
Chapter 820: The time monarch

‘Ah, fuck it. I already decided to do it’ He then fastened the electrode around his helmet and laid his back on the throne and then close his eyes as a powerful psionic energy surrounded him and protected him from any external disturbance.

At the same time that Loki disappeared and Hirate put on that helmet, there in one part of Europe, there was a city that was rewinding back its time.

Everything that was destroyed before were restored. Everything that was dead, lives. Cause and effects were erased.

And floating above a pristine and large city like it had not been touched by the ravages of war is Jean… The Time Monarch

His eyes seem to have an image of a pointer embedded into his eyeballs.

It is illusory and unless one could see his face clearly, then one would not be able to see it clearly

It is like his pupils are the dot of where the pointer of a clock and when the pointer inside Jean eyes move, time would move.

This is his own interpretation of time. His eyes become the clock and time would move according to that pointer.

The song of time could be heard by Jean. Though others who practice the law of time might hear something else, what Jean heard is the sound of a ticking.

This ticking sound multiplied like there were tens of thousands of clocks ticking denoting the passing of time

At first it all sounds the same, they all were ticking at the same time, but then some of those ticking went out of the uniform time and more and more were like that until the sound of the ticking of the clock sounds like a song of Time

He had managed to break through to Divine Comprehension the moment Azief strike cleanse the world from all the demonic creatures with his strike.

That moment, a burst of energy was supplied to the world because of the death of so many demonic creatures and otherworldly forces

Their energy was absorbed by the world and as such at that moment the density of energy increased all over the world.

Jean capitalize on this and managed to do something that would be impossible if not for the fact that reality was tore apart and dimensional barriers were all over the place.

He had rewind back time to the point before the Seresian demon attacked and sealed that moment until the strike from Azief arrived and then he regurgitated them all out from that time sealing.

But there is some side effect.

After all, Jean could manipulate time not control it. People always thought that Jean had able to control time. He could…but only to a considerable degree.

And what he meant by controlling is simply manipulating it.

What he had tried to do a few minutes before was an act of controlling time

And that kind of act did not come without consequences. If not for the fact that the Time Space was so chaotic right now, then Jean attempt might create another timeline.

But because he could manage it and the space around the world was so chaotic that his attempt at the changing of time is like just pouring more poison into a poison vat which did not change the properties of it, he did not accidentally create a new parallel world.

For some reason, the barrier of time and Space of this Universe is quite hard to break through

Of course for people like Death Monarch and Will, hard to them is just slightly hard. And even then, it created such a big mess which is the current Multiversal Convergence.

And there is another side effect

none of the people in the city remembers the attack and they all did not remember that they were dead just a few second before.

They were pretty shocked when they saw the world suddenly become bigger and they could see the distance between Heaven and Earth suddenly multiplied hundredfold.

Jean did not expect this. But it is a precious experience nonetheless

But Jean was frowning. He knows from what he did that it is nothing like a true revival. If not for the many factors that was present, he would not be able to do such thing

Because he knows he only saved one city. There were so many cities and villages all over the world and all he could do was save one city.

If he instead was not carried over by emotions and used his power to save others……then how many people he could save instead of just saving just a city.

But then he quickly shakes that thought out of his mind.

It is not a game of numbers.

But they have to treat it like a game of numbers.

He himself did not quite sure whether it is the right decision. If he did not feel as strongly as he did about this city before he might not have that one last push to break through to Divine Comprehension.

He sighed.

While Azief strike had destroyed all the demonic creatures it also had pacified all the space rips and the dimensional barriers

And one of the effect of the strike is it is healing the world.

the fabric of reality is slowly being stabilized again. Jean now might have more powerful control over Time and Space but it did not mean he could do what he just did before.

Because he had had taken advantage of all the factors he had been able to bring back the dead.

He looks at the city and look at the faces of those people who look at the sky with astonishment and awe and some kids were opening their mouth wide looking at all the thing that is around their city from the colorful gigantic flowers outside their city, to the large forest that seems to be the height of twenty skyscraper lined up vertically that their shade covers the land from above.

Some saw the sight of the remains of the battle but they did not understand how and when did that happen.

One could imagine that these people that Jean had revived were that like some people who were sleeping and then when they got up and look outside their house, they could not see the villages that was only a couple of miles away from them

They could not see the familiar tree that they would rest upon, they could not see the familiar scenery that they have seen for countless of years.

What they see was something else entirely and that would surely bring confusion to them but maybe because they tried to rationalize it, no one seems to be asking any question.

They look all around them and they could see mountains that they did not recognize, large trees that could cover up an entire nation and the unbelievable scenery of the Heavens being so far from them.

It was like at one moment the close their eyes and their whole world suddenly changes.

This kind of feeling is hard to describe.

Before when people look at the sky above, even though they felt it is high, they never felt it was unreachable.

But now, seeing it fills one heart with such feeling

The entire city did not have any bleak scenery like before. There is no corpses of children and old people all over the streets and limb scattered around the streets.

The streets itself is clear and clean unlike the street that he had walked just a few second ago

There is no destroyed building or screams of a mother shouting the name of their child, or the sound of a child crying for their parents.

They were only surprised, astonished and weirded out by the experience.

Jean smiles a bit

‘At least…it is not pointless’ he could only console himself like this. He knew that everything that lives also had to meet their end.

He knew that death is very normal. Time is after all one of the instrument of death

He could accept that fact in his mind.

He was prepared to lose many of his friends and he was prepared to see the death of millions when he saw the locust like demonic army descending down from the sky

He had been ready for it…in his mind. But when the tragedy strike, Jean had find out that he is no longer that ruthless Emperor of France.

He had known kindness and he had learned kindness. And once you feel how warm it is being covered up by kindness, it is hard to go back to being that ruthless again.

It was not that he become soft.

When he is dealing with an enemy he could still be that ruthless person that cow Europe into submission in the past

But he could not be as heartless toward his people. People he believes that is under his protection.

He was born and lived around the streets. He knows all about the darkness of the world

His sympathy is borne out of the same pain.

As such the more he understands the pain, the more he empathizes. Those people that died in the city, is his people.

And so, he could not just be as heartless as he is when he is dealing with his enemies. There is a reason why his army in the past would not hesitate to follow him into death.

He sympathizes with these people and mourn their death and felt pity for them and the impetus of that feeling had enable him to become a Divine Comprehension.

He wanted to turn back time. That desire was so strong that it could not be contained and in that moment of clarity, he broke thought and gain control over time for a period of a moment.

But a moment is all he needs to create this current situation

He had done his best. Their lives…. could be considered a gift from him for showing him his Grand Path.

And now, he is tired and exhausted. It is quiet fortunate that he is now in Divine Comprehension as his energy is quickly recovering.

If not, he could never bear that expenditure of using so much energy like that

He then looks toward a certain direction.


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