
Chapter 1202: All of It Had Happen Before III

Chapter 1202: All of It Had Happen Before III

And they know that Azul break down the last of his stage and Realize His Path and become something…more…. a transcendent being that surpassed Supreme Beings.

In a way, He had become almost like the One in the Hut, One with Many Names. This is not someone that the Five Seats of Orvan could provoke.

Because even the Five Seats of Orvan knows that there is a debt between Azul and Azief. And this debt is a debt that Azul needs to pay.

There is Karma between them.

Of course, Azul could have cut this Karma.

But this Karma is a different kind of Karma.

This is something that is not so easily cut because it is karma that enables him to reach the stage he is at right now

Cutting that Karma would like be cutting his own Realization of Path.

The Orvan knows it would not be easy trying to approach Azief even though he is vital to their plans.

The Orvan did not interfere last time probably because they could not see any chance of winning

It is different this time. They probably seen a bit glimpse of hope. Orvan rarely is tempted by the promise of hope.

But it is different depending on the circumstances.

This story is a story of an ancient promise.

And it is a story that was destined to happen. It is a story that have no hope, no loopholes.

So, when a loophole is created, hope is also formed.

And even though this hope is slim, the fact that someone could make an airtight loop less story into a story with loopholes is an opportunity that the Orvan knows that they must not miss

So, when He enters those Orvanians minds, He immediately knows what they are thinking. Messing around in an Orvanian mind could drive a lot of beings in torture. What they lack in physical power, they make up with it with their powerful psionic force.

They have been making simulations after simulation to make sure that things would happen the way they wanted it.

They are in the background ordering things, not making themselves visible.

They were prepared when he had come to the Seresian world and even subtly reminding their AI of the Multiversal helmet

It looks like the Orvanians was helping Azief when in fact they wanted to use the Multiversal Helmet to know the connection between Him and Azief

They did not mind that Azief also wanted to see other worlds as long as they find out how He and Azief is bonded by cause and effect.

They even predicted that Azief would have wanted to see what happens to his beloved in the other parallel Earths.

Orvanians when they are making their calculation, they look at all angles.

Even the emotional angle is brought into their calculation. That is why not many could escape their calculation

For now, Azief is still a mortal. Even though his choices had move the changes in fate and destiny, he still could be swept by its fierce torrential storm.

But even with the risk that they would one day anger a Sovereign, they still chose to scheme and plots against Azief because they know that in that memory of his, there is answer to His origin.

So, they gave him the Multiverse helmet, hoping that Azief could go to that other world, the world that the Orvanian could not see and could not interfere with.

Going to Arial world.

And they know that such act would attract His attention.

Because they know He cared. If He did not care he would not have bounded the Destroyer and give some time to Azief.

The connection between him and Azief is hazy at best. Even the Orvanians with all of their skills and technique could not see through it.

But they know it exist. They know what they did would surely made him come to them and when He came to them, enters their mind, they were ready

They ask of Him of something.

And what they ask of Him was simple.

It didn't matter what kind of technology or what kind of magic that the Orvanian do, this is one world that is in the Multiverse that they could not enter, could not see and could not even sense

But they know it exist. Because once, it was in their Multiversal Map. But then, one day suddenly that world, that entire Universe seems to just disappear.

It was not destroyed…it just disappeared.

The Five Seats could feel the breath of Creation there. And they knew at that time that the world is sealed by the Creator itself.

To Azief it has only been a few years since he could not sense that world. To him, the matter happens just a few years ago, in the early beginning of his rise to power.

But time doesn't really work that way especially when it involves multiversal travel.

To the Orvanians, the world had been sealed for tens of thousands of years.

On Earth Two, it was around 2018 when the player of a certain game was transported into a different world.

the subsequent event and their arrival to the Earth X happens a few decades later.

As for Azief, it was around 2019 when he is travelling to Earth Two.

And then he travels to Earth X.

To him, it has been just a few years since Earth X was sealed, it is not the case for the Orvanians.

Time is confusing in multiversal travel.

It is better not to think about it too much. It is not only a different year, it is a different century and a different world with its own set of laws, its own time dilation and so on and so forth.

Azief would go to that world. And no matter how advance their technology is, that world is sealed by the Creator itself.

It is not something that their technology could handle. They attract His attention so that they could ask permission.

And the Creator actually gave them permission. A brief time to go into that world and see what happens.

The Orvanian does all of this just to see the moment of that origin.

And understanding it, he would probably make a different choice.

'Heh' he chuckles. The Destroyer is doing His job. And He is doing His. This conflict is not a conflict of hatred it is a confit of differing objective.

The Destroyer is doing His job. And He is doing His. This conflict is not a conflict of hatred it is a confit of differing objective.

As the Creator was always rooting for life and the Destroyer always waits for the Destruction that would inevitably come for everything that has a Beginning has an Ending

It is only Him, His Lord, who have no Beginning and no End that would never be destroyed, His Lord who sat on a realm beyond comprehension.

But while the Destroyer has his own creed, the Creator also has His own creed

Even when death is inevitable, He keeps rooting for it.

And in this timeline, even those who knows what would happen and even when they know that it would be inevitable, He had seen these people fighting in the dark and in the light…fighting for Life, Love, Hope.

It is heart-rending. A story full of life, love, hope even in the face of death, despair and hopelessness.

Is it not beautiful? Is it not enchanting?

And because they did not give up, because they did not succumb to fate and destiny, they have created a miracle.

There is now a slight change.

A deviation in Fate and Destiny and it might not seem much and it might not seem important but even one miracle is enough

Because miracles sometimes produce more miracles.

And because of these small miracles, Odin wakes up from his slumber and sat on the branch of Yggdrasil waiting for the right moment to meet Azief.

This time, he takes the gamble.

The Five Seats of Orvan that seems like they would never be moved began seeking allies. The Jade Emperor began making schemes

And who knows what Zeus and Hades is thinking in Olympus?

The Creator only smiles at these momentous changes, at these reverberations of fate and destiny that created waves after waves of change and he mutters

'I hope you would understand it later' His gaze is gentle, looking at a mortal on the Seresian star system

Then He heard the Nightingale sings again and He close his eyes and enjoy the song.


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