
Chapter 1077: A slash that splits the heaven

The moment he chopped down, changes began to happen in the heavenly dimension. Azief in that moment become gigantic, like some kind of titans.

His eyes are piercingly blue, like it could deduce all phenomenon in the world. There is also a streak of golden light that sometimes flashes inside his eyes

His breath produces the essence of chaos and his titanic body seems to suck all of energy that could exist and will exist.

The might of the Heavenly Will is now exercise by him. He could not do such a thing outside but inside this dimension where the Will of Heaven had crafted, he could do this

The Laws and the Path seems to be under his feet, a bridge seems to form underneath his feet that would lead him to the Grand Path.

Sounds of roaring that seems to come from ancient past also seems to echoes.

Azief did not know it but as he unleashes his power he looks so similar like the Etherna that Azul had once show him.

A bright ray of light seems to exploded from his hand in the shape of a sword. The sky opened up without not obstruction.


There is no obstruction because there is nothing that could stop it.

The sword seems to cut something. It pierced the dimension Heaven and Earth. The sword radiance is bright and brilliant.

This sword cleaves open the Heaven and it spread to all direction and shakes the entire dimension.

The mountain crumbled, the river water flows backward, the sea boils, and the forest and plants all wither.

It shot toward that clashing point and the border of void between the two clouds.

The sword light which is small in the beginning slowly become larger as it came closer and closer to that gap of the clouds

‘Cut!’ Azief shouted.

When he declares that word, something in the dimension seems to stir

the laws of the dimension seem to congregate upon that word, giving the meaning of that word, power.

Power to make the spoken word a reality. So, when he said cut, it cuts. It cuts the Laws all around the space the sword light travels.

And the withered grass, the fallen leaves, the flowing water, the blowing wind, all forces of nature under the blue clouds turns into sword light.

And they rushed toward the sky, an infinite sword light ascending toward Heaven

Swirling around all of these sword light is bluish energy that seems to want to challenge all divinities.

But the largest of them all seems to be able to pierce chaos and form Heaven and Earth by itself.

And even some of the elements under the purple clouds seems to be affected as their wind wanted to blow toward the domain of the blue clouds.

The same for the water, the mountains and the hills.

The infinite amount of sword in a moment merged with the sword light that Azief first unleashed.

If anyone could see this scenery, one would exclaim at how marvelous this move really is.

A large sword is about to cut open the Heavens

And then the sword cut.

The sound of something tearing could be heard, the space around the sword seems to depressed before tearing apart, like the space could not endure the mass that is pressed onto it.

Like someone tearing a piece of cloth, the space in the sky seems to wrinkle like someone is pulling the space from the left and right of the area.


The space tears apart and the wind, the air around it were sucked into that torn space.

It cut the Laws.

And it cut the gap between the two clouds.


A huge explosion occurs in the sky. The sky, like it is paper being cut by a knife shows a deep gash of void space in the air.

Space around it seems to bend. This void space is vertical in shape if viewed from the ground.

It creates a chasm between the blue clouds and the purple clouds. The purple clouds need to heal that tears of void if the Heavens ever wanted to push the blue clouds again.

Azief smiles.

Right now, he had won. But he did not immediately leave this dimension. He waited for something. Below him the dimension seems to be destabilizing

Then a few meters away from Azief, the space contorted and someone appears in front of Azief.

This person wear purple robe.

On his shoulders, there is a butterfly. With each flaps, tornado would form in the world somewhere

His eyes are purple but his face…his face is the same as Azief.

It is not only the same, it is similar.

‘This is weird’ he thought to himself.

Azief had long speculated that the Will of the World affected the Will of the Heavens

At times opposing, at times symbiotic. Azief felt a little weird looking at himself. Though, he understood why the Heaven Will took his face as the model for his solid form

It is because Azief is the only humans closest to him. This person in front of him, is not really a person

But this is the personification of the Heaven Will.

‘Hmph’ the Heaven Will snorted. The moment he snorted, the entire mountain range below his feet crumbles into ashes.

‘Childish’ Azief said and then he added

‘But dangerous’ Azief look at the Heaven Will and the Heaven Will is also looking at him.

But just like the tear of Void that Azief had created when he uses that chopping motion, that is the same thing that is happening with the Heaven Will and Azief right now

It was like there is an invisible barrier between them. The Heaven Will personification could not move forward toward Azief.

Azief then said

‘You are impulsive, instinctual Will. Don’t enroach upon my authority and I would not enroach upon yours’ Azief said

The Heaven Will then response simply


‘Do not like’ Azief smiles a bit and said

‘It seems you have developed a bit. Now, you even know how to speak the way that living beings is talking. This is an improvement’ Azief only smiles.

But beneath that smiles, there is a vigilance inside his heart.

The Heaven Will then added

‘Not forever’

‘One day’





Azief then said

‘Now, you even know how to threaten.’ Then he looks at the void in the sky, that gash deep into space itself and said

‘First, you have to heal this dimension first and push my Will out of the Heaven Will before you could even think of being free’

‘Will succeed’ the Heaven Will said.

Smiling, Azief said

‘I am looking forward to that day. But, until that day comes, know your place and don’t ever try to violate my domain again’ Saying this, Azief waves his hand forward.

A powerful gust is unleashed from his hand and it push the Heaven Will incarnation tens of thousands of kilometers away.

The same happens on the clouds above their heads.

The purple clouds were pushed away as the torn space in the sky seems to expand further encroaching the area of the purple clouds.

Azief only smiles

The dimension itself is on the verge of crumbling and Azief body slowly becoming translucent

He once again become one with the world and then his real body in the real world slowly become clearer.

Unlike before, where his existence felt faint, this time, there is a certain heaviness to his existence.

Like he is now anchored to reality and not in a limbo of something outside of reality. Azief then slowly opens his eyes.

He felt the wind and breathed the fresh air and he felt a bit calmer

He sighed.

The battle felt like it had been going on for hours but it was only a second since Azief close his eyes

But it actually took only a few second in the real world. he looks at the sky and he smiles. The clouds slowly dispersing up there in the sky.

The spirals wind had also been extinguished all of a sudden.


There is no longer thunder and lightning enveloping the area of the cave.

One moment it felt like the world is about to welcome doomsday but a few seconds later, it almost seems like all of the things that happens before is just the imagination of the tired mind.

If not for the fact that the effect of the destruction could be seen in the real world, those people who were running away from the direction of the cave might relay think that there is dark clouds and thunder and lightning that fills the sky

The sunlight once again shines down to Earth, the skies are clear and Azief smile looking at all of this.


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