
Chapter 778: The decree of heaven (3)

Then there is the Sword of Destruction originating from the Law of Destruction.

This sword emanates a powerful destruction aura that if not for the power of the Sword of Life it would bring a withering and corrosion effect to the area around it,

Then there is a Sword of Destiny and the Sword of Fate originating from Law of Destiny and the Law of Fate.

These two swords seem to be swirling with threads and all kinds of abstruse images and symbols. The aura around these two swords seems to emanate some kind of sense of mysteries

The Nine Laws Sword. It rotates around the Cosmic Law Body. The Cosmic Law Body right now seems to be clear.

It had the white and black pupil and the colorful body with a face that is similar to Azief.

Only it had none of warmth but impassive like an emotionless statue of a powerful supreme being.

Azief smiles as he said

‘Wield it’ The Cosmic Law Body eyes suddenly shines with brilliance and intelligence. The Nine Laws Sword hummed and a melody seems to come out from the humming of the swords.

It affects the world laws and create a resonance with all kinds of energy that is present in the world

Azief eyes also shines with brightness. This brightness first only covers him but it slowly expands.

Azief eyes brightens even more and for the people below the skies, when they look up it was like looking at a miniature sun, shining a golden light that fills the world

This brightness soon covers the whole world.

Everyone could see it this time.

Regardless whether there is tall mountain or tall trees, this time the brightness covers the whole world and no one could avoid seeing it unless one is blind

Like a silver explosion happening, it covers the eyes of everyone for a second.

And a powerful pressure appears up there in the heaven

‘I decree, invaders of my world to be punished’ A word could be heard breaking through the clouds, like someone high above is speaking and the whole world had to listen

The words echo all over the world and thunder booms like it was acknowledging the words.

Dark clouds gather all over the skies and the Heaven above the world seems to be affected.


Thunder roars up there in the skies. Whenever there are outsiders of Earth Prime, clouds will gather above their heads and around them

It is like a prelude to a great annihilation

‘I, command the Laws’ this word echoes again all over the world.

‘Execute the invaders!’


The thunderous roars shocked everyone that could hear it and destruction aura envelop the entire Heaven.

Everyone who is above Seed Formation could feel goosebumps all over their body

The Heavens Above seems to possess killing intent and this killing intent is so strong that it become solid as red blackish aura covers the clouds.

Every part of the world seems to experience night.

Those who live in the part of the world where the sun is shining suddenly were covered by dark red skies.

It is like Night falls over them, like curtains is being closed on and the sun and the moon was shut off from their vision.

But this night is different from normal night.

It made everyone that look at the darkness of this night flailing upon them felt like this darkness would consume them whole.

The thunder went crazy, lightning fills the entire world, sometimes illuminating the darkness of dark red skies with golden light making like the sky is about to fall down

Thunder Dragons appears among the clouds and then harsh winds followed.

All kinds of lightning seem to gathers and appears like they were about to strike the world and shatters the world apart.

Another thunderous boom exploded in the sky, like a war drum being strike upon to march the soldiers.

These lightning exploded up there in the skies and split the heaven apart and thunderous roars akin to the roars of a primordial beats unleashed from its captivity resounded across the sky.

Then they rain down upon the world like a celestial soldiers attacking the enemy of Heavens

This powerful attack from the Heaven is not limited to the African continent where Azief is right now.

Instead they rained down all over the world.

But instead of normal thunderbolts, it was dragons, tigers, lions who attacked these invaders.

All of these dragons, lions, tigers, griffins and all manners of terrifying beast were all based on lightning and emanated the destruction power of thunderbolts.

Their entire being is swirling with electricity arc as they attacked the invaders of Earth Prime.

These lightning also have their own colors

Some of them are golden and some of them are red. And as such, these beats that is made of these lightning also have different colors.

They are thunderbolts given form by the will of the world and now with the decree of Death Monarch, they executed the invaders

The screams of these invaders resounded throughout the expanse of the Heaven and Earth.

Some of them try to return back to the portal they came from but these beasts that were sent down from the Heavens was merciless and fast, none could escape them once they lock onto a target

Some of these space rips were split apart by the stray lightning and thunderbolts that keep raining down.

The destructiveness of these lightning is like the Extermination Thunderbolts that tries to kill Azief in the past.

As such, unless one possesses such powerful physique like Azief in the past, there is only one conclusion that would wait for anyone being struck by these thunderbolts.


The lights of lightning bolts lighted up the skies, the crash of thunder precede the appearance of thunderbolts.

The lights and the sound would convince anyone that today is the day the world will end

That is the feeling these invaders are feeling right now. They saw night cover the day.

They saw a titanic figure rose up in the distance and they saw thunders and lightning morphed into gigantic beast of legends and myths, killing them without mercy and without stopping

Some of the Seresian soldiers who arrogantly floated in the sky, looking down at the destruction they wrought before are now all running and flying away trying to escape the judgment of heaven

Azief saw all of this as his Divine Sense envelope the whole world.

And he smiles.

‘How could it be easy for you to just run away?’ He thought. Right now, this world is a prison. And he is the warden.

And he is about to punish those who are caught in his prison. Smirking, he said

‘Today, there is no escape. Let the matter of the past be settled here today and let the matter of future also end here. I would squash these worlds desire to ever come here again’

He spoke and behind him, thunder shakes the sky and lightning flashed by.


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