
Chapter 1425 MAD

Inside the conference room, all the leaders of the great powers look at each other. None of them knows that there is a deadly conspiracy that is now shrouding the entire Dome

Conversation and discussion could be heard are all over the room. Some people are calmly presenting the facts, some are having a shouting match with each other.

Then a pale cold hand would raise his finger and the conversation would stop. They would then vote on the matter and the matter is solved

That pale cold hand belongs to Death Monarch

Even though they are equal in status, this does not mean that they are equal in power. In the World Council, Three Great Powers have always lead this Council

In the past the active member of the World Council is usually the World Government. But today, Pandemonium and the Republic takes center stage

Today, there is not many disagreements. Instead, if there is a difference it is the way certain solution is applied.

Azief sat on his throne listening to the conversation around him.

The matter of the Otherworlders have been concluded.

Azief did not delay as he quickly raises another problem

This is but the opening of the World Council and one of the most pressing issue of the Otherworlders have been solved.

Hirate suddenly raised his hand. Everyone look toward him. Hikigaya lazily look at him, appearing majestic. Jean only took a glance before closing his eyes.

But everyone stopped speaking.

If Hirate speaks, he must speak about something important.

Even though the world has settled in Seven World Powers, when the original Great Three Powers speaks, the whole world still has to shut up and listen obediently

This is the advantage of a strong foundation and being the pioneer and the first.

Say what you will ab out the World Government but they were the first organized force after the Fall.

They absorbed many great heroes and stabilize their regions the fastest.

And there was a time before the rise of Death Monarch, that they were the most powerful organization in the world

The other tense up

Azief however sits there on what could be considered the center chair and gesture Hikigaya to continue.

That alone shows to the other people in the room that this seems to have the approval of Death Monarch

'Anyone here ever heard of M.A.D?'

'Mad? Crazy?'

Kairu suddenly said

'Mutual Assured Destruction'

Kairu eyes turns sharp.

That is a doctrine of military strategy.

'Hmm?' Hikigaya opens his eyes a bit these times. Some people here knows what Hirate is talking about but some does not.

Hikigaya before the Fall is a normal high school student. He is young in age; it is the same for Jean

The oldest in real age is Hirate and Kairu.

Of course, the age of these people are hard to determine considering that their lifespan had changed and appearing young is like the easiest thing to do.

'MAD is a doctrine of military strategy that posits a full scale use of nuclear weapons by an attacker on a nuclear armed defender with second strike capabilities would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender' Kairu said

'Rational deterrence' Azief simply said.

He might not know much but when he was on Earth Two, he learns a lot about nuclear weapons and its strategy.

Of course at that time, those strategy is about targeting him.

But he understood the theory.

Azief lazily said.

'The threat of using strong weapons against the enemy prevents the enemy use of those same weapons. Once armed, neither side has any incentive to initiate a conflict or disarm.'

Hirate nodded and then he said

'Under MAD strategy, each side has enough nuclear weaponry to destroy the other side. Either side, if attacked for any reason by the other, would retaliate with equal or greater force'

Smiling he continues

'The expected result of such an attack is an immediate, irreversible escalation of hostilities resulting in both combatants' mutual, total, and assured destruction'

'Yes, we understand. What is the purpose of you suddenly talking about this?'

Hirate looks around and said

'I think we all could agree that Earth need stability right now.' the other nodded

Hirate then look at Death Monarch. Azief smiles a bit. This is Hirate giving him the lead. They already discuss these matter yesterdays.

There is no reason for Hirate to suddenly speak about nuclear weapons.

He just speaks like that to remind people.

Nuclear weapons had long fallen out of fashion.

Everyone in this room could at least take a few nuclear weapons and still would be in tip top shape. Some could even use the radiation to strengthen themselves

A Disk Formation leveler alone could be compared to a walking nuclear bomb. Even when Azief in Disk Formation realm, the power he possesses is enough to shakes the world.

He is the ceiling of power in this world. he was the one at the front and he have never even overtaken

And when he reached Divine Comprehension, his power surpassed the conventional idea of a weapon like nuclear weapon. One move of his finger could destroy a continent.

The world does not need nuclear weapons anymore because they are the nuclear weapons

Hirate then said

'We need to create Laws about the use of power and force on Earth'

He begins. Many sighed

This is not the first time such matter was being proposed.

But most of the time it would not leave the room as no one could find any agreement on this matter

However, today feel different.

Even though most people have not seen Death Monarch in the past six month, Death Monarch act of creating the Sword of Humanity, giving whoever gave that power the authority of Heaven, that alone shows that in the six months of his absence, Death Monarch learn a few new tricks.

And most people here know that unless they have full confidence of beating Death Monarch, no one would eagerly try to be the first one to attack him.

And the world right now is no longer like the chaotic period in the beginning where everyone is scrambling for power in the world

The general trend has been realized, the Seven Great Powers ruled the world and maintain the safety of Earth

Now, other people are chasing them and they need to maintain their spot.

As for the feeling that something different, it is because today, Death Monarch is presiding the meeting.

His prestige did not change and his strength sees to be stronger so everyone believes that if such laws are made today, it will hold up.

Before it is only the World Government and the Republic that wanted to create such laws. Other than the Disk Formation Limitation of Participating in War Act, there is not many laws limiting the use of power of any individuals.

But Earth today, is not the Earth six months ago. A lot has changed and a lot of new information has been brought up and so a new law need to be created.

Hirate continue speaking

'Earth could not bear another huge level battle like before. That time we were lucky that the Multiversal Convergence was happening'

Hirate added

'Though, even that is still up for debate. Even though we closed all the dimensional gates and portals that have open up and even sealed some of it, out there, in the Multiverse, some worlds know we exist. And they have seen how powerful we are.

'There is no guarantee that one day they will not come back here'

The other world leaders frowned.

Some of them nodded

They have been thinking about this since six months ago

They close the gates and while most of the other worlds that invade Earth or accidentally enters this earth during the Multiversal Convergence portals has been closed, it is also true that some of these world is now alerted of the existence of their world

They were no communication between two sides so they might think that it was this Earth that open the portals and try top invade their world.

Misunderstanding is bound to happen

Right now even as they are speaking, those world might have designated this world as some kind of invading world and is pressurized to create weapon and defense against this Earth.

And there is no guarantee that some of them would think to attack this world before this world attack them.

And that is not to mention any other parallel universe that might already see this Earth as a place where they want to conquer and open new lands.

Some of them have spoken with Hirate before and Hirate himself has a few conversations with the Orvanian before and so they know that in the Universe there was once a Multiversal War.

And the war is tragic.

This is not something that they wanted for their world

And the world right now has more threats than ever

'even if the world had expanded, the world also ushered new powerful people that is rising like a mushroom after a rain'

'We have seen the Demon King and its ability to inflict damage. And that is even after he is being suppressed by the Heavenly Will of this world. If not for that, who knows what kind of power he could burst out'

He paused for a second before saying

'Death Monarch narrowly wins that battle. And that is after Hirate, Jean and even an Orvanian fleet from above the sky all attacking that Demon King. One Demon King requires so much effort to just push him back to his world. And he did not even die'

There was silence in the room


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