
Chapter 1430 Trust

Kairu frowned and then ask

'The Republic already say aye?' he asks Jean but it was someone else that answers

'The Republic say Aye' Azief suddenly said, his cold voice echoes in the room.

Jean smiles at this and he simply closes his eyes like nothing just happened.

Some people also sense the tense atmosphere almost immediately. They then remember

Right now the Republic seems to be split into two, one of them following Jean, the other following Katarina.

Maybe, he doesn't want Jean to answer on behalf of the Republic to avoid things getting worse for the internal matters of the Republic.

Jean also did not mind. This is just a small drama and no one wanted to make this small thing bigger. It relates to so many powerful people that it is better not to get suck in this problem

Kairu then look toward Hirate and Hirate nodded.

'The Three Great Powers had already decided this'

Kairu thought to himself. Sangmin who did not say and ask anything also get his answer. Kairu is like the spokesperson for the other four world powers.

It seems that they have planned this before they even enter the Dome.

It is understandable because Narleod has bad relationship with World Government so he could not be the one asking question.

Sangmin lacks presences, Hannah is not the Grand Researcher so the only one that would be able to speak this freely and incite so many answers from the other three great powers might only be Kairu who rarely have a conflict with the other three great powers.

Everyone also undersatnd that this is different than before

This is unlike the other proposal.

Everyone must agree. If not, there might be dangers along the way.

This stake of changing the world, changing the rules of reality, this kind of thing if disturbed, could bring a backlash.

Death Monarch is actually taking a large risk here. It is the first time he takes the risk for the world.

He never taken any risk before. It is conceivable that if even one person doesn't agree, Death Monarch would scrap this plan altogether.

Azief look at the people in the room and he watches them.

He is gambling.

He…. hates gambling.

But for once, he wanted to gamble.

Most of the people in this room today once his enemies.

Most of the people here once and probably still devise plans against him.

Hirate even uses Sofia that time to trap him. And then they use Will to kill him. And that is the only instances where he knows about it and not counting the other secret measures that they have taken against him

Hirate is his most obvious enemies.

But, the others are not that good either

And while the others did not clash with him directly, Azief did not forget that Storm Tide once tried to attack him but did not.

And many of them attack him secretly, waiting for that moment when he is vulnerable. But years has passed since then.

They are not the same people they were almost a decade ago. And it is the same for him. he is not the same person as he was all those years ago.

He understands people more.

And he sympathizes with them more.

There is light and there is darkness.

But in the past, the darkness holds him dear.

Now, there is an equal bit.

He is not a saint.

He is very clear of that.

But, he is not all evil either.

He does not care much and he had dark fantasies and dark urges in him. B

ut, he had friends.

He had a family.

Not born of blood, but connected by a bond stronger than that. He had a brother who would go to the end with him.

There is people who he loved and loved him back.

So, here he is.

Making a gamble.

Wanting to see whether, in the face of extinction, could humanity rise to the occasion?

Could they for once, forget all their rivalries, the hatred that they once had, for at least once, to do something that would benefit the world.

Of course, Azief did not believe on hundred percent in the benevolence of others. It is not like doing this had no benefit to them.

There is benefit to them

But, they had to trust him.

Trust that he would keep his promise.

Yes, the packet data shows that he would split the world to ten lands.

But when he does this, when all of these world leaders lower the defenses on their land, on their territory, gives him all the energy he needed, they have to trust that he would not simply strip them away or kill them.

And everyone understands this.

It is like giving the keys of the kingdom to him. If he were to move the lands of the world, to merge them, to combine them, there is no doubt that he would find out all that they meant to hide.

Could they trust him?

'I guess that is the hardest part of all of this. Trusting me' Azief thought to himself. These people are not used to trusting others.

Azief did not say anything.

He went silent and he waited. Kairu, Narleod, Lee Sangmin, Hannah Strom, these four people who represent the other four world powers is also silent, thinking

'Give me time' Hannah Storm said.

'yes, give us time' Narleod said.

The other was about to say the same time but Azief simply said

'Until the end of this meeting. That is the only time I can give you. This must be resolved today' he sighed, pausing for a second before saying with determination

'We do not have enough time'

'The world has to be settled today. '

There is silence in the room after what Death Monarch said

And everyone expression is not good.

Narleod then say

'You are forcing us. This is like a con man rushing people so that they could not make a sound decision'

The other three did not say anything but it is clear with their silence that they think the same way.

Azief voice rises and then his sharp eyes look at everyone.

'I reminded you all, and Hirate reminded you too. Outside, up there, there is threats. And it is a world ending threat. '

He sighed and said

'I have seen all kinds of Universe. I have seen darkness that lurks in the Void. Brilliant civilization. Most of them are very enlightened, rarely having the desire to expand or to conquer'

'But not all of it is like that. I don't want Earth to rely on the benevolence of others. Because who knows? Maybe someday, they would not be so benevolent anymore'

Hannah Storm then said

'Death Monarch. You must understand. This is a tall order you are asking for. You are telling to put down our weapon, and let you put a knife on our throat. You are already the strongest person in the world.'

She pauses for a second before saying

'If you decide to fight all the Six powers, we could still force you back. All of us here has a backhand against you. I think you know that'

Azief nodded and he doesn't even seem angry about it

Hannah Storm muster her courage and then said

'But, even with all of our weapons and or backhands, we are not even sure we could kill you. And even if we could, the result would be catastrophic to us, and to the world. We would not risk that unless it is the last measure.'

She paused for a second. But no one is interjecting. Not the three great powers, not the four world powers

Some felt that Hannah Storm is talking what they are thinking. And as for Azief, he simply listens.

She continues saying

'And now, if we let all our defenses down, what hope we have against you…...if you decide that we are unnecessary. This is your great chance to settle the world and rule the world…. alone'

She then added

'You said you would not believe in the benevolence of others? What do you think we would think now when that benevolence come from you? What if, you, at that crucial time…...no longer wanted to be benevolent?'

The entire room fell into silence. Everyone has been thinking about this. But no one dares say it.

Hikigaya then said

'I am here'

Jean also speak

'I am also here'

These two are also Divine Comprehension leveler. Hannah did not answer them instead she looks toward Kairu and Kairu understood. So he simply said

'Hikigaya, you were helped by Death Monarch. You owe him'

Then he turns to look toward Jean and said

'Jean, you could beat all of us here. But are you sure you could beat him?'

'And there is another angle of this matter that you seem to overlook.'

'What if you are colluding with Death Monarch to split the world into three, with Death Monarch, you and Hikigaya ruling the world? You know our worries are not unfounded'

Hikigaya and Jean look at each other but they could not say anything to this.

Even though, they really have no such intention, and is really thinking about the safety of the world, they could also understand the concern of these people.

Jean look at Azief and said

'I could not convince them. You must be the one that do it. My words means nothing now.'

Azief also understand this and he close his eyes for a second. He takes a deep breath, thinking what words he could say.

'Since I already have the mentality of gambling, just gamble away' he thought to himself.

'I know what you are all worried about. And I know you are thinking of the gain and loss here. What if I broke my word?'

'But don't you think I also have my own worries?'

'If I succeed doing this, separating the world to ten lands, to ten regions, my power would decline in that moment. I would be vulnerable.' He smiles and then said.

'I would be in my weakest moment. Not to mention, the Heavenly Will might also attack me at that time. Can I trust you all not to attack me? You seem to only read what is disadvantageous to you and not read what I have risked'

Then he added

'I have risk and you have risk. In the end, it comes down to this.



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