it all’ Will added. Azief agreed.

I guess we could not use Divine Sense. The old fashioned way? Azief suggested

The old fashioned way Will reply.

They already realize that they are in a large tunnel-like caves that seems connected to be a network of more caves.

They could not determine how far down they were from the surface.

Azief and Will is still under the impression that the Earth is still the same size.

They did not know that after they depart from Earth and enter the Time and Space tunnel, portals to another world opened up and Earth Prime started the Multiversal Convergence event where the energy shrouded the entire Earth and expands the Milky Way Universe at an unprecedented rate.

This is why they are very perplexed. This is the result of their actions that they still didn’t know.

They walk for miles in the cave but they could not see the end. There is a reason why they won’t just drill themselves out to the ground.

The reason is simple.

They don’t know anything about the world in the future.

Azief saw some glimpses of the future, but what he saw is usually regarding his future.

And that battle. And Azief still remember that his future-self had tried to kill him when he is in the Time Tunnel.

That did not instill him with confidence to strut out in the future. He did not know what would happen if he revealed himself in the future.

He might even get killed by his future self just by showing himself.

Will on the other hand did not think that was possible.

The only way that the future self could kill his past self was in that time tunnel. Because in that place, the time and space is very confused.

If Azief future-self kills his past right now, in a solid world, then the future Azief would not exist.

He knows all about diverging timeline but Orvanians guarded the pint of such divergence very carefully.

But there is nothing wrong in being cautious.

Will himself did not want to meet his future-self.

Though his future-self must have known that he would be here right now.

The fact was that both of their future-self must also know that their past self is here right now…unless the perception of their understanding of time is different.

They might not know because they have not done it and this is the first time they have done it.

Time is always that confusing.

Will and Azief did no talk much.

Even though the area of the cave is dark, the surrounding stony walls emits light from the crystals that grows around the cave.

They were not surprised seeing crystal sprouting like some kind of plants on the lining of the wall. They must be even more weird things in the future.

Even in their time, there is a lot of mysterious plants and unexplainable phenomenon of magical nature so this does not even faze them.

They walk and walk and for hours they keep walking.

Slowly, Azief and Will felt something wrong.

This cave is really large they thought and they both looked at each other.

They both shares the same opinion. Right now, even though they are walking their body is gathering speed.

But they still have to come out and run together to open another Space and Time tunnel.

He just hopes that the Jean in the future did not notice them. Azief know that Jena is still alive in this era because he had seen Jean in his vision in the future with Paulette beside him.

‘Should we just break out Will ask.

Azief frowned a bit and then said

‘I am slowly also wanting to do just that’

The moment they spoke about it they suddenly sense something with their Divine Sense.,

They jump to the side and Azief become a shadow of the wall, looking indistinguishable from the many shadows that is around the caves.

Someone is entering the cave structure. They could feel from the sudden change in energy of the surrounding. At first, they could not hear anything and only senses the energy

But then they began hearing sounds. Will and Azief look at each other and they nodded.

They did not want their location to be exposed and they did not want to affect anything in this future

Then slowly they could hear a person labored breathing. It is the sound of a grown man breathing

That person is running deeper into the cave and slowly coming toward their place of hiding. They could hear space ripping. No Azief thought to himself. It is not just running.

Then Azief and Will both felt the flow of Time and Space around the cave seems to be disturbed by a foreign energy

This person whoever he is ripping space and Time apart. They immediately understand what his person is trying to do

He is ripping space, hiding in it and then coming out it and then entering space again and again. He is hiding and at the same time running from someone.

Azief thought to himself

‘The future must have some powerful figure. I don’t want to get entangled in whatever these is’

Then the person that was running and flitting in and out of space on and off finally seems to stop ripping space.

That persons seems to have succeeded in shaking of his pursuer. And his breathing filled the cave.

Azief and Will waited.

Step by step that person walked slowly and then the sound of something crashing to the ground echoes in the cave

The person collapsed a few meters from the place where Will and Azief was hiding themselves. Azief then walk out from his hiding spot. Will did the same.

They were about to ignore the person but then Azief movement stopped as he found that person very familiar. Will also stop since he too recognizes that person

They both look at that person face and they both were shocked.

‘How could it be him?’ these are their thoughts


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