
Chapter 1228 - The One That Makes The Chessboard

'Forging a person' he mutters silently and then he said

'Forging me?'

'For what?' Now, there is a thought blooming in his heart.

If Loki is doing the same thing as Amara, which is forging him, for what possible reason Loki wanted to forge him?

Loki was very clear that he would be the destruction of the Universe.

But even with all the trump cards that Loki have, he had never tries to assassinate or kills him. On the contrary, most of Loki plans, has always been about trying to save him

Save me or make me stronger?' Azief suddenly realized something.

Each guide, each benefits that Loki gave him seems to strengthen him.

It is then puzzling why for someone who wanted to prevent the End of the World, The End of Everything makes the cause of that to be stronger?

As Azief look at Amara trials that he gave to Arial, Azief could draw parallel to himself.

At the same time, looking at him from a secret dimension is the Creator.

He is smiling and then he mutters to himself.

'There is many stories in this world. Since there is as many world and as many stars as there is grain of sands on the shore of a beach, which stories have I not seen before? Which stories did not repeat itself?'

There is a smile on his face and his eyes is beaming with light. He of course did not appear in His own real form. If He did, one could only imagine the change it would brought to this Universe.

And after all, He decided to meet with Azief.

Maybe because of that He seems happier. Unlike the Destroyer, the Creator have human feelings.

It is a flaw that makes Him perfect.

When He was first created by His Lord, He is like the Destroyer. Like a program that have no intelligence.

But then A Divine Decree had come down upon Him and bestowed Him with the ability to incarnate.

And as He lives among the living beings and experiences Life itself, His dominion and power over Life and Creation deepens.

And so, unlike the Destroyer that mostly have no feelings The Creator has quite a soft spot for all Creation.

He looks at Azief who is slowly understanding certain things. He hoped that Azief could learn something from what he saw in all the worlds that he had observed.

Loki of Midgard is forging Azief. Though the Creator could guess what the Trickster is trying to do, he did not have full certainty. Because Loki of Asgard had blurred that secret.

'There is so many parallels to draw from. Destiny and Fate brought you here. Is it simply to save Arial and forge cause and effect with me? The story of Arial and you have so many similarities. If you could see it and understand it, maybe…. just maybe…by the End, your fate would not be so tragic' The Creator said to Himself

Maybe, He too are hoping for something

Right now, the Creator is no longer in the Exalted Divine Dimension and instead is inside a pocket dimension. He is quite near to the planet of Earth X

'I need to meet you first before Odin makes his move' He said smiling

Azief was feeling something wrong since the beginning when he arrives at Earth X. He was not mistaken.

The Creator rarely makes a move. And He had never actively helping anyone or any race, letting it play their course.

But this time, it was very different. He allowed the Orvanians to bring Arial to Earth X. But the Creator has a plan of Himself.

And His plan trumps whatever plans the Orvanians wanted to achieve.

He did not lie to the Orvanians. He did give them permission to enter

But only until that

The moment where it reached the tolerable lines, he waves his hand and cut off the connection between the helmet and the Five Seats of Orvan.

When the Creator goes to the Five Seats of Orvan, He glances at them

And with one glance The Creator could see all the cause and effect.

He could see the past, present and future of the actions of the Orvanians. For beings like the Five Seats, there is many methods to obfuscate destiny and fate but while they do have such protection when the Creator became serious, he could easily bypass all of that protection

After all, the Five Seats is also getting older as they pass each eons and their methods are growing weaker.

In the past, if the Creator only send his avatar, it would not be so easy for Him to see the cause and effect of these five beings.

But time degrade everything. There is signs of entropy even for the Five Seats of Orvan and this time the cause and effect is easily revealed.

It is clear that the Five Seats of Orvan had lied to Arial about the helmet. Or to be more accurate, not disclosing certain fact to him

And that was that whatever he sees in his helmet would also be seen by the Orvanians. It is clear that the Orvanian wanted to know all the cause and effect of Azief.

The last time they did not make a move because they probably believe that there is no chance for Azief to win.

Even when the battle of the End began, they did not make any moves.

But when the Time God Jean reverses back all the time particles that have ever existed and will and had existed to reverse the time of the Omniverse, while some of the supreme beings forgets, it is clear that the Five Seats of Orvan remembers it.

They might even have observing Earth since the beginning after the Time was reset back.

And as they see that Azief is worthy bet, they began interfering. Sithulran is their breakthrough point.

The Creator could see that there is the black hand of the Five Seats of Orvan that is related to Sithulran breaking from her prison

The low level bureaucrats, the high ranking officials of the Orvan military did not know at all that the reason why Sithulran escape is none other than the machinations of The Five Seats of Orvan.

How could it be easy for someone to escape a prison that is crafted by the Five Seats of Orvan themselves unless that they were the one that weaken the security

All of this effort and intrigue, all of it is for the sole purpose to make contact with Earth and appears as a kind ally.

They must also have calculated Azief abilities and make use of this.

One must not underestimate the Five Seats of Orvan ability to manipulate and influence events

And now they even want to know the connection of him and Azief.

While he did allow them to enter, he allows them to enter only for a brief moment.

And right now, Azief is actually really at Earth X and is not separated by layers of dimension.

As for why he was in the past of Earth X, this is a simple thing for the Creator. Manipulating Time and Space is as simple as breathing for the Creator

And there is something else that Azief did not notice

Since the Creator wanted to meet Azief, how could he just meet a virtual self of Azief. After all, there is things that He wants Azief to experience for himself.

So, unknown to Azief, he is now at Earth X with his own physical body.

The Creator gazes toward his left and his eyes pierces through layers of multiversal barriers, wall in the cosmic spaces, passing through stars and planets and other star system to finally saw a scene in the secret laboratory of the Orvanian in the Seresian world.

He saw the artificial intelligence of the lab is panicking.

A few minutes ago, in the room where Azief was, there was something that happened that no one could explain

It seems that the artificial intelligence did not know that the helmet is connected with the Five Seats of Orvan psionic frequency.

She was observing Azief and making sure that nothing bad happens to him. But then something happened that had never happened before

In the eyes of Qarliya, Azief suddenly disappeared like there was a blink in the space time around Azief and he disappeared just like that.

The helmet is still there in the room floating before falling down to the tiles on the ground. To her, it must be something that is unimaginable because there is no sign of any errors.

A few seconds later, an order come from the top that says not to worry about the weird occurrence and just observe the matter.

'Those five Orvanians are really quick' He is quite sure that the Five Seats did not want Qarliya to report this to Katarina.

Katarina could not change much but maybe she too is also in the calculation of the Orvanians.

'They are all playing chess. But I am the one that create the chessboard' he smiles a little

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