
Chapter 997: Using the laws (1)

The sound of explosion is muffled but the effect of the explosion was not spread out. He is still quite close to Earth.

He did not want the effect of him clashing with celestial objects to cause some changes on Earth

One must not underestimate the power of some celestial object veering off course. Earth now could probably survive large meteorites falling down from the sky

It is hard to believe, absurd even but as Azief had learn from his many journey in the Universe, when some mystical artifact is involved, absurdity is par for the course.

Azief was quite sure, if Earth prime did not have the All Source, this magical and an impossibility where not only Earth had expanded but also the planets and stars around it would not have happened.

But Azief would prefer not to add up more destruction toward Earth on his conscience.

The fact that Earth would become a place that is more accessible for meteors to fall is inevitable.

Since Earth had now grown probably a hundred times larger than before the area where space matter would collide increased exponentially

And Earth had quite a few missed calls in the past.

But knowing this, the Seven great powers would probably bring out some satellite that have the capability to destroy and neutralize any danger from space like that NUKE

NUKE is Nuclear Universal Killer Energy

It is a high tech satellite outfitted with nuclear capabilities to shoot down any meteorites or unidentified spacecraft that tries to come in into Earth airspace without identification

Well, humanity had learned the hard way what would happen when they did not guard the outer space

Of course NUKE is not the only line of defense.

There are others.

Most of it is sponsored by the World Government. From what he knows, Pandemonium also funnel many resources to this

The Seven Great powers might not agree on everything but if there is one thing that would gain universal approval from the World Security Council it would be any proposal toward the security of outer space especially on the Milky Way galaxy and the planets surrounding it.

Most of it was destroyed during the Multiversal Convergence. There were the fights that happens on the ground. But there were also fight that happens in space.

Some of the Otherworlders had technological advances that did not lose out to Earth and they seem to have targeted the line of defense on space the moment they arrived.

And then there is the Seresian demon.

Add with the burst of energy from the Multiversal Convergence that opens up portals and rift toward other worlds, it neutralized and break almost all of the surveillance systems on the Moon and the nearby stars

It was like a cosmic blast that just destroyed everything.

Azief thought of Hirate and know that he must be feeling quite the heartache.

Whatever his fault, Hirate is a man that truly wanted to protect the world. Azief did not have this vibe form him in the past.

But he is slowly becoming like that. Surviving a war does changes one perspective. Though, he is still cunning as ever.

To forget that is very dangerous. Hirate did not always goes with the right kind of method to do the things he wanted to do. Sometimes, the end does not justify the mean.

As such, when Azief rammed his body to it, he destroyed these matters inwardly, causing any matter to collapse inwardly.

In such cases, when his body rammed with some powerful and dense matter it would make him to have a few scratch.

But because of his Undying Physique, it would be healed almost instantly.

But now, it did not even leave him a scratch. Because as he become faster and faster, his body began unleashing all the abilities he had.

Kinetic energy gathers around it to name a few energies that seems to shrouded his body like some kind of protective power.

His aura also exploded out, pushing small matter outside the way and his power seems to cause some changes on space around him

Of course, it is unlike him to manifests his aura and power outside of his body.

On Earth, it serves as intimidation and cow his opponent into submission even before meeting them.

It is one of his theatrics that he likes to employ against his rivals and enemies.

Rarely that Azief had to manifest the power inside him other than today when he uses all of his power to fight against Balfor.

But this time, there is a practical reason for doing so.

it protected Azief body from many unknown elements of space.

‘I kinda miss travelling with Will’ he thought to himself.

With Will, it was different.

The Speed Source that is used by Will, morphed and transformed all energy around them as a fuel for the Speed Source.

As long as he is inside and being shrouded by the Speed Source, he did not need to do anything other than n supply some energy to help him go faster

Hence, when he was travelling the many dimension with Will in the past, he did not have to worry about his body protection against the elements of the Universe as Will would envelop him with the Speed Source.

There are too many unknown elements about space and the element they contained for him to just fly around it without protection

While he did not have the Speed source, he does have many other methods that he could use

Some of these elements that exist in the outer space have been identified by humans but some of it is unknown just like the unknown abyss of the darkest space.

Although, physics have given a rough idea what the Universe is, in the end, there is still a lot that humans don’t know about the Universe

Even the advanced civilization still looks up upon the stars above the sky of their planets and still seeking answer to some of the greatest question that the Universe had posed upon all living beings that lives inside this Universe

Although there are some very appealing, very promising theoretical frameworks that could answer many question about the Universe, the simple truth was that most of this theoretical framework might not be right.

One of such question is why the Universe exist and how does it continue existing. And like many other question, this too did not have a true answer

The more people research space the more they come to the conclusion that they are woefully ignorant about many things.

It may be that the Universe springs from an inherently unstable nothingness.

The most void-like void, prone to spontaneous generation of matter and energy in properties that always balance out to zero

Maybe there are galaxies like that and Earth is also like that.

Or there might be a Universe somewhere in the expansive vast of space that is created in a different way, in a way that it became hard to wrapped your mind to conceive of its creation, that there is a Universe that was not born this way.

Maybe some of them is a rectangle planet or an oblong shaped universe or even a planet with hollow space or a planet that possess all kinds of different plane that connected them with some dimension

And many more of such thing.

In the vast Universe, Azief had saw countless of possibilities.

Everything is quite possible and each time he saw such an impossibility become possible, his mind horizon expanded.

And since Azief had found out about the existence of the Multiverse, his thought had also veered to the thought of all kinds of Universes that probably were born in different ways, possessing different matters, some of which would be harmful to some and beneficial to others.

Orvanians for example possess jelly-like physique.

From what he knows about the Orvanians they were not always like this.

The changes around their physique is to adapt to the harsh primordial universe.

They were among the first living beings, a being that existed only second to the Etherna

The other alien civilization that live around their time had already been wiped out by the passing of time but the Orvanians still existed and they were like the Scholars of the Universe, remaining in isolation, guardians of the Multiverse.

Of course, they had to adapt to live this long.

The Universe is vast. But just saying it is vast, it is still hard for human mind to wrap round the idea of this vastness.

When one looks at an expansive plain, like those green plains in the wilderness of Mongolia, a flat ground that one could see as far as the eye could see and one would already felt that it is already vast enough

When one looks at the blue sky and white clouds and saw how vast the sky was, one would feel it is already vast enough

So, when one said the Universe is vast, the idea of the vastness of it, is hard to hammer down into one mind.

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