
Chapter 1302 Master and Disciple

Chapter 1302 Master and Disciple

Everything right now is frozen except himself and Katarina. He smiles and laughs.

'We are saved' he said as he looks at Katarina.

Katarina is still puzzled. Azief then grabs Katarina hand and landed on the road again.

The road has finished being recreated right now. Golden mist shrouded everything.

'Luck' Azief said to himself.

'And fortune' he added

When he looks at that golden mist he could feel that the mist contains luck and fortune.

In a way it is like merit that is always fought for in Jade Empire. Katarina on the other hand is puzzled with the sudden occurrence.

In one second, they were on their way to doom. But then a second later, everything seems to be frozen.

But she did not ask Azief anything. Right now, she is too tired to even form a sentence. And it is the same for Azief.

Only Azief tiredness is manifested in a different way

His energy is leaking all over and the energy is slow to recuperate. That is the sign of his tiredness.

Azief was about to absorb energy from the time scene that is being reformed around the road when suddenly he felt an injection of energy.

He was shocked and then he looks around him.

The golden mist seems to swirls around him and enter his body.

Even a small amount of this golden mist entering his body fills his body with energy and almost a second later, he is once again in his peak condition

His wounds are all healed and the tiredness that plagues his body dissipated like it was never there in the beginning

While having an energy body also has its con, it also has its advantages.

It is easy to lose energy, but it is also easy to gain energy because there are no obstacles between the body and the core of energy.

And that golden mist did not only swirls around Azief. It also swirls around Katarina. Azief look at her and simply said

'You could absorb it'

Katarina nodded and she began absorbing it.

It did not take her more than two seconds to return to her peak.

'Amazing!' Azief thought to himself. As Katarina keep absorbing the golden mist into her body, Azief then look toward the eye in the distance.

Even though everything is frozen, that eye is struggling to break through the restriction that is being put on it.

Azief could feel the feeling of dissatisfaction, of anger and of...fear. That what surprises Azief the most.

That the eye is feeling fear.

The reason he could feel the feeling of that eye is because there seems to be some resonance between him and that eye.

When considering that this eye belongs to him, it does not seem that absurd.

'It is not the eye' he thought to himself as he tries to squint his eye. He believes that the true body of his future-self is able only to materialize the eye.

If his future-self descend completely inside the Time Space tunnel, then judging by the power that his future-self had emanated the last time Azief saw his future-self, this entire Time and Space tunnel would probably collapse under such a powerful pressure

His future-self is a probability of the future. In normal circumstances, the future probability could not come to the past.

If he is correct in some of his assumption, the future has not yet been written. The only thing there is in the far flung future right now is the possibility.

It had not been formed yet. This is not like the case with people who was from the future travelling to the past.

He believes truly that the current time stream that he is at right now is now the current time stream.

He believes that because Loki from the future, came back. And he had a bit of an idea of how Loki defy such hard rule of the Universe.

'Only in here, a probability could appear and become a threat. This does not exist…...yet' he thought to himself as he looks at that eye.

Fortunately, right now that eye could not move or do anything. Azief even felt a bit funny. And absurd.

His future-self is so powerful that his breath requires him to eve drained all of his energy to break through

And one eye is enough to suppress him. What is it with these supreme beings that always uses their organs to fight?

Suddenly Azief felt a poke on his back and he look back to see that Katarina wounds are all healed.

Even though Katarina did not seem to be wounded, she was actually wounded by the blast of the sword light shockwave and even by the time the breath blew onto them

At that time, she had hurriedly close all the wounds with ice that froze all the wounds. But it is still there

She now had finished. It did not take her more than three seconds to heal her entire body. This could not be achieved if not for the golden mist.

And Azief knows exactly who he had to thank

Azief then bow his head to nowhere in particular and said

'Thank you, Senior' he said. That is the only way he could express his thanks to Azul. He did not dare to call Azul master.

He did not expect an answer. But he believes that Azul could see him. This is the only thing he could do.

But then a voice echoes inside the time space tunnel

'You could call me master'

The voice echoes all over and Azief was shocked to hear that Azul answer it. Even Katarina was startled to hear the words.

But, unlike Azief, she didn't seem to be able to understand the word.

The voice paused for a second before it echoes again

'After all, you have already learned a lot from me. You are my disciple and I am your teacher. Remember that.' the word seems to echoes before slowly the sound become fainter and dissipated.

Azief hearing this look around him and then smiles and nodded.

'Thank you, Master' Azief then laughs. In Azief life, there is a few people that he regarded as his teacher. Alsurt is one of them. And Azul is another.

But, he was never their apprentice. It is a weird feeling of having a teacher like this. Most of the time, it was him being a master to someone else.

After all, there is not many beings in the Universe that is qualified to become his master because of his unique fate and his unique path.

Even though he had never dare to call Azul as his master, he had always considered Azul to be one of his teacher.

The other one is Alsurt, the Jotun that he met.

'Now, I have become Azul disciple. It is a pity that this powerful master is probably not in the Universe. If he is I could at least swagger around using his name' Azief though before he himself laugh at his own thoughts

Azief knows only a little about Azul cultivation base. What he does know is that Azul could easily restrain his future-self

And that he is probably stronger than a Sovereign.

This is the only clue he had about the true power of Azul. As for what he knows about Azul, he knows that Azul is rarely in this Universe.

Where he goes is something Azief also does not know.

'Karma is formed between me and Azul right now. A new karma and a new cause and effect'

Azief then avert his gaze from that eye.

Even though he could still tell that the eye is still looking at him, right now the most important thing is to go out from here.

He looks at Katarina and seeing that she is already healed to full power he smiles

'How was it?' he asks. She waves her hand and a snowy wind blows forward. The wind is as sharp as a blade.

She nodded with a smile.

That is enough for him to understand. Azief realizes that as the golden mist become fainter the hold it had over all the things inside the Time Space tunnel is unravelling.

The golden mist is actually being destroyed by the gaze of that eye. The moment that the golden mist disappears, Azief knows there is no longer any protection.

And he knows Azul. He probably would not interfere until the end. This is already helping him enough.

If he does not know how to grasp it, he would truly be an idiot

'Now, it is really time to go home' he said and then he holds Katarina hand, grasping it tight and then kick the ground. He flew up toward the direction of the portal, this time he no longer holds anything back

His speed warps space and bends time.

Azief knows he could not delay anymore. This time, his energy is back at full peak so he dashes forward with the greatest speed he could muster.

Space around him twisted before breaking as he passes around them

Katarina created a force shield that shrouded her body to withstand the turbulence of space around her.

As Azief come closer toward the portal, he could see that the portal had been damaged

And it has been damaged a lot. It had been restored by that golden air just a second before. The only reason why it is damaged now probably had something to do with that eye.

Azief notices that the eye sometimes looks toward the portal.

'The destruction aura could even be transmitted using only gaze? Hoo. I am really one of a kind in the future'

'It could not stand it for any much longer' Azief made his conclusion in the split second he saw that portal

There is signs of tearing and wear all over it. Azief knew why it had become like this. the breath corrodes.

And then there is also something about that eye.

That is something that Azief understood. The him in the future possess great power of destruction.

Even when he went to the future and look at his future-self he was shocked to see himself wielding such a potent force of destruction.

That is why both he and Katarina uses their power to cut and rid away the breath from them and from the portal

The only reason that this portal did not yet collapse is simply because of the golden air of luck and fortune.

Azief could not express how grateful he was toward Azul right now.

He had already been delayed long enough and he does not know what changes had happened on Earth Prime by now

The portal is being held up by the golden air like a glue.

'It is battered and torn apart. But it would do the job' Azief thought to himself

Azief take a turn back, look at that eye, and then he smiles. It is clears that his smile is mocking his future-self.

There is also something that he had found out.

'Next time, I would not be so helpless' he mutters to himself.

Then he and Katarina jump into that portal and golden air that had been supporting the portal from breaking down suddenly exploded


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