
Chapter 897: Loki the trickster (2)

There is power in name.

And Loki knows that there are certain beings in the Omniverse that could divine fate, changes destiny with just knowing one name.

Karma is a burden.

But it also could be used as protection if one knows how to make use of it. Loki had Karma with his teacher.

And instead of a burden, that Karma protects him form the eyes of many beings. Because his Karma would lead to his teacher.

And no one could see through his teacher. Because to see his teacher fate and destiny, to seek his whereabouts would be to see the Primordial garden and saw the face of “That Being” And those who see “That Being” true face, one would either be crazy or be enlightened.

And Loki had a feeling “That Being” would never ever let any of his creation to see his true face. Not that his creation could see through it anyway.

Loki, at first uses the name of his teacher as his name to deflect such magic.

But along the way, he himself like the name and the name stuck. His real name however is very normal.

That is one of the reason why he introduces himself as Loki when he first met Azief in this timeline.

Names have powers. And his teacher name is able to hide him from the eyes of many powerful beings in the Omniverse

Then there is Azul.

Azul fate must have changed in this new timeline.

While Loki could not know the changes of what happened to that Great Supremacy, from the fact that Azief had manage to fulfil the wishes of Azul, Loki had confidence that Azul might have been able to break that last limit.

Great Supremacy Azul is one of the oldest and ancient being in the Omniverse.

Loki believes that the Time God changing of Times did not affect Grand Supremacy Azul at all.

Loki could not confirm it but he was right. Azul memory was not affected by the changes of the Timeline.

Loki sighed internally. Grand Supremacy Azul in this timeline is even Azief teacher. Loki and Jean had predicted that this would happen if Azief manage to solve Azul regret.

This is a story that Loki had heard from Azief himself about how he regretted that he did not able to get the legacy of Azul when he was young.

With a bit of help from Loki, Azief in this timeline had managed to gain the approval of Azul. This add another helper when the Battle at the End happen.

There is also Wargod.

That is also an ancient being. He is even more ancient than Azul, living Before the Beginning of Time Creation

An Ethernian. Loki, at least this Loki knows more lore about the Etherna than Number Two Loki.

He knows that the Etherna is the first creation in the Omniverse. And they live before Time was created. They were eternal, undying and unkillable.

Then Time came, Life appeared, Death emerges and laws were imprinted upon all living beings.

Now, there is only a trace of Etherna in the Omniverse, their stories are in ancient murals of many perished planets.

Wargod is one of the beings in the Omniverse that one could say not heavily restrained by destiny and fate

It is not quite accurate saying that he had manage to free himself from fate and destiny, instead it would be more accurate to say that he was protected from destiny and fate

As one of the survivor of the great purge of Etherna, Wargod is a very special and unique existence in the Omniverse. Other than this three beings, Loki does not know anyone else that is not controlled by Destiny and Fate

Or maybe, there is something that he had forgotten. Memory is his most potent weapon, but it could also be his biggest weakness.

Destiny and Fate would always try to distort his memories. And the longer he is here, there is more chance that his memory would be prone to be manipulated by Destiny and Fate

‘Destiny and Fate, this two clingy bitch’ he cursed a bit under his breath

Even the Creator and the Destroyer is under fate and destiny. But of course, unlike other people, they work in tandem with destiny and fate and not controlled by it or controlling it

He sighed thinking of what is happening right now. There are too many changes now. He did not know whether he should be happy for that or not.

Of course he wanted to change the future. But he still needs to have some kind of foundation to make sure his plan could be enacted.

He was reminded by Time God Jean advice.

‘Improvise and adapt. But remember the core part of the plan. There are things that can be changed and there are things that must stay the same’

That is his advice before Loki was sent back to the past in Thought-Form.

Loki, Jean, Hirate, Sofia, they thought about a lot of possibility, discuss all the possible action and reaction that would happen when they change certain things in the past.

They all put their heads together to make sure that at the end, they would be able to secure an ending which is different from their ending.

They all agree that permutations of time are numerous and as such there are some guidelines that they created to make sure that the changes that Loki would made in the past would lead to that ideal ending in the end.

They did anticipate that the past would change and some plans had to be chucked out or altered to suit the changes in the Timeline.

But, they were very adamant that everything that is considered a pivotal moment of Azief life to not change.

Even if that particular event is heartrending and would made Azief suffer, certain events must not change.

One of such event is the Time Crisis.

Fortunately, even though some of the details of this event had diverted from the original, it did not change the fact that the Time Crisis happens

Many people that fought here today, did not know that they are living in a historic moment.

It is not surprising after all. Most people in history did not know that they are actually living in such a historic moment.

Time Crisis is a historic moment that would be remembered hundreds of years even after the event. The casualty of the Time Crisis of this time had decreased.

Those who did not have future knowledge might not know why the Time Crisis is important but for Loki who had seen it all, he knows the impact of the Time Crisis better than anyone. People might think that the Time Crisis event is a catastrophic moment for the world but instead it is one of the turning point of humanity.

It isn’t only after a few hundred years the future generation categorized the event of the Time Crisis as a blessing in disguise.

The impact of the Time Crisis is more than just destruction of many parts of the world. It is also the rejuvenation of the world.

The multiversal energy that pour into Earth will slowly transform the world and more paths could be found.

Right now, most of the people on Earth could only practice in one way and that is by using the system.

Of course when one reaches a higher level, most of them would divert from the system method of training and instead focuses on the path of power that each individual would find.

For example, Death Monarch with his perfection path, Jean with his extreme study of Time effect, Warp with the ability to changes the properties of space, manipulate and controlling it and many others.

But with the pouring of multiversal; energy, it also takes the laws of the other worlds into Earth Prime

This has a very positive benefits to Earth. Of course this benefits could not be seen in a short term, but in a long term period, one would see the positive effect that is brought by the Multiversal Convergence event

Of course, the Orvanians would surely close up all the multiversal points near Earth Prime after this and they would sew it tight so that Earth prime would not intentionally create a Multiversal Convergence just to absorbs the energy from other worlds.

And Loki also realizes that if such an event to happen multiple times at the same world, the risk of Reality Implosion increases each time and that is not something that is desirable for anyone

There is a price in everything. Anyone who tells you differently, is selling something


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