
Chapter 982: An envelope

But doing so would take away some of her energy.

She is unlike those people with almost an unlimited reserve of energy in her body that she could uses haphazardly.

She still had to ration and conserve her energy

Splitting herself like that not only would split her attention, it would also split her strength.

She could not create thing from nothing. The energy of the avatar had to be taken from the original. The original lose some of energy

This is usually not a big deal. Since the original body could absorb more energies.

But, there is this limit of how many avatars she could split from her original core of energy. Unless she possesses certain methods, it would be a disadvantageous action for her.

And since she is the head of the Shadow Guards, there is many people that would want to kill her.

Sasha would not be surprised if there is some people that could reverse-engineer the ability of an avatar so that the damage toward the avatar could be transferred into the real body

Some people did not have to worry about this like Death Monarch who could create avatars from Laws.

Just to defeat the avatar of Death Monarch is already incredible enough.

The same could be said for Jean Time Avatar. Jean avatar is created from the manipulation of time.

This is even more ingenuous. And Jean also could manipulate time and not an easy opponent to beat unless you are one level above him.

His mastery of time itself would prove him to be a formidable enemy. As for Hikigaya, his specialty is always creating illusion.

Who knows? Maybe when you thought you were fighting him when actually you are fighting against smokes and wind

Hikigaya avatar is mostly in the form of mist.

While in that form he could not attack with full power it had the ability to easily dissipate meaning that his true body would rarely ever be in danger.

He is not a coward. He just doesn’t like troublesome thing.

Haish, she sighed again inwardly.

She should take a vacation after this.

‘Ah’ she thought to herself. Should she said something to the Ministry of Welfare to establish some mandatory leave like before the Fall? Five work day and two leave day?

Then she shakes her head.

‘I am sure I still had to work’ she thought to herself. If she works in an office that would make sense.

But, the work she does is very secretive and it is not like she could just take a break on many things.

If it is small matter maybe she could ignore it for a day or two but the problems of the Shadow Guards are rarely small things.

If she got intel that someone is about to create some superweapon in some secret base, could she just ignore it and said to her subordinate

“Hey, sorry but I will be taking two days leave. Hope that the world would not suffer any calamity in these two days!” Before slamming the door of her office

She could not just ignore it, right?

Most of the thing she deals with is very dangerous and as such, while there is an opportunity for rest, when such intel come to her desk, she needs to track, analyze and also research it

If there is a superweapon that is about to be built, she needs to know who build it? For what purpose?

Who is the supplier?

Where is it? Who is the accomplice?

Would it benefit Pandemonium or not?

That and more

But while her job is stressful there is a few things she likes about her job. At least she doesn’t have a boss that keep hounding her.

And at times, she does have time to relax.

She remembers the rest she had at the Grand Canyon. Of course the Grand Canyon is full of monsters down below, but with people of her level as long as she just wanted to enjoy the sunset it would not be a problem

Of course, by enjoying the sunset means she was with someone. A spy. Like her.

Haish…. her life is after all full of darkness and death,

Every once in a while she had to vent out and air out some of her frustration.

‘Tch’ she clicked her tongue

She resolved that after this problem settled, she needs to train a successor so that she would not be working these hard all the time

She then focusses again her thought and annoyance is slowly rising up in her heart. How much longer?

She looks at Lukas and raised her eyebrows.

It was like she was telling him

“hurry up, out with it!’

But Lukas could only smile bitterly. Then he said

‘Let us walk a bit more’ This time Lukas walk forward ahead of Sasha and Sasha is puzzled.

His dark blue robe sweeps the ground as the wind blows and sways his long robe left and right

‘Come along’ his voice trailed backwards.

Sasha frowned.

Then she walks following him. They get past through a broken bridge and had to jump through a few cut off courtyard.

There are now far away from the throne room and even had gone down a few floor below the area from where they started walking.

Where are they going?

She had already confirm with her Divine Sense that no one is listening.

How far should they go for Lukas to finally spit whatever he wanted to say to her?

Feeling a bit impatient, she said

‘Who else do you think is listening? I have confirmed that there is no one around us. If you are not confident, I could even raise some protection formation with the hexes tables so that it would protect us from being spied on’

‘There is someone still listening’ Lukas said faintly, his word sounds like a whisper.

‘Who?’ Lukas halted, turns around and sighed. he did not say a word, but he pointed his finger toward the sky and suddenly Sasha understood who is Lukas talking about.

And her eyes narrowed down toward Lukas.

That gesture of Lukas seems to be very rude.

The other one that could still listen to their conversation and that finger pointing toward the sky referred only to one person

Death Monarch

What is this Lukas thinking? What kind of secret that he wanted to tell her that even Death Monarch should not listen to?

It could not be that this person is planning a treason right? She thought to herself.

No matter how big of a gut Lukas had, Sasha believe he would not have such courage to betray Death Monarch.

And if he really intended to betray Death Monarch, he would not be that stupid to ask her to accompany him.

Sasha could be said Death Monarch hidden blade. If Lukas really wanted to plot some sinister scheme toward Pandemonium, she would be the last person that he would want to talk to

Sasha then went silent.

She did not say anything but she followed Lukas silently. This time they did not talk about anything.

There is no conversation between them

Only the sound of their footstep in the deserted hallways and the sound of thunder and rain in the distance could be heard.

Sasha is racking her brain trying to deduce what Lukas is trying to say to her, going through all this trouble and even attempting to hide the content from Death Monarch

Lukas on the other hand is still calm. He could see that the rain is slowly turning into a drizzle. On some parts of the sky, the dark clouds are slowly receding.

The thunder is still loud and the lightning still flashes, but it is slowly decrease in intensity and numbers.

‘That person is right even about this’ he thought to himself.

The message that he wanted to give Sasha is a message he did not dare to open and to listen to himself.

That person gives him an envelope. That person even said, if he dares to look at it, he could see it.

Lukas is not brave enough. So, he had tried to reject it. But after talking with that person, he relented.

Since then he had been holding this envelope.

Today, he knew he had to give this letter.

He did not understand the words of that person before. Because at that time, he could not have predicted that things would be like this.

But now he understood some of that person words and now is the time for him to give this envelope to Sasha

He doesn’t know what waves would rise if he gives this letter to her.

But he knows he had to face the music. And since he had to face the music regardless, it is better to face it sooner than later.

And he trusts that person would not harm Sasha and would not harm Death Monarch


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