
Chapter 906: Ragnarok (1)

The stars that was rammed by this shield exploded into particles of atom before disintegrating completely, like it had never existed before

‘This is…. I need to see more’

Loki fly upwards to see the scene better. The moment he flies upwards; he saw what Jormungandr is doing.

The World Devouring Serpent writhes in pain and anger, causing the waves of the seas of Asgard to crash, affecting the Eight Realms.

The waves were so furious and destructive that it breaks the chains that tied up the ship Naglfar. The moment that ship was released the seas react violently, as tsunamis, thunderstorm, and all kinds of sea disaster seems to be unleashed

The waves unfurl the sails of the ship and it set sail to Asgard, sailing through the stars, crushing any planets that on its way

But Asgard is not the only one that seems to be affected. One of the Eight realms also moves and affected.

Muspellheim shakes and trembles, its volcanic range spew fires that reach to the skies, passing through the heavens and heading toward Asgard like some kind of interplanetary ballistic missile.

When people think of Asgard, and of the Eight realms, people that have not seen the Eight realms would think that these being live in a primitive world, relying on their runic magic to have an advantage over the many interplanetary systems

But that is only on the surface.

The Eight realms are very technologically advanced. They combined magic with science and each realm have their own specialties

The fire Jotnar inhabitants comes out, their bodies are shrouded with fire, each step they take created large flame on the ground

They flew up into the air like a flaming meteor coming out from Muspelheim and heading toward the Aesir.

Jotunheim is aroar and the Aesir trembles as darkness fills the whole Eight Realm, cold winter come upon them

The dwarfs groan by their stone doors and armed themselves with their magical shield and magical axes.

Surtr advances, his sword brighter than the sun and its flame cut the coldness of Fimbulwinter.

The wolf Fenrir roars and Loki could see Odin Allfather, armed from head to toe, his only eye sparkling with light as he pointed his spear Gungnir toward the wolf and engage with the titanic wolf in the starry skies.

The space above Asgard contorted and exploded as stars and planets around the area of their battle exploded and creating all kinds of cosmic phenomenon.

Some star regress and some stars exploded spewing out cosmic matter as some of them is about to become a black hole

Loki was entranced. He did not understand why his teacher is showing him this. he still did not understand.

But he was entranced nonetheless.

So he keeps watching., There might be something that he missed. Maybe there is a message that his teacher is trying to give to him as this dream shows him the scene

Loki knows what scene he is looking at right now


The Final Destiny of the Gods.

Loki understood that there are still many things about Asgard he did not understand. The reason why he knew all of this figures is because he once went to Asgard. And by went he meant that he truly was inside Asgard.

Of course, he was not allowed to roam around inside Asgard but he has gone into Asgard.

Azief and Will when they were stranded and was searching for a way home back to Earth did pass Asgard. But they did not enter Asgard.

Instead they went to the many planets under Asgard controls.

At most they are in the periphery of Asgard. Asgard and Aesir lies beyond the Source Wall

The Eight Realms is the Eight galaxy system that is ruled by Asgard.

It is connected by Yggdrasil, the mystical tree of Asgard.

And they have the Bifrost, the burning rainbow bridge. It is not exactly like a rainbow as one would think.

Instead it had variety of colors spectrum. The stronger a being is, the more spectrum of colors that they could see from the Bifrost.

For the Asgardians, they called it the Aesir Bridge. It is guarded by Heimdallr.

Loki had seen all of it before hence he could recognize almost all of the figure that is fighting right now.

He flies higher and he could saw Himinbjorg, as he saw heavenly hills and golden dome. Inside that golden dome is the heavenly castle of Heimdallr.

He saw that the bridge is shaking and trembling as the forces of Muspelheim appeared on top of the Bifrost.

They clash with the forces of the Aesir, it affected the heavens and all of the eight realms.

Even though the Eight realm is far away from each other, each one is a galaxy that spans tens of thousands of planets habitable and uninhabitable

All of these eight realms is connected by the roots of Yggdrasil and their transportation method relied on the Bifrost technology.

That has a price. Whatever happens to the Aesir, whatever happened to Asgard, affect the other realms

Surtr appeared riding a flaming horse, and before him and after him, flames burning fire burns the light of the Bifrost

He rides upon the Aesir Bridge and the light, the energy, the laws that underpinned the creation of the Bifrost slowly cracks and it is about to break to pieces.

Thunders and lightning fills the skies and flaming light covered the skies and heavens of Asgard. Cold winter blew all over the eight realm, a magical scene of destruction and devastation spread all over.

The Gods of Asgard flew out and fought as it signifies the final destiny of the Gods

Loki look toward Odin Allfather who is fighting with Fenrir. Fenrir is the son of his teacher. Its mother is the giantess Angerboda.

Yes, Loki teacher is quite the playboy in the Eight realms, siring many children, three of which would play a very heavy role in Ragnarok.

Asgard magic is always misunderstood and feared. It is misunderstood because it did not follow any convention as normal magic which uses at least the concept of energy of the world.

Hence, rarely people understood it. Asgard magic could be considered something that is abstract, something that is intangible and abstract.

One of the humans that Loki knows that very much thrive in this kind of magic is none other than Morgana who uses emotions to fuel her magic and rituals to perform high level magic and curses

And the other one is himself. One of the example of the absurdity of Asgard magic was the imprisonment of Fenrir.

Fenrir is bound by a magical chain, made from the sound of a cat footsteps, the beard of a woman, the breath of a fish and other occult elements.

It is border on impossibility, on intangible things.

But, because it is an impossibility, an element that borders on absurd, that it could chain the might wolf that could devours Gods and Demons

The Gods of Asgard collected all of this elements to create a magical chain powerful enough to bound this gigantic wolf.

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