
Chapter 865: An ally from space

A shockwave ripples across the space over Earth and then suddenly a fleet of spaceship appeared in what used to be dark empty space.

A flash of light appears for a moment before the space time stabilizes

It is Sith’venar and his Orvanians fleet. They appear using the FTL technology which makes it easier to use in galaxy like this.

The moment they arrived, thousands of ships that seems to have other function then a fighter spaceship surrounded the space all over the Earth, creating like a circle link all over the space over Earth

Sith’venar look at the situational report and nodded to himself as he had his planned formed in his mind.

‘The human has done well. We need to aid them now when the Type Nine being is being suppressed. If we delay that type Nine being would slowly accustomed itself to the Laws of Earth prime and at that time even the Heavens could not oppress him anymore. This is the difficulties of dealing with powerful creature that passed the Type Eight lifeforms

There is something else he did not say which is that the suppression power of Earth Prime is not only longer it is also more powerful

That is because Earth Prime possess the All Source.

The news that Earth Prime have All Source is not a secret among the Five Seats of Orvan but for the recruits of the Watchers, it is not something that they should know so there are things that Sith’venar had to hide in the reports.

Normal calculation would not be able to judge the correct time when the Type Nine being would accustom himself to the Laws of the world

Maybe, he would always be suppressed.

But knowing that this is a type nine creatures, even though he is suppressed now and even though the All Source could suppress him infinitely, it did not mean that the Type Nine Being would not be able to circumvent it

After all, the Weronians that once attacked Earth Prime find ways to circumvent it by creating Suppressing Pillars that negates the suppression powers

Around him there was an officer who is supposed to write reports of the situation to the highest orders in Orvan

He frowned when he heard Sith’venar words. He is clearly uncomfortable about helping Earth.

He then said

‘Commander, do you really think it is wise we meddle with this matter? Our job….is done. The Multiversal Channel has been closed and the space rip on the Earth Prime right now is not connected with any world barriers.’ the officer cautiously said

Sith’venar think for a while and then sighed as he states suddenly

‘It is out of our jurisdiction’ the officer nodded but he waited for the order of his commander. There was silent in the deck and then the officer asks

‘Then…do we just let them fight with each other? If we bail out right now, Earth Prime would be hard pressed to endure the attack of a Type Nine Being’

Sith’venar then shake his head and he said

‘While it is not our job to regulate the safety of the Omniverse, and it has never been the intention of Orvanians to meddle in the matters of the rise or fall of a civilization, it did not mean that we could not help Earth itself’

Smiling bitterly, his eyes look toward the window of the spaceship, looking at the blue planet. There is also a mass of energy all around the world and he could see pulsating clouds formation from where he is looking

The energy in that world is numerous and in abundance. The size of Earth itself has grown. A world blessed by the All Source. But too much blessing is not entirely a good thing.

He sighed as he looks at the planet and then continue his word

‘The fact stands, that the demon come through the space rip of the Multiversal Convergence. Now, that the space rip is all closed and there is no opening of worlds portals, we could consider our job is done. But we could also argue that if the demon is allowed to win, then another portal would be opened’

‘That demon is surely not satisfied with just having him inside this new lush world full of energy. The Archive had reported to me that the Seresian world has a massive energy problem and most of their younger generation had rarely breakthrough to another higher level of life form’

The officer nodded and then continuing Sith’venar said

‘The Seresian demon had used backchannel to establish a secret dimension and have been hiding and messing up the world lines and barrier, and had conquers countless of worlds by relying on the Multiversal Channel. As the commander I believe that this is something that must be prevented.’

The officer smiles and said

‘I’ll jot that down in the report later’ Sith’venar nodded with a smile as the officers ready himself to battle station.

The Orvanian had finished their job actually. Doing anything more is unnecessary.

It might look like they are cold but the Orvanians had never been obligated to help any civilizations.

Their role had always been clear since the mistake that Sithulran had made

Since then, they were tasked with the protection of the Multiverse.

But while the Orvanians never had the intention to peacekeeping the Omniverse, it did not mean that they would not meddle.

But to meddle, Sith’venar had to have a credible justification.

The Seresian demon is the problem of the United Intergalactic Alliance and not of Orvan.

But it is also true, that from the archive, he had found that the Seresian world had meddle with the Multiversal lines and dimension portals all over the Omniverse.

As such, his justification is justified.

Each tear that the Seresian world had made all over the Omniverse created a ripple that would affect everything.

It is like one throwing a small pebble into a lake.

At first, the ripple is negligible.

As time goes on and the stones become larger and larger, the ripple of the lake become even more obvious.

And when there is such a large stone being thrown into the lake that the lake water spill out from the shore, then chaos began

Even Azief did not know this.

His journey to the future is the catalyst for the Multiversal Convergence. But it is not because of him entirely that the Multiversal Convergence happened.

He is the unlucky one.

The fabric of reality and the dimensional barrier was already treading on thin at that moment. After all, Earth Prime is not the only planets in the large Omniverse that have people able to travel through times or worlds.

All of this created damage to the fabric of reality that underpinned the very stability of the Omniverse.

The fact that Azief and Will then broke through Time and Space, travelling to hundreds of years forward in the future, stretching the Time Continuum till that point, it is no surprise that Multiversal Convergence happens.

When the force of that stretching reaches the ultimate point, it breaks and all the damage toward reality was gathered on that point like some kind of beautiful theory of quantum entanglement

And because Azief is the catalyst, the Multiversal Convergence happens at Earth prime, attracting worlds to merge and take control

Though, Sith’venar have live long enough to think that is more than just a bad luck. It is fate….and it is destiny.

As such, the Seresian demon had hastened the Multiversal Convergence event and Azief and Will become the catalyst.

He could explain this to the Five Seats of Orvan as destroying the root of instability toward the Multiversal Points in the Omniverse

Multiversal Convergence had never been the mistake of one person.

It is a damage that as accumulated all over the Omniverse and when it reached the tipping point, it would break.

Then suddenly a holographic projection appears behind him and Sith’venar turns his face back and saw the projection.

‘Commander we are all ready to engage the enemy!’ Sith’venar smiles as he began giving his orders

‘Good, launch the energy disruptor from the atmosphere. Make sure it is precise. We don’t want to hit our allies. Calculate the Time flow and embed Law Nullifying program into the energy disruptor. As none of us are combatants and we are not given permission from the Security Council to intervene actively, we could not help our allies in attacking the Seresian demon directly. But our technology is enough to disrupt the demon energy especially now that he is suppressed. After ready, you do not need to wait for my order. Just launch it’

The projection nodded and then the projection disappeared. Sith’venar look back on the window and he solemnly mutters to himself

‘I have done a lot. I hope this will help you’ His eyes are still looking at Earth and even from space he could see that the energy storms around Earth is multiplying creating powerful emanations of energy that weakens the wall of the worlds.

It seems his decision would not be hard to justify upon the Five Seats.

Azief and the Demon King battle had the potential to break and destabilize all the reality barriers that had just been repaired by the Speedsters

As he thought of all of this, all the ships that is surrounding earth opens up their weapons slot and pointed their weapon to Earth, calculating the mass change and the trajectory of time precision and space correlation to the speed travel.

For someone like the Demon king and Azief, when they battle each other, their speed is akin to the speed of light. This is not a simple carpet bombing where they could just rain down fire upon them

They wanted to attack the Demon king.

As such, they also need to calculate his speed and then set a homing program so that the missile would be launched at the correct location and arrive at the correct time.

This is the warfare of the Omniversal civilization.

And then, ten thousand spaceship release their missile. the moment that missile was released, it travels through space and time heading to the exact moment where time and space of the Demon King would be at and when he would be at

Sith’venar nodded as he then monitors the situation of Earth from the Intergalactic Planetary Surveillance system he had on his deck.

He did not seem to be smiling. Instead he is frowning.

‘So, that could happen too’ he thought to himself.


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