
Chapter 1285 Got You

Chapter 1285 Got You

In a secluded mountainous area, Azief is walking along a forest trail. Besides him was Katarina. They just landed here a few second ago

Today, is the day they leave this world.

Some people have already knows that they would return home and they have prepared accordingly.

Both of them walked the forest trail while looking at the surrounding.

Even though some of the places in the Seresian world resembles Earth a bit, there are also places that did not resemble Earth at all.

And one of these places is this forest. The trees are not only tall; the leaves are also large enough that it could cover a few dozen meters.

Some trees are winding and appears like it is a wriggling snakes. And there are some plants that moves when they are being stepped on.

It is more like it is an instinct of these plants and trees. Azief and both Katarina walk instead of using teleportation.

The reason is because they did not want to attract any attention. There is after all still a few ancient existences left in this world

What if these ancient existence knows that they are going to leave and decided to interfere? That is one reason

The other reason is simply because the fog here has some anti-Divine Sense properties and some of the mist is poisonous.

Of course for both Azief and Katarina, this poisonous fog did not affect them that much

And the last reason is because they kind of wanted to enjoy this world a bit. As he walks around the forest, there were a few times that the beast in the forest would try to ambush him

But since this beast are just small beast Azief usually only need to release his aura to scare them off.

If they still do not know what is best for them, they would usually turn into a mist of blood as they come near him

After an uneventful walk, they arrive in front of a large cave. Around them is thick fog.

Like they have been here before, they did not hesitate to quickly enter the cave.

The entrance of the cave is thirty feet high. The area is covered with mist and full of crawling beast. Most of them would be dead the moment they came near him.

There is trees that is as tall as thirty story buildings and the boulders are also huge. Not far away from the cave, there is a crater the bore deep hole into the ground.

There are cracks extending to hundreds of kilometers. This is one of the places where Azief had fought against an ancient existence. And in his fight he discovers this cave.

And he thinks this is a perfect place for what he is about to do

Both he and Katarina enter the cave and look around. There were a few large insect but it was immediately killed by Katarina.

Katarina did not like insect. She did not like it all. The last time they were trapped in an ice cave, Katarina could endure everything else, just not insect.

Azief seeing this only chuckles but one glare from Katarina shuts him up

'What?' he said.

She only shakes her head and explores the cave. They did not need to explore the cave that much, they just needed to make sure that it would hold up for a while.

So, they checked the integrity of this cave

Katarina only took a second and then she nodded at him

'The place is alright' Azief then close his eyes and his Divine Sense spread out from him, enveloping the cave and then enveloping the entire mountainous region.

And then opening his eyes he said

'There is no settlements around here. If the calculation is right, only this mountainous region would be affected. It would kill a few animals of these mountainous region but since most of it is monster beast and poisonous creature, it works for the better'

Katarina nodded

'It would not affect much. Added with the barrier it would not create a catastrophes'

Azief then brought out something from his sleeve. Then he throws it out toward the entrance of the cave.

That something is a diamond shaped disk.

It is silver in colors and it looks futuristic.

The disk flies out and guided by Azief telekinetic abilities, it flew to four different directions.

It landed ten kilometers away from the cave.

Every disk falls at the same distance at four different cardinal direction.

There is only four disk and when they fall, it glows.

The energy contained in the disk emanated the aura of Laws.

The surrounding area of the disk distorted and time seems to be split off, creating a closed up dimension.

Of course, it did not actually create a closed dimension. It was more like an isolated timeline stream

It is different between the area outside of the disk and inside of it. The time of these area differs and so is their space.

The glow grows brighter and then light shoots out from the disk

It connected with each other from different direction. It was like there is a rectangle seal over the ten kilometers radius of the cave.

A barrier. All of this happened almost in an instant after Azief throws that disk.

Azief in the cave look at Katarina and said.

'the barrier is being set up' he waited for a moment, and then his Divine Sense could see it and then he retracts back his Divine Sense

'It's done'

'That was fast. It seems that Qarliya really give you the state of the art tech'

'It might be because she felt guilty' Katarina could only smile bitterly since she understood what Azief is taking about.

Azief then look elsewhere. He looks at the ceiling of the cave and sighed.

'It is a pity that this cave would be destroyed. This cave would not be able to bear the pressure. Since that is the case, it could only accept its fate and collapse' Then he thought of the barrier

The barrier might protect everything outside of the barrier but it certainly would not be able to protect the things inside the barrier.

'Ten kilometers radius surrounding this cave would probably be erased' he thought to himself.

He felt a bit of pity.

Even though this cave has no mystery left in it, it is still beautiful with its stone formation and other wonders inside the cave

There is also the forest near this cave that probably have many insects and animals.

But all of it would be erased

But, Azief think it is better than doing this kind of thing in the sky.

He did not want to accidentally created a rip of Time-Space. And it would attract too much attention from the people of this world.

They already wanted to leave this world silently and a high profile farewell is certainly not something that they wanted

Azief after knowing that there are many eyes that is always looking at him become more cautious in what he is doing.

Even before he throws the device out of the cave, he had send Divine Sense mark and stamp it in the cave area.

If there is any Divine Sense that is peering through his location right now, he would at least get a bit of premonition and he could be prepared for any surprise attack that might come.

'It is better than it taking out the entire mountain' Katarina said. At this Azief also nodded. Of course, Katarina did not seem to know the things that Azief is thinking right now

Azief then once again throws out a few devices from his sleeve. Only this time, the devices was not thrown out of the cave. Instead it hovers in the air in front of him

And instead of falling to the ground, the device slowly floats upwards creating a rectangle formation if you lined them up.

'Qarliya seems to give an enhanced version of the portal.'

Katarina nodded

'You think it has anything to do with the Five Seat of Orvan?' Katarina asked. Before, Katarina did not know much about the Five Seat of Orvan.

Even before when the Orvanians come to the Earth, Katrina did not pay that much attention to these otherworldly alien from a different civilization

But after he told her about Orvanians and their history and the Five Seats of Orvan, she now knows a few basic matters about the Orvan

Azief nodded

'I believe that is the case' There is silence between them for a while and then he looks at Katarina and said

'Are you sure?'

'Hmm? Sure about what?' Katarina asked back

'About being with me' Katarina frowned

'Why would I not be sure?'

'Who knows? Maybe you now have a change of heart after knowing some of my story. It is still not too late'

Katarina shakes her head.

'I'm perfectly sure' she replies.

Azief then said

'I have a son'

'I know. You told me'

'And you don't think that is anything to worry about?'

'Why would I worry about that?'

Azief sighed and then said

'My past is complicated. Sometimes, it would pop out. And I would hate for it to hurt you'

Katarina nodded and then she smiles

'So, what?' she said

'You told me that in the past you love this woman called Na Eun. You also once show me how you were lovey dovey with Sofia. That's right. I do feel jealous. I also feel envy. To both of those people. Na Eun knows a side of you I probably don't know. And Sofia knows you when you were in high school. She knows your past. No matter what, I could not compete with that. But do you know why now I don't mind all of this at all?'

Azief shakes his head. He truly doesn't understand. Smiling, Katarina simply said

'Because I got you. Because right now you are here with me. And you love me' she said it as a matter of fact.

'You're not with Na Eun. You're not with Sofia. You're here with me. And to me that trumps all of the pain, that erased all the heartbreak' she said smiling.


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