
Chapter 1192: A void of darkness (1)

Chapter 1192: A void of darkness (1)

‘I think you have already read the manual right?’ Azief nodded

‘Do remember that what you will see would be a little bit…how did you humans called it? Trippy. yes, that is the word I am looking for. Trippy like you are on a bad acid trip. The world you wanted to see has quite the…. complications to say the least. And it involves the higher ups, so expect that you would not see everything’

Azief nodded.

Qarliya smiles and waves his hand as the floating helmet flew gently toward Azief. Then she said

‘If you feel that it is enough, just shut the helmet off by verbal command or just take the helmet off. And that’s it.’

Azief was ready to put it on but then he stopped.

He then said

‘You know that we are going back a week later right?’ She nodded

‘Did Katarina schedule anything with you?

‘She did say to me to make sure that the time coordinate is not wrong. But remember there is a limit to how much we manipulate the Time and Space channel. We could not just set it like a six second time differences to make up for six months. There is a limit to how much we could destroy without affecting the time stream too much’

‘You couldn’t? Well, here I thought that you Orvanians could do anything’ Azief said while smirking

Qarliya could sense the provocation and snorted and then she said

‘Well, we could but there is a lot of report that needs to be made’

‘Haish’ she sighed

‘You don’t know how many reports that needed to be made, the department that needs to be mobilized to change that kind of obvious and powerful time distortion’

‘The bureaucracy itself would be a headache. So, months would be turned into days. Of course this is if something wrong did not happen when you are travelling inside the Time and Space tunnel’

‘Something wrong. What did you mean by that?’ Azief asked

‘Well, the time and Space channel is not exactly under our entire jurisdiction. If anything it is a shared jurisdiction with the Time Lords. And even the Time Lords would not dare say that they have full and complete control of the Time and Space channel.’

‘After all, Time and Space channel exist because there is Time and not the other way around. There is always uncertainty when it is about Time and Space. Since we share it with the timelines. Anyway, it is complicated. But there would usually not be any complications. We will set up a Time Lock and a few others measures to make sure that the travel between worlds would not be distorted too much’

Azief nodded. But there is a worry in his mind. It is about something he had saw when he travels inside the Time and Space tunnels in the past.

He fears that it would happen again but he quickly perishes the thought in his mind.

Then looking at Qarliya, he let his stare linger for a few seconds and Qarliya felt weird


Azief chuckles and then said

‘I’m going to miss seeing you, Qarliya’ Azief said. Qarliya only smiles and said

‘Hah. Me too’

‘you humans are growing on me’ Azief only laughed at this. Then Qarliya said

‘I will not be in the lab after this. The envoy of the United Intergalactic Alliance had just crossed a few dimension and folded space to quickly arrive at the nearest galaxy cluster. They are now in range of my satellites so I would be very busy in briefing them. I’ll meet you next week to give you the items’ Azief nodded.

‘Thank you’ he said. And then Qarliya disappear the way she appears. Azief only look on and then there is only him in the room

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

There was silence in the room for a moment and then Azief look at the helmet on his hand.

‘I have been thinking about this for far too long. I did not think that I could ever satisfy my curiosity’

‘I was always afraid that any of my attempts to try to see you and what happens to you would expose you to the danger of the Multiverse. To expose that world into another conflict that your world could not handle’

‘But it seems that I have a chance to put my thoughts to rest with this opportunity’ he mutters to himself.

The helmet he is holding right now is a helmet that would enable him to see through multiverses. Particularly the Earth Two and Earth 39.

He had always wanted to know what had happened to Na Eun. Where did they go? How is she now?

But he was always afraid of implicating them again.

There is a reason why he let Will cut the channel between Earth Prime and Earth Two.

There is a reason why he did not try to find Na Eun. Because once a world is breached, regardless whether the breach is intentional or not, it began to tear.

Whether the tear is big or small is of no consequences.

Some powerful being or some intelligent civilization could turn that small rip into a big one and could launch an invasion like the Seresian demon did with Earth Two.

While Azief did not lead the demons from the Seresian world to Earth Two, it is true that since he broke the barriers between worlds, between Earth Two and Earth Prime, he had opened up a rip, a rip that is then used by the invasion party of the Seresian world

Sand leaving Na Eun was one of the hardest thing he had to do in that world. But he did it anyway. Because he believes that Earth two was not ready

They are not ready to fight a battle against other alien civilizations.

Even Earth was struggling when they have to fight face to face against another alien civilization but at least Earth have the All Source and superhuman people are everywhere.

The reason why Earth had become a contending ground is because the moment the All Source landed on Earth, it put Earth in the map for the advanced civilization.

Before, even if those powerful galactic civilization knows of a planet called Earth, they might not pay attention to it.

Because there is no benefit for them and it would only cost them.

But that is not the same for Earth Two and the only reason they became a target is because Azief was there

And because of that he rarely thinks about Earth two. Because if he started thinking about that world, then the desire to see Na Eun would be ignited.

He convinced himself that not seeing her is protecting her. Protecting her and protecting her world

Sofia is his first love.

That is something most people in the world knows. And to some people, they believed that the second person that Death Monarch loves is Katarina.

But that is not true. Katarina is the third person he loves. He met Sofia when he was in high school.

And he also wanted to know what had happened to Earth 39 after he left. What happened to Harrison? Is there a new Omega Evolver? How is the world post war between Evolvers and Normies?

What of his legacy? Did Harrison heed his advice and break that chain of hatred? Or are they the ones that now perpetrating violence and hate? Are they now the one that enslaved the people?

On Earth Two he was Hyperion the first world hero

He wanted to know what happen to Na Eun. What happened to Alexander King? What happened to the people of that world?

And this helmet could see through time and multiverses without any worries that he might lead any invasion force to the world that Na Eun now lives or to the world where the people he had saved

He could see what happened when he had left Earth two and Earth 39 and he could do many more. The helmet itself has many functions.

He did not immediately wear the helmet.

Instead, he closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and after a few second of just clearing his thought of anything, he slowly lifts up the helmet and then slowly put it on top of his head.

The moment the helmet is put on, on the side, another compartment slide down covering the sides of his face.

The helmet turns into an M shaped helmet. It felt a little weird when it covered his face as he felt like mites were crawling all over his skin

This is old gen Nano mites of the Orvanians embedded in the design of the helmet.

And then in front of him there is words floating.

It is like the projection of a virtual words.

It is Orvanians words but since he had downloaded the language pack of the Orvanians he could understand what the world means.

[Earth Two] and [Earth Thirty-Nine]

That is what it said and in small letters underneath those two words it wrote [Synchronized]

It took Qarliya a month to get all the time and space information of these two worlds.

Not to mention then to reconstruct back the past of this world so that the streaming experience would be perfect.

Azief knew that the Orvanians had a device that could see through all Multiverses and could see through their histories and their intersection.

After all, there are Breachers of the Multiverse and one of the task of Orvanian is to close these breaches as such with such a device they could even trace any trails of other Breachers or any interference e in the interdimensional barriers or an extreme distortion of time and space that could pointe toward the collapse of a certain multidimensional barriers

Simply put, there is not many things that is related to world hopping, and dimensional travelling would happen without the Orvanian not knowing about it.

Azief then choose Earth Two and then the scenery around him morph. He felt the changes of laws around

And then suddenly he felt sensation beneath his feet and then in front of him, there is a large field….no, to be more accurate it is a vast land but it not plains lands.

There is tall grass and there is tress all around. There are birds flying around, most of these birds are very colorful and he could hear the singing of a nightingale.

Not far away, there is a tall waterfall and in the middle of the waterfall is a rainbow. It looks perfect and beautiful

In the distance, he could see a valley. And just like the area in front of him, it is filled with plants and flowers.

‘Like a paradise’ he thought but then the images distorted.

‘What is wrong?’ he thought to himself. As his existence is about to disappear from this place, he could see that a portal is opened on the valley

And he could swear in that brief moment before he disappears the one coming out from that portal is Alexander King and the silhouette behind him might be Na Eun.

But before he could confirm it, his entire existence inside this projection seems to dissipate. The process itself is not painful and brief and almost a millisecond later, he is at a different place.

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