
Chapter 1187: One beautiful night v

Chapter 1187: One beautiful night v

This is the kind of talk that they have been at for the past couple of months. They talk about simple things. They talk about the past trying to know each other better.

It is one of the things that Katarina envious about Sofia. Sofia has a connection with Azief that she did not and that connection is the connection of the past.

That connection is something that is hard to break. Because Sofia knows the Azief that she doesn’t know

An Azief of the past. She could only know from his stories. Then Katarina would tell him stories. Unlike Azief there is not much to share.

She did not have that much of adventure and as for the dark things happening in her life, she did not like to tell it and Azief did not like her to relive it.

They eat and they talk. But they did not touch the issue of last night.

They always skirted around the issue. More like they were in the prologue and the main story has not yet started

They come here both because they have something to say. No…to be more accurate, Katarina has something to say and Azief had something explain.

But as they were drinking coffee, eating the good meal, sharing stories, it almost like they don’t want to talk about what happened.

Last night, something happened.

Azief was also here last night.

They were sitting in the balcony, looking at the lakes and the stars. For the past five months they have been catching up with each other

Azief told her about what happens on Earth and she told him about what she experienced in the Seresian world

So, before last night, they have told each other almost everything that had happened. Of course, Azief did not share a few things.

One of the few things he did not share with her was the fact that he would one day fights the world.

It is the matter regarding his time travel escapades.

He also did not share with her about the diamond like things thing he got in that Thought Consciousness domain.

This is because this is something that does not need to be shared. He himself still did not know what it is.

And he had the feeling that this thing is something of a trump card of him

He had been planning a lot of thing since he saw what he would become in the future. And he is making some preparation.

And then there is the thing about Sofia. He had been maintaining the distance between him and Katarina because of this.

Because of his conflicted feeling. These are the few things he did not tell her.

But last night, something changed.

Was it because the moon was beautiful? Or was it because of the lights? Or was it because last night Katarina look so beautiful? Or is it because of his loneliness?

Whatever the reason was, Azief blurted out about him and Sofia breaking up. He and Katarina was bantering back and forth and suddenly he blurted it out.

It shows how comfortable he had become with Katarina that they even had their own way of bantering and in that moment when his guard is down, joking around, teasing each other, something that he did not want to say comes out of his mouth

And once it comes out of his mouth he could not take it back. And then there is silence. He could see Katarina was hurt because of that

Because he did not tell her. Or maybe it is because he hides it for her, knowing fully well how she felt about him

There was silence and there was this subtle change in their relationship in that instant.

Suddenly Katarina felt more conscious of herself and he on the other hand felt like he was standing on a floor made of needles.

And then Katarina began asking him why does he feel the need to hide it from her.

And they both know the answer

It is because Azief needed a reason. A reason to distance himself

And there was silence again. And then they began talking. Screaming actually. Emotions running high and powerful auras exploded around the area.

At that time Azief contained it with his own force field.

But their shouts and anger produce thunders and lightning in the sky. Snows falling down with hails and sharp powerful winds.

If they were normal people, their argument would probably only make the neighbors felt angry because of the noise disturbance.

But when these two are angry, when their emotions are running, these two people who are godlike in power get angry, they affect the matters around them, they affect the properties of particles.

So, when they are angry, thunder roars, lightning strikes the ground, dark clouds gather, snows fall and wind storms appears.

Katarina was angry and she was sad. There are some harsh words traded with each other, but Azief could never get angry with her.

Because she is not in the wrong. And because tears are falling down from her eyes. Azief is not weak against tears.

But that depends on who it is. He knows Katarina. He knows that this is a woman that have always held back her tears.

But since meeting him, she always was forced to cry. Azief calms her down and hugged her and they were just hugging each other without words

The world calms down and Azief don’t know what to say. He knows that Katarina is just venting.

Without a word, trying to arrange their feelings.

And then while embracing each other, they look at each other eyes and Azief lean down and kiss her.

And she replied with her action. Shine upon by the moonlight, the scene was beautiful and yet at the same time give one the feeling of a bittersweet reunion

It was not the first time they kissed each other. Katarina and him both remember that spring blossom day again.

Azief had promised her that he would come and when he came to her they kiss and that feeling of happiness is once again felt by both of them

But it felt like the first time all over again. And sometimes for good things, it is good that they could experience it all over again

Then Azief release her. There is a complicated expression on his face when he looks at Katarina

He sighed and then leave the balcony area, not knowing how to explain what happened and why he did what he did

And that is why in the morning, the vibe between them was so awkward.

‘I am finished’ she said and it brought him back to the current time. Katarina had finished her meal and her coffee

looking at Azief across from her and said

‘We need to talk’

Azief could feel that this was coming. He just did not expect Katarina to be this direct. He looks at her and said

‘Do we really need to talk about it? It’s good now’ he said but Katarina just remain silent and Azief knows this is her way saying that she is serious about this.

Azief did not say anything. Katarina seeing this ask

‘I want to know why did you kiss me?’ Today, she will make it direct. Azief likes to talk in circles sometimes, especially when he knows he did something wrong.

The best way to deal with Azief when he is like this is to go straight to the point. Katarina did not want to argue with him. She did not want to force some kind of responsibility to him. She just wanted to know……why?

Why the kiss? She wanted to know what this man is feeling. What feelings he hides under that expressionless face?

Azief put down the fork and the spoon.

The coffee is also half drunk.

He closes his eyes for a second and then he got up from his seat.

‘Wait for me on the sofa. Let me clean this up first’ he then began taking the plates and the bowls and the cup and put it on the tray and brought it to the sink.

Katarina look at this and she just shakes her head and got up and went to the sofa.

She leans back her head on the sofa while closing her eyes.

Azief went to the sink and began washing the plates. Actually, if he wanted to he could swish his hand and could clean the plate with a wave of his hand.

But he did not do that.

Because he wanted to take some time.

And Katarina could also tell so she just went along with it.

Azief is trying to think and trying to understand why he did what he did yesterday

As for Katarina, she wanted answers. She is already shocked enough to find out that Azief and Sofia had broken up.

The kiss is something that she did not expected. She did not hate it. She just wanted to know why he did it.

Is he pursuing her? Or is she just the rebound girl? Or was he affected by the vibe of last night?

Was it his true feelings that leaks out?

What does he think of her? What does the kiss mean?

Of course, Katarina knows that a kiss does not have to mean anything and Katarina knows this.

But that only applies to other men. And Azief is not like any other men. Because she knows him. This is a man who deny his feeling in a daily basis

This is a man that created a nuclear bunker around his heart. A man that find sharing his heart more terrifying that fighting horned monsters or titanic beast

A man who was so hesitant about choosing who he les because he fears that he would hurt the other one.

Decisive when it is about anything other than love. Maybe because to him love is very important, he treated it too cautiously.

In love he is kind. In other things, not so much. He did not show his passion openly but away from the prying eyes of the world, those who he loves understand how much love this man has for them

So, a kiss is never just a kiss. Not for him.

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