
Chapter 881: The name of the two beings


The sword slash cut quickly upon Balfor shoulders and it cut down his arm.

It appears like a sword slash but it is merely the sword intent that came first before the sword slash

The sound of the sword intent tearing through the thick skin of Balfor could be heard echoing all over the world.

But there was also something else that appears at that moment. A bullet pierces his chest and a large explosion detonated inside his body, wrecking his energy channel.

It causes him to cough up some blood from his mouth

That bullet is the bullet that Sasha had shot from Pandemonium. She is probably smiling right now and laughing if she knew that her bullet pierces the chest of the Demon King and wreck his internal organs.

Before Balfor could even register what happen, another attack reached him.

It is an icicle pierces his kneecap, creating a hole in his kneecap.

The moment that icicle pierce his kneecaps, coldness envelops his entire foot, feeling like he is unable to move, like some laws is binding him.

The coldness was immediately wiped out by the potent hot energy of his blood but it had clearly brought him more injuries and slow down his response.

He frowned.

‘That woman’ Balfor thought to himself. As for the other attack, he did not know which person had attacked him since there is too many to count

But as for the icicle, he knew who did it

Azief also frowned. At the time of his slash, he could see that there were many attacks that also were shot toward the Demon king.

Out of the many attacks, two of the strike caught his attention. It is the bullet and the icicle. He could recognize that bullet. That bullet is the secret weapon of Pandemonium.

There is only one other person other than him and Sina that knew the activation code for that bullet and that person is Sasha.

He smiles thinking of that secretary of his. But then he frowned as he remembers about the icicle.

‘That stubborn girl’ he thought to himself. He could immediately tell that the attack come from Katarina.

He had hoped that she would stay still and be safe.

Even from afar, she still wanted to help him. He did not like to owe anyone anything., More so, if it’s from Katarina.

He already owes her too much.

Azief quickly focus back toward the Demon King. His eyes frowned looking at the Demon King.

The attack was successful but the Demon King is still not dead. Tiredness envelops Azief entire being but he still maintains his sword using his Laws and energy of the world.

‘It is still not enough’ he thought to himself. Balfor had taken a big dive but he is still in the air, floating.

But his appearance is a bit messier than before.

His horn is leaking energy. There is a hole on his kneecap that is dripping with yellow puss. His mouth is coughing blood.

And from the stump of his arm, there is blood drops swirling with killing aura fell down on the surface. It was acidic in nature as it erodes all the things that it came into contact with

The Demon King arm was severed, falling into the parched ground which used to be a vast open seabed before.

The arm emanated a powerful demonic energy. Azief had one thought as he looked at the Demon King.

He looks…. vulnerable.

Balfor tried to run away when the sword strike came down on him but his body could not move.

And the sword strike did not end. That is just the initial blast of the sword intent. The sword strike did not yet strike down upon Balfor.

Azief look calmly at the sword strike that is coming nearer toward Balfor.

Balfor is still floating in the air but after this sword strike reached him, Azief would be surprised if he is not slammed down to the ground.

Balfor was stunned. He could not even escape as his entire being seem to be sealed. The power of the Wheel compelled him to stay

He gritted his teeth, unresigned to be killed by this human. It should not have happened like this.

It is not that he was underestimating the human. It is just that this human exceeds every expectation.

And only when he is at the cusp of dying, that he understands why. This human is Perfection. Or to be more accurate he walks the Perfection Path

His eyes seem to glow even redder as he decided to activate his backup plan

‘It would not be easy to kill me’ he thought to himself as he looks upwards, looking at the humans that have brought him to this dire situation.

And then he saw it. And it shocks his entire being. The sword intent had arrived and the sword strike had also come near him.

But Azief lifted his sword once again.

He is about to strike for the second time, once again draining his own energy. But that is not what shocked Balfor.

It is the scene that appeared when Azief lifted his sword.

Behind the human back, an image of a dark universe appeared. This image is no doubt coming from the Wheel.

And this dark Universe superimposed itself upon Earth skies.

Balfor could see stars, countless of them appearing in the golden skies before enveloping the golden sky and shows the beautiful vast starry space.

But unlike most of the stars he would see when he roamed the Universe, the stars seem to be aligned in a pattern.

A road of stars.

And then Balfor remembers the words that was spoken by the human before

‘The Sky as Chessboard, The Stars Are It Pieces’ this is the thought that came to his mind.

Even when his body is being wrecked, and he should have been paying attention how to escape from his current predicament, for some reason, Balfor was entranced by that image.

He felt like the images, the scene that is now projecting itself behind the human back contains some kind of profound truth that he would never get the chance to see again if he averts his gaze

So, even as pain wrecked his body, he did not roar or whimper. He just observes the scene that is happening.

He then saw two titanic beings appears in the scene.

No, they could not simply be called titanic.

They were above the firmaments; their largeness is not only based on size but based on power that emanated out from their entire being

Their size is the representation of their status and their order of life form or being that transcends any understanding

They seem to control creation and destruction, and emit an aura of all-encompassing grandness.

Balfor felt how small he is compared to that two beings. Like he is some speck of dust in the vats multitude of the Omniverse.

He was shocked when he felt like this just by simply looking at those two beings

And to make him, someone who is actually almost half Sovereign to feel like this, spoke to volume of how powerful these two beings really are

And this is just a projection of those two beings and not those two beings coming in person.

The two beings that Balfor saw is probably the strongest beings that Balfor had ever laid his eyes on.

But even though he narrowed his eyes, and revert some of the energy in his body to his eyes to see clearer, he could not recognize the face of that two being.

‘No’ he thought to himself. It is not that he could not recognize. He could not remember it.

It was like their faces is obscured from his mind. He looks at it, remembers it and then forgets it almost instantly and as such it creates this image of a blurry face.

Like the two being seems to be shrouded in heavenly secrets. Balfor was astonished at his own thought.

At the same time, the sword strike arrived.

Another sound of a sharp object slicing through meat echoes across the world.

Another sword intent flew and cut Balfor other arms. But Balfor didn’t seem to care. He did not even seem to register the pain for a few second

He keeps looking at that image behind Azief back.

Not even one second had passed and Balfor had lose both of his arms.

But then he realizes that his arm had been cut and Balfor gritted his teeth, and opened his eyes wide.

He seems adamant in looking at that image even at the cost of his existence being diminished by that sword strike

‘Fuck it’ he said

He could feel that the missiles that lodged deep inside him had slowly lost its effectiveness in restraining his ability in controlling the Laws

‘I will not die’ he thought to himself as he saw that those two beings in that scene picked up stars like they were the lightest thing in the Omniverse with their fingers and treated it like some chess pieces, moving it according to their strategy

They sat upon large planet and they use the universe as their chessboard.

Under their feet, are the pathways of stars with all kinds of cosmic phenomenon happening around each of them.

Supernovae explosion, the death of a sun, a black hole, stellar winds, pulsational pair instability supernovas were happening all around them, but these two beings did not seem affected by it.

Each of the explosion of stars could create instability to space and time and create mass destruction event.

But when facing these two being these destruction event did not even able to touch these two people clothes.

These two beings seem to possess different aptitude and different domains of power. One of them is dressed in black robe, the blackest of black, like the deep dark space itself.

It absorbs all destruction and even emanated his own brand of destruction.

Destructive aura hovers and is under his control. Anything that is even remotely close to him experience entropy.

On the opposite side, sitting on a planet full of life, is a being that seems to be shrouded with the brightest light in the Omniverse.

Behind that being, galaxies appeared out of nowhere. Essence of primordial creation emanated out from this being.

And Balfor immediately understood what is these two beings are. He gasped is disbelief.

They were lore about them. They were considered myth. Stories people told to instruct, and to explain the rise and fall of universes.

Even the Seresian demon did not believe that such a fairytale character exists.

That dark being filled with destruction aura probably the Unholy Destroyer, the End of All, the Master of Death and Destruction.

And that being shrouded with light is probably the Creator, the Beginning of Life, the Master of Life and Creation


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