
Chapter 1213: The Benefit of Observing

Chapter 1213: The Benefit of Observing

Azief now has a few of his avatars like a guardian angel standing beside each of the main characters of this world.

He saw how after the Great War between United Kingdom of Veva and the Holy Vanheim Empire, the world is divided into two

Only the West Empire and the Eastern Empire now exist in the Vilajeri Continent. It is no longer divided between three.

As for Zeus, he did not die even though his kingdom was torn apart by the two Empires. Instead he was exiled into an Island.

Azief could see that Aero could not persuade the Kings to banish him a little bit further.

Aero also makes many more moves after that, like letting the church believed that one of his allies are the church allies and so on and so forth.

Aero is like a spider weaving his webs all over the continent. He put so many dark hands behind the scenes that Azief is amazed of how he could keep track all of it.

Some of them is not even used and was just put as precautions in case some kind of problems popped out.

One thing that Azief could see about Aero is that not only that he possesses great charisma, he is very cunning to the point of being almost divine in the art of politics.

He commands a great deal of authority in the court and in the Parliament.

Even though he came from the military line, the scholar line also respects him very much and it would not take m such for him to sway the opinion in the court if he wishes so

He is the dark hand behind the scene. That is the best way Azief could describe Aero. As he grew older, he instead become even more cunning

His scheming becomes even more harder to reads and his plotting ability to determine the rise and fall of kingdoms is even more divine

Truth be told, if Azief met Aero in real life, he might not like him very much. It is not like Azief did not know how to play the game of politics

Even though many memories of his time as the Emperor in one of Azul life is dissipating, he still had the ability to create deep schemes and plots.

But, he did not like playing it. And he is probably not as good as Aero is hiding his true feelings.

Maybe it is because they are different lifeforms. Even though Azief started as a human, by now, it is quite hard to categorize him as normal human

However, he did not look down on Aero. The fact that he could play to his strength according to circumstances is terrifying enough

He could even be a good rival to Loki and might surpass him in tricks and schemes. They do share the same penchant for complicated schemes and plots

Azief saw even more things as he speeds up the projection

He saw the rise of a new religion in Vilajeri Continent. He saw the end of the war. He saw rebellions, fire, blood.

He saw ideological conflict, religious conflict, cultural conflict and with the passing of years and seasons, things finally get better and the Age of Exploration in the Vilajeri Continent began

Explorer sails the sea to the New World.

He saw Tatiana was dispatched again under Ariana order to the New World to search other continents

Then there are many things that happens in between that and the end of this projection. Azief could tell that the projection is about to end

Because he saw that the memories of the players came back.

Takashi, Matsuo and Julia were divine beings of this world because they were the ones that managed to use the Void Instability Phenomena to create this world

Azief of course did not see the battle but it is clear that when one of them had won, he or she returns back the memories that was kept as a form of data back into the minds of every player in the continent.

The moment they got back their memories of their old home, they stopped fighting each other. Before they do not remember so they separated themselves according to country lines, loyalties divided and the religions they believed in the new world

But when the memories return they know that they are the lucky few that managed to survive an extinction event and were transported to this world

Still, they wanted an explanation. They wanted to know.

Were they now supposed to live here in this world?

Or is there a plan after that? Is it possible to return back to their homes? But the players did not know this answer.

But they know who might. They believed like so many other players believe that Takashi must have known about these answers to these questions

And the players began their quest for searching a way back home. After all, even though this new world is also interesting, not everyone wants to stay here.

Aero who also got his memories and the one player that got the most resources and power in the continent began gathering people towards him.

People that he knew and people that would be useful. He halted all of his plans and focused on getting answers to some of the question plaguing his mind.

At this point, the players did not yet know that Julia is one of the creators of this world. But Aero knows. Because he had seen her helped him when she was in his Divine Form in this world

But at that time, Aero did not have the memories he has now. So, he did not know that the divine beings that had helped him was his mother

But then new question arose

If his mother is one of the creators of this world, she might also know the answer to the many burning questions that the players have.

And Azief saw how Aero gather his friends. Most of his real friends in the real world also plays the game and he was delighted to see them all in this new world

The gang all come back together. Azief was even rooting for some of them

Even though to him, only a few second had passed, in the projection decades had passed.

Azief at first did not think that there would be such a benefit of just watching things.

But to his surprise, the more he watches and sees things, looking at the lives of these characters, seeing their struggles, seeing the cause and effect of their consequences, of their choice, it gave him this kind of enlightenment toward fate and destiny

He himself has his own thought.

The laws of fate and destiny is as illusory as fate and destiny itself.

Everyone have a different interpretation of it and the Laws in different hands exhibit different effects.

Like the Law of Fire in one hands could burn and destroy and in another could burn impurities and burns away sickness and pain.

It depends on how one understands that law.

And a certain understanding had dawned on Azief when he was looking at these people lives.

To him, this itself is a benefit that is hard to be calculated.

Illusory but a powerful force that is present in all of lives.

That is Destiny and Fate is. And because of his understanding he could briefly sense that his fate is also being divined upon.

And then he thought of the generosity of the Orvanians and a doubt arose in his heart. But it is not fair to suspect someone based on just a hint

He needs to have more. And even if this is the calculations of Orvanians, he had gain a lot of benefits here.

That didn\'t mean that it did not matter.

One thing that he is grateful for was that he found out that just observing things could deepen his understanding of certain Laws.

Maybe, that is why some powerful Supreme Beings just like to stare at something for hundreds and even tens of thousands of years.

Because in the process of watching the passing times of years and decades, Azief felt that he could read and see certain patterns of fates and destiny.

His understanding and comprehension of fate and destiny were already deepened before this but now, he just felt something more.


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