
Chapter 813: The demonic aura (i)

Around her were all kinds of slashing marks. She was rushing toward the central region when she senses that demonic aura

She is the white flash that would disappear and appear every few second in the battlefield before.

If on the northern side there is sword glare that split open the sky, then in the southern region of Pandemonium, there is the white flash that would appear and kill anyone that is close to that white flash.

Stopping in that cliff, is Sasha the Nightingale. She did not use her full power in that battle as she always reserved a bit of her power for backup.

She frowned when she senses that demonic aura

‘This nightmare is not over yet’ Now that Sasha had stopped the wound all over her body started opening up again and dripping down and her body is leaking energy.

That wind that Death Monarch had send had killed all the invaders and also had healed her but her injury is too severe.

It is good enough that the wind heals her good enough for her to move or she might really die of energy leaking from her body

She sighed a bit

There is a lot of things in her mind right now.

She did not even have the chance to rest like Shinji after the invaders were repelled.

There is a lot of things that Death Monarch had told her and she had been preparing for any eventualities.

However, the sight of other world coming to invades and space rips that appears in the sky regurgitating demonic creatures is not in one of the eventualities she was prepared to handle

She believes that if there is a next time, she needs to be more imaginative on what eventualities that she had to face when preparing defenses for Pandemonium

Even though the Shadow Guards responsibility is protecting Death Monarch power in Pandemonium, in this kind of battle, none of the members of the Shadow Guards could even help Death Monarch.

As for protecting Death Monarch power in Pandemonium, his power and influence in Pandemonium had never diminished

But she could not just stay still. The Shadow Guards had many divisions and they all have their own special characteristic. Maybe one of them could lessen the burden of Death Monarch

‘I think I had to activate a few of those things’ Sasha is already preparing the next measure that she could do to help Death Monarch

To many people of Pandemonium, if there is one person who knows the location of Death Monarch that would be Sasha.

Katarina should not have sought Sina to find the location of Death Monarch.

But she should have sought Sasha. This is the person many people regarded as the shadow of Death Monarch himself

Sasha is thinking of using those weapons that was developed by the military and the central court

Like any other great powers, Pandemonium also had a lot of technology that is very high tech and dangerous that would not lose to the Eye of Heaven or the Twelve Pillars.

It is only because they never needed to use it before, that people had the wrong impression of Pandemonium level of technology.

To many people of the world Pandemonium never took too much time in investing in technological weapons simply because they have Death Monarch sitting in the throne.

They are wrong on that count.

Death Monarch had never survey the technological advancement that the research department of the military wing of Pandemonium had achieved and was more engrossed in strengthening himself

That is not wrong at all because the stronger Death Monarch is, the more powerful Pandemonium became.

As the greatest world power among the seven great powers, the resources that Pandemonium controlled is of course more numerous than the others and that is also reflected in the earnings of their soldiers and the prosperity of Pandemonium citizens.

This kind of administration duties is neglected by Death Monarch simply because he had created a system of officials.

None of the officials under his rule dare to rebel and dare to corrupted the funds of the Treasury.

Because they know that there is an eye in the sky that could see them and punish them.

They might walk out the court of Pandemonium and when they return home, they would get strike by lightning.

Since that is the case, why would anyone dare to risk their life.

No matter how powerful they are in the court, in the end, if Death Monarch wanted their life, they could only submit.

Because of that, none of them doing anything that would be considered as a transgression against Death Monarch

But thankfully because Death Monarch rarely exercise such brutal punishment, the officials did not mind this threat because they know Death Monarch had a bottom line.

As long as you did not do anything overboard, you could live a good life working as the officials of Pandemonium.

Because of the efficient and clean bureaucracy of Pandemonium, the management and administration of Pandemonium is always productive which only created a more virtuous cycle of prosperity.

Death Monarch did not know this but since Sasha usually handle many things for Death Monarch, she knew that the military research of Pandemonium is very advanced.

In the military zone all kinds of new technology are discovered every day.

Some of them were distribute to the world, while some other is considered military secrets.

People that did not serve the Death Monarch did not know that most of the official’s worry is regarding Death Monarch himself.

Because Death Monarch is the sole ruler of Pandemonium, its symbol and its rallying point, these officials are always worried if Death Monarch would fall from his position or worse died in some world shaking battle or lost in his long journey above the heavens.

The day that Death Monarch fall is the day Pandemonium would fall.

That is the worry of these officials. And because of that worry, these officials diverted many resources of the Treasury for military research.

In the unfortunate case of Death Monarch death, or disappearance, they could at least defend and protect Pandemonium from other powers.

Sasha had just regained back her control on the Shadow Guards leadership and she already got the report of the advancement of military technology that has been developed by the Central Government when she was roaming around the world in the past

She clenches her fist and nodded to herself.

‘I don’t know how much it would help against such a demon but I would not know if I don’t try’ Sasha decides to use these weapons against the enemy of Death Monarch.

She popped a few pills into her mouth and the wound around her body slowly stopped dripping blood. But her body is still leaking energy

She needs to return to the Central region first, heal her injury and then ask those old fogeys in the Central Court to give her access to the Secret Chamber

She then did not delay as she once again turned into a white flash that travels in a straight line toward the Central region of Pandemonium.

Sina and Sasha was not the only one that have plans to help Death Monarch when the demonic aura envelops the world.

The Celestial Couple who were in the eastern region of Pandemonium and has been saving few cities along the way also have their own Plan

The Celestial painter Xu Cong uses her ability to paint to create obstacles for the enemy, materializing mountain in the air before hurling it down and trapping many great experts of demonic creatures and the advanced weaponry of the Otherworlds forces into his painting.

Xu Cong is sailing the skies, standings straight on his painting brush.

His painting brush right now is akin of a flying saucer and it had been enlarged so that Xu Cong could stand on top of its body and flying in the air toward the Central region.

Around him there is nine scrolls of painting floating and following him.

In each of these painting there is demonic creatures, otherworldly creatures and all kinds of scenery and life inside it.

The odd thing about these painting is that the painting is very lifelike.

When one looks closer one could see that the character that is inside the painting is actually alive inside that painting.

The characters all tried to find a way out of the painting

The Celestial painter had long not participated in any conflict in the world since the Sithulran event.

But today, the moment he had decided to participate, his feat is very shocking. Not far away from him, there is a beautiful otherworldly beauty, having a flawless skin like some kind of fairy living inside a holy forest.

On the side of her right hip is a flute swaying left and right because of the speed in which she is traveling.

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