
Chapter 830: That timeline and this timeline

Looking at the fleet with a mischievous smile, Loki chuckles bitterly

He then muttered to himself.

‘I guess Hirate residual power is quite powerful for a Half Sovereign kind’ he thought.

That psionic energy that sweep all across the Milky Way galaxy is quite powerful.

But maybe because it is something that he was given to him and at the time he was given this power it was during Hirate weakest moment, this kind of power is useful only for changing certain properties of mind.

This power was given to him by Hirate of that other timeline when he was in Half Sovereign before Hirate sent his mind back into Time with the aid of Time God.

It stays with him all of this time and each year it becomes weaker.

Of course Loki did not use it against the demonic creatures. If he became the main character, then all of his effort is for naught.,

Because in the end, it will always revolve around Azief. That was his fate.

That is why Loki had never had the intention to hijack Azief events.

Just because he hijacked some important event does not mean that the fate that was destined for Azief would change.

This Multiversal Convergence is even bigger than the last one in his world.

But it was also resolved more easily than before.

This changes bring him with a bit of hope.

And one must be confused why would a psionic energy force that could affect the mind is used against a fleet of ships and why it worked in the first place

That is because the fleet of ships of Orvanians has always been an organism of life just like those demonic fleet of the Seresian world that uses organic life as the base of their Battlestar.

The demonic creature uses beast and monsters and the Orvanians uses plants and trees that have a will of their own to construct their sturdy ship

Then he sighed thinking about all of this matters and what will happen after.

He had long been prepared for the arrival of Orvanians.

The moment that he told Hirate what he was intending to do and the price for his help, Hirate of this timeline told him that he had summon the Orvanians to come help the Multiversal Convergence.

Loki then had no other choice than to incorporate it into his plan. His plan is after all very flexible.

As long as the blame rested on him and not on Azief, then everything is good.

Yes, Loki from the very beginning that Azief returned from the Supremacy Stairway had been planning for this moment.

He intends to take the blame for Azief.

It was Azief and Will act of opening the Time Space continuum that leads to the current Multiversal Convergence

But Loki had known that if this is revealed to the world, with the amount of people being killed by the demonic creature and the otherworldly forces Azief would become the enemy of the world

In that other timeline the same thing had happened to Azief.

But at that time, that Azief was not a hero and savior in the first place and the circumstances of the matter was very different than it is now in this timeline

In that other timeline, when he fought against the World Government to save Sofia, he lost and was imprisoned by the World Government.

He then joins the underworld becoming some concierge of crime, moving in the dark and knows all the dark secrets of the world, influencing great events of the world from the darkness

A dark hand guiding in from behind, possessing all kinds of information and dealing with all kinds of unsavory people.

Most of the people that is in Crime Alliance right now, in that other timeline has had one way or another dealing with the fearsome Prince of Darkness.

In that timeline when Time Crisis happen and when the world after the battle had concluded investigated the matter, the whole world found out it was Azief the Prince of Darkness that bring about the Multiversal Convergence

When everyone knows it was him that was responsible for the matter, no one was surprised and there were many people that wanted to kill him

The Time Crisis as the name suggested is a crisis.

But it also brought benefits to the word.

The death of so many people and so many demonic creatures and even the death of a Demon King had showered the entire world full of energy and Earth did not have to start implementing harsh energy rationing like some other newly rising intergalactic civilization.

Disk Formation leveler blooms after the Time Crisis ended as the whole world was filled with energy

At the same time that the whole world enjoys a new age of energy prosperity, there were many people that wanted to kill Azief as they held him responsible for all the death that happen during the Multiversal Convergence

But Azief of that timeline is a very cold and cruel person to those who were hunting him and no one was surprised because everyone knows of the Prince of Darkness that reign in the crime underworld

But unlike other criminals, he has some code that he did not break.

But that was Azief in that other timeline.

And even though Will was also with Azief in that timeline, they were not sworn brothers that would die for each other like in this timeline

their relationship is more of an employer and employee.

Azief employs Will with some deal he couldn’t refuse. Loki had a nagging feeling that deal is probably related to Will little sister, Lily.

Anyway, they break through the Time and Space continuum and started the Multiversal Convergence.

And people blame Azief for it. And he had never give any denial about the matter. So he become the enemy of the world until the time he become a Sovereign.

But now there is a reason why Azief must not become the enemy of the world right now.

It is because unlike that other timeline, at the current stage of Time Crisis, Azief was not a Divine Comprehension leveler. Instead he was around Disk Formation at that time

The whole world treated him like an enemy.

And he kills everyone that tries to harm him or the people he cares about.

At least that part of him did not change in this timeline.

This time if Azief becomes the enemy of the world, and the world fights against him, it would be catastrophic to the world

The world could not afford such a battle.

Azief in this timeline seems to have a completely new kind of image that is contrast very differently from his image in that other timeline.

Death Monarch Azief, the strongest person in the world, the hero of the era, protector of Earth is the image that is conjured up when normal people think of Death Monarch

When one spoke of Death Monarch after the events of the Weronians invasion, the heroes under the heavens would always all spoke of him with a tone of reverence and respect.

The stronger Death Monarch becomes, the more he is loved. The people of Pandemonium lived happily and in peace because they lived under the feet of Death Monarch.

He is a lion. But he is Earth’s lion. He is a predator. But he is Earth’s predator. He is a ruler and a symbol of invincibility and people feel safe under him

Azief in this timeline is no longer known as Prince of Darkness but were known to the world as Death Monarch

The stellar reputation that Azief had coincidentally created for himself had put him into a pedestal of a hero.

Those who closest to him knows he had never tried to be a hero. But the world wanted a hero and so a hero was born

Even if he said he is not a hero who would believe him?

He had kill Purunghasa, the great Warrior of the Weronians and kick started a counterattack of human resistance and it all started after Azief manage to kill Purunghasa and destroy the pillars that suppresses the Will of the World

To the common people, they believe the words of the storytellers that said Death Monarch risk his life fighting for the world and revered and respected him even though they lived in other continents

Some people dreamed off sailing the sea and went to Pandemonium to live in peace and prosperity, not having to worry about some gigantic monster about to trample their city.

All in all, the world had quite a positive view on Death Monarch

If the people of the world finds out that the current calamity is because of Death Monarch…. then what would happen?

Would it lead to the exclusion of Pandemonium?

That alone would create a rift between the Seven Great Powers which would undoubtedly created conflict.

if the conflict could be contained in only the meeting room, then it is still fine. But if it could not be contained in the meeting room and become an armed conflict?

then one could only imagine what kind of conflict that would erupt all over the world when Pandemonium become aggressive with Death Monarch on his throne leading the army of Pandemonium.


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