
Chapter 988: A trap

She sighed.

Lukas look at her and said

‘Nothing harmful for Pandemonium?’ he had read most of it. But, it is always good in making sure.

Sasha shakes her head.

‘What are you going to do?’

There was silence for a while. She had a lot to do. But now, she did not know what to do. her plans now had to be changed with this new revelation.

Sasha still hold suspicion of course.

Why now?

Why reveal such an important thing to her?

What is he hoping to achieve by telling his plan to her? That is the thought that is in her head right now

Lukas read the first part of the message. But he did not read until the end. So, he knows a bit what Loki plans was.

Sasha look at Lukas on the corner of the room and she lamented

‘This man really knows how to stay away from trouble’ she thought to herself. Lukas notice Sasha gaze though he thought that Sasha is thinking about his silence

Sasha then suddenly said

‘I am not going to tell this to Death Monarch’ Lukas nodded before saying

‘Then I am not going to say anything either. And knowing Death Monarch, he would be pretty busy this week. I don’t think I should burden him with this’ Lukas already set up a reason why.

Sasha only sighed.

‘As for the Trickster?’ Lukas suddenly ask

‘What are you going to do about his plans? Would you tacitly consent to it? Or are you going to stop him?’

Lukas smile.

Sasha could feel that Lukas is setting himself up as a spectator, like a viewer looking at a fascinating story while munching on their popcorn

‘If you let him do it, then I think it is quite beneficial for the Shadow Guard. But “that person” did not really done any bad things. At least not to my knowledge. And “that person” had been quite low key. If Loki did what he planned to do, then there is a lot of thing he got to break’

Sasha close her eyes and the release her breath. She need to think carefully her next move

This matter is very complicated. She had killed a lot of people since she takes the job as the leader of the Shadow Guard.

As a clandestine secret organization whose job is to protect Pandemonium from hidden enemies, there are some questionable things she had done to protect the people of Pandemonium

Of course, because of Death Monarch deterring influence, rarely she had to choose between darkness and light.

But, there were cases where she did not know whether the decision she made was right or not. As for Loki, she already had her answer

‘I have to at least try to stop him’ she said

Lukas become puzzled.


And Sasha already had the answer.

‘He is Death Monarch brother. I know if Death Monarch is in my place, he would not let Loki stain his hand with blood more than necessary’ Sasha then walk toward the door and quickly went out.

Outside, the rain had already stopped, and there is no longer any dark clouds or thunder. Lukas is still inside the room. Who knows what he is thinking about.

Not anything good, she supposes.

The sun is about to set. Night is about to descend.

‘Just at the right time’ she thought to herself.

She had to quickly regroup her people.

She had to bring out all the spaceship in the Hangar Forty-Seven to quickly establish communications with all of the Shadow Guard operatives

She had to stop Loki from killing the Broker.

Yes, one of Loki plans was to take the place of the Broker by killing him. It seems that Loki had found out where the Broker is.

And if the world finds out where the Broker is they would be shocked.

The Broker had already stopped appearing in the criminal underworld but he still has a lot of influence.

There is still many information that he had. Information that in the wrong hands would be catastrophic.

Loki outline his plan quite well.

He wanted to take the Broker place and integrate himself with the criminal underworld. Every once in a while he could help Sasha with his position inside the heart of the criminal world

In other words, this plan is not exactly harming Pandemonium interest. Instead it could even be said that this plan would benefit Pandemonium in the long run

Sasha does have spies in the criminal underworld but it is not many and they did not occupy important position.

As for Loki, Sasha knows that Loki had many operatives in high position in the criminal world. If Loki plans succeeds, Loki could may very well be the next broker.

But the methods that Loki is going to use is…. something that Sasha did not like. There is no need for him to spill so many blood and carry so many sins for Death Monarch

What she said to Lukas back there was not a lie. Death Monarch probably did not want his sworn brother to soak their hands in too many blood.

And how about Sina? Sina is a precious friend of Sasha. How would she feel when she heard this later? How could she defend him?

She clicked her tongue again. Right and wrong, it is hard to differentiate such thing in her world. But she is pretty sure that this is wrong.

And there is another complication to Loki scheme.

And that is the fact that The Broker was actually under the protection of the Shadow Guards.

He is in some kind of witness protection program. Not many people know this.

Right now, he is probably living in some neighbourhood in Pandemonium. Loki could not have chosen a more perfect time to execute his plans.

Before, the area that Broker was living in was very close to the Palace.

Since Pandemonium is Death Monarch territory, not many people would dare to do such flamboyant thing as trying to kill someone under the foot of Death Monarch.

But now?

The expansion of the world had changes the geography of the world.

She could not help but curse herself.

She herself forgot that there is a ton of criminals under that Witness Protection program.

The Broker is not the only one but he is probably the highest profiled one among those criminals

That is how the Broker had managed to remain undetected by the other great powers and the organizations that wanted to buy and sell information to him

He also acts as an informant of the Shadow Guards and as he is very knowledgably, there were many cases that he had helped the Shadow Guards with.

It is a secret that she did not tell Death Monarch.

Knowing Death Monarch, there is fifty-fifty chance that he would kill the Broker the moment he set eyes upon him

Because Death Monarch could afford to live in a world of black and white. Her’s however could accommodate gray.

‘Tch’ she clicked her tongue. This time it is out of annoyance and anxiousness. This is her quirk.

‘Loki must have found some clues when he was the Regent’ she thought to herself.

Sasha is now running and jumping down the floors of the Palace.

At the same time. she is reading the map direction on her nano contact lenses which shows the location of one of the secret black site of the Shadow Guards.

‘I’ll stop you. There is no need for you to take that burden’ she thought to herself. In her mind, there is Sina and there is that Demoness.

‘The Broker must not die’ she thought as she is determined to make it so. Not very long after that she went out of the Palace.

She still follows the rule of the Palace. She did not fly inside the palace compounds.

The moment she went out of the Palace grounds, she looks at the sky and kick the ground

And the Nightingale fly over the open sky.

In the distance, someone is looking at that Nightingale, beautiful as the color of the moon on the open sky night, Lukas smile looking at all of this

He rubs the back of his hand and smiles widely. He went out of the room, ready to return back to his work

‘I, too would be busy after this. Those court officials, who knows what they are going to do. And I am pretty sure there is a spy inside the Palace.’

But, he did not think to report this to Death Monarch. This is not a big problem. At least it is not a big problem for Death Monarch

What the spy could steal is the information about Pandemonium and would not be information about Death Monarch

If this spy managed to steal the secret of Death Monarch, then would Lukas tell it to Death Monarch.

At that point, Lukas no longer need to move since Death Monarch would be the one that would take action.

Since the matter did not require him to report it to Death Monarch, he is still pretty happy about it.

Of course, there is another reason why he is happy.

Now he had a card he could use against Sasha. Loki was not lying when he said that Lukas would also get some benefits on this

He closes the door and lock it with the silver key and as he turns to his left, the smile on his face faltered.

His eyes widened for a second before he quickly regains his calm and take a deep breath

Sighing, he said with a tired tone

‘So, this is a trap’ he mutters to himself.


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