
Chapter 1338 The Sudden Battle

Chapter 1338 The Sudden Battle

  They keep streaming out from the portals

  The moment these people come out from the portals some of them flew to the sky, pointing their weapons toward Azief and Katarina.

  Their body unleashed great power that causes the space around them to spiral

  Azief then look at these people around him. 

  By now they have fully encircled him and Katarina. 

  Some of them floats in the sky and some of them are on the ground. Some of them are in the distance, writing characters toward the space in front of them, no doubt creating formation or an array of entrapment.

  Some uses hand seals to mobilize the energy of Heaven and Earth. 

  Azief chuckles and said to himself

  'They are really going all out on me. I don't know if I should be flattered or offended'

  Azief then turns to Katarina and said

  'Remember don't kill them. Karma is no joke. And from what I have seen, not every one of them are truly evil. Of course, there are some' he said with a cruel smile on his face.

  The thunder in the sky roars and the lightning illuminated the dark night. 

  'Your Excellency' Sam shouted from the distance. 

  'If you come with me to the City Lord residence, I would make sure that these people retreat' Sam suddenly declares. 

  The ten factions that have gathered all around the area all went silent. The ten leaders that have gathered all look at Sam but their eyes are unkind.

  And while they did not say anything, it is clear they are not happy with Sam words.

  Azief also sees all this and with one glance he could tell that these people all have conflicting point of interest.

  Azief did not have to know all the details to speculate on certain things. Politics and scheme is something that he used to experience before as Azul.

  He forgotten some things but he still remembers a lot. 

  And there is also the fact that he is also the ruler of Pandemonium. How could he not be unfamiliar with such conflict between people?

  Azief also could tell that this Italian looking man was not really intending to attack him but simply to threaten him and then dangle him the benefits. 

  If he is not wrong, this person intention is probably to recruit him. But that would be really a funny story

  Azief look at that Italian-looking person and then ask

  'Give me your name' 

  'People called me Sam. I am the Admiral for the City'

  'Sam. Italian?'

  He nodded.

  'I appreciate the offer but I have to decline' Then he looks toward that muzzle that was sticking out from the sea and waves his hand.

  And then in the sky, there is a titanic golden palm that appears and even before anyone could react that golden palm slam itself to the cannon and a large explosion occurs in the part of that sea.

  The shockwave created ripples of blast that chain together. The shores of the beach exploded sending a mass amount of sand to flew toward the clouds.

  The cliff side road exploded. Everyone was shocked. 

  Azief then turns and look at Sam and he said with the most pleasant voice he could muster, with a smile on his face

  'Sam, while I like the way you approach the matter, I do not like to be threatened' Katarina only chuckles. 

  All of the ten leaders of the factions that have come to render aid frowned. 

  Robert was about to scream to everyone the identity of Azief when suddenly the blast from the shockwave finally arrived to this area.

  'Create barriers!' The Seed Forming levelers all uses their skill to create powerful energy barrier.

  But the sound of the shockwave fills the entire area. And Robert is suffocated because of the dust and the blast that is pushing him backwards.

  Some powerful people would simply cut the shockwave blast or slam it with their fist.

  Some would divert it. But Robert was not that proficient in doing things like that. So, he was pushed backward and slid down on the ground.

  Azief smiles and before the dust could settle one of the ten leaders shouted

  'Attack now!'

  The moment someone shouted like that, all of the ten people did not hesitate to attack. One of them spread their hands and demon-like creatures appears all over the sky.

  'A Summoner' Someone shouted among the crowd. Even though most of the crowd had run away., some of the brave warrior still stay here to watch the fight. 

  Katarina flew into the sky while shouting

  'I'll handle the sky'

  Azief laughs 

  'She wants the best action' he thought to himself. In the sky, there is around seventy-two monsters. All of them seems to be animals 

  There is monkey, rhinos, griffin, serpents, wyvern to name a few. 

  Azief took a glance and he could tell that even though it seems like real monsters there is something missing about these monsters

  'Their soul is bound' he thought to himself. Azief did not have time to analyze that Summoner abilities as one of the people from the Mercenary Association dashes towards him

  There is demonic aura that rises from his body that pierces the dark clouds above the area. Azief was quite surprised to see this

  'The Path of the Demon' Azief could recognize it in a heartbeat since he used to walk in the path of Demon while he became Azul. So, he could not be more familiar with this path

  'Old man, take this' That person punches towards him and the space around his fist contorted the space 

  Above the sky, a head appears. 

  This head possesses the same face with the man that Azief is facing. Only this face is Demonic with red aura swirling all over this disembodied head.

  And on the forehead of this Demonic Head is seven horns. 

  'Shit. This Ulfric, does he want to destroy this city'

  One of the ten faction leaders could see that the Demon Head is Ulfric head, the leader of the Mercenary Association in this city. 

  There is Eudorus and there is Ulfric. The Mercenary Association actually has three leaders. Today, two of them had come out. 

  The one shouting is none other than the Arrayist Guild leader. 

  All around the battlefield there are soldiers creating battle formations. Some of them are like a spear that is being wielded ready to be unleashed. 

  While some other soldiers are creating formation to contain the destruction of these combatant. 

  The shout of Attack now had made some people unprepared and attack in a haste. 

  The defense line had not been created. 

  While many people are attacking the old man and the young girl Sam flew to the sky with his soldiers.

  'Lay down the formation of containment' the soldiers all then pointed their weapons toward the ground below. 

  Powerful energy seems to shot out from their spears, swords ds and blade. 

  But these energies did not strike the ground nor did it attack the people below. Instead it floated just a few inches below the tip of their weapons.

  These energies condensed into a small orb floating in the air and then these orbs, like it was being pressured by some force flattened itself

  But it is still floating in the air. And when it flattened it created a flat floating surface in the sky and everyone orb also did the same thing and it links up with each other.

  The people below the soldiers looks up and some of them with more knowledge said

  'The Net of Heaven' 

  One could see that there is a golden net in the sky that cascade down, isolating this district from the other places

  Space and Time around the net seems to be curved. 

  It was like space itself is bending around this net. Time was also affected 

  Many people could not afford to care what Sam is doing right now. 

  His soldiers had laid a formation to contain the damage of the battle only toward the Hanging Head District. Sam on the other hand flew toward the sky, intending to slash that Demon Head before it could create a madness fueled frenzy all over the city.

  He knew that Ulfric practice a certain skill that gave him Demonic Aura. Still, it did not mean Ulfric himself is evil. 

  Demonic powers are just one of the many abilities that have appeared since the Fall. No one had any reservation because of that.

  But Ulfric abilities have some downsides. 

  And that is if his Demonic powers are unleashed, it could create a clouds of demonic thoughts, collecting resentments and negative emotion which in turns affect the people below it.

  In other words, it could induce craziness, madness and even bloodlust. On the ground, Azief simply sidestep to the left to avoid the fist.

  However, the fist attack is not some normal fist.


  A powerful force blast off an entire building the moment Azief evade that attack. That blast also sweeps across the ice statue on the ground. 

  But none of the blast manage to even crack any one of the statue. 

  Azief evade that attack but then someone else appears


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