
Chapter 1230 - Enochian Steel

If it could be used, how could Arial fate would be this tragic? He thought to himself.

If Arial could actually see his fortune and manipulate it, he could use it to make a Wish. Using the fortune and luck of one life to make a Wish might seem a bit weird

But there is a magic like that.

There is a wizard that Azief knew that would take the fortune and luck of people. The weight of a Wish determines how many fortune and luck that would be requires.

And there is also the Saints in the Jade Empire that uses Wish to be granted Merit by the Heavens and become a Saint.

Luck and fortune, these intangible things have very practical uses. Wizards, witches, mystical beings, most of these knows how to manipulate fortune and luck.

Some requires spell. Some are magic that is more ancient and requires more abstract objects or rituals

But to wizards and witches of high level, they could even use intangible and conceptual things to create wondrous magic

Azief also saw another thing that shock him. He notices it and then he floated down not far away from Arial house.

His entire being is still transparent as he floated down from the sky and look at a bird

'Heh, so you were here all along'

The bird is a raven

But Arial knows that this is not some normal raven. He recognizes this bird. This is Amara.

Or to be more accurate it is Amara familiar.

It seems she did not come in person. After Arial escaped the house, the raven flies into the air before disappearing in the distance.

Azief could only shakes his head

'What is it with these godly being that likes to make ravens as their familiars?' Azief had a sudden thought.

Odin has one. Amara has one.

And he knew few others godly beings that have ravens as their messengers or familiars. It did not take long before he returned back at looking at Arial life.

Arial after seeing the death of his parents wanted revenge. There was an army formed to resist the invasion of the Demonkind.

Even though Arial before that moment had never had a practical fighting ability because of his desire for revenge, he joined the army.

'It is the same like Levitia. Could the fate and destiny of his ancestors even affect him?' Azief thought to himself.

Levitia parents were also killed by the Demon Army and because of that in the future he executed mad revenge against the Demon Lords and the Demonkind.

And Arial is the lineage of that Great Hero and his parents is also killed by Demonkind. And he too swore revenge just like Levitia.

The only difference between Arial and Levitia was that, Levitia since his birth had blessing of strength.,

Azief had seen the life of Levitia. He is the perfect template of Son of Heaven, the protagonist of destiny.

The perfect hero.

He was blessed with strength, possessing great courage and he had a determined personality

He was sure of himself and did not doubt his decision.

That bullheadedness of his while at times frustrating is also the one thing that made him able to change an entire era.

But Arial is nothing like Levitia. He is the son of a farmer.

And while he had strong body helping his father farm, this is not something that could be compared to the sons of nobles that have been training since they were little kids

Not only he was not as strong as these nobles, he was also not as adept as fighting as them

He was not as brave as his ancestor Levitia nor was he as sure of himself.

Azief thought that when Arial enters the army, this is the time for Arial to shine.

Maybe, he would burst into brilliance and his talents would break out.

Even though Azief had known that this Arial is not the Arial he knew, that this is the wrong timeline, he at least had expected to see a trace of Arial the Conqueror.

The great courageous Conqueror. But he was disappointed to see that he is merely the pawns soldiers and there was nothing incredible about him

'But, the fortune keeps gathering around him' Azief said to himself.

Even after all of that, each time, Arial went into battle, he would survive and each time he survives, the fortune grew higher and higher.

Azief look at the sky and close his eyes for a second and when he opens back his eyes, his eyes are blue with a ring of golden and he could see the fortune and luck from Arial body.

By now, the sky is thick with the golden aura of luck.

Azief believes if he flew out to the stars above, this fortune and luck might cover this entire planet and the surrounding space.

This kind of fortune is probably impossible to see

But what use of the fortune if it could not be realized?' he mutters to himself.

Then he closes back his eye. He closes his eyes only for a second and then when he opens back his eyes it returns back to normal

At this time, Azief also understand one thing. Even though one has a lot of fortune and luck it would mean nothing if the luck did not actualize.

And what will make luck and fortune actualize and break out? Azief got the answer almost immediately

The answer just come to him.

Fate and Destiny

The reason why the fortune and luck that had gathered around Arial did not yet break out is because it is simply not yet the time decreed by fate and destiny.

'It is truly strong here. The fate and destiny' Azief knows that there are some worlds that did not have such powerful force of fate and destiny.

This must have something to do with the fact that Amara is the sole ruler of this world. Even though she is restrained by the Laws of the World, she is aloes a beneficiary of it

Amara seems to have a plan.

'If she had allowed Arial to actualize the destiny and fate that he has, how could he be so unlucky and oppressed in the army like this?' Azief thought to himself

However, he did not understand why Amara do things like this. And it is not like he could go and ask her?

Azief keep looking at Arial life. He shakes his head. The image of this Arial and that Arial is like the difference between Heaven and Earth

Azief could still remembers when he fought alongside Arial. At that time, he was fighting a Darkspawn.

This is before he went final form when he fights the Darkness.

Arial is a genius in swordsmanship. The force that he could command with each strike is very measured and controlled

His prowess is unbeatable. And with Lightbreaker in his hand, in Earth X, he is practically invincible in battle.

His mind once again went to Lightbreaker.

'Why didn't I notice it before?' he thought to himself. The question is rhetorical of course. When he was in this world, he was still in Energy Disperse Stage.

He could not sense the subtlety and the mysteries of that sword at that time. At most, he thought of it as a magical weapon.

It wasn't until he saw in the projection of how Levitia was given the sword, that he could sense the powerful force of destruction imbued into that sword

Enochian steel in the lore and legends of this world is said to be able to cut mountains. They were wrong

It is not that they exaggerated the power of that sword, but they underestimated it.

With that sword, if it was wielded by someone who could manipulate the breath of destruction imbued in that sword it could cut even the stars and the galaxy.

And instead of breaking off like normal weapon, Enochian steel would be able to handle it and even multiply the damage of the strike

The reason why Azief regretted it is because he is sure that the sword could birth a Sword Soul. And thinking of the sword, he was reminded of Arial who fought the Darkness.

Even Azief was not able to see the true face of Darkness.

Thinking about it again now, it might be the fated nemesis of Asrana and as such only Asrana is capable of defeating it.

At that time, the Lightbreaker is in his hand. When he steps out and decided to fight with the Darkness, the sword glows.

Arial pointed the sword to the sky and the clouds rumbles.

Thunders and lightning gathers.

A black clouds covers the sky. Wherever one looks above, they could only see the black clouds covering the sky.

Some parts of the Shadowlands sink to the ground sand Darkspawn appears from the dust and black miasma that spews out from the sinking of the ground

Beast appears from the ground and the skies. Some fight for the light. And some fight for the Darkness

The waves went wild and mountain crumbles. The earth shakes with such great ferocity one would think that the world is splitting into two.

There is a sounds from the Heavens and the battle between Arial and the Darkness begins. It had all the apocalyptic vibes necessary for such an epic battle

And when the light subsides, Arial was glowing in golden holy light and his energy rose to a godlike level.

At that time, Azief who was only an Energy Disperse stage was shocked because Arial energy seems to outclassed him.

He could not make an accurate judgment of Arial strength at that time.


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