
Chapter 1525 The Deal

Azief sighed alone in the empty room. 

Azief rarely come into the room early. It is almost like a habit that he comes into the room at the end. 

Because most of the time, people waist on him and not the other way around. And usually, today would also be the same. 

But today, he had a lot to think about

And there is no need to intimidate the person he is going to meet today. Nowadays, there is no need for him to intimidate anyone. 

Because everyone is already pretty intimidated. There is too little too much. Azief knows when to apply pressure and when to ease off.

"Katarina…..I guess she could take care of herself. And the sword…..that sword strike…" and he chuckles  a bit

'it would be too much for me to help her. After all, that kind of path needed to be traverse by oneself. Katarina should walk that path alone' And he sighed

'Then there is Jean' And with this Azief sighed

Jean problem is not his problem. But the circumstances made him unable to forget it and made him even more curious. 

Especially after he himself check on Paulette. There is this premonition….a premonition that this has something to do with him

It is just a feeling. A faint feeling.

But Azief had learned not to ignore such feeling. The feeling that he felt is no mere worries or concern. The moment he had learned the rules of destiny and fate, even his feeling is attuned to the destiny and fate. 

He doesn't know how he is related in the big scheme but he could tell that there is connection between what happen to Paulette and his own fate and destiny.,

The connection is there, no matter how subtle. 

'Not a direct cause but something that would resonate with my own fate and destiny' he muttered to himself. He did not tell Jean this because he himself could not be sure 

He sighed and ask the same question that Jean had asked him

'Who attacked Paulette?' 

This is something that concerned Azief too. He does not know what kind of beast that could put Paulette in such situation. 

And Jean also did not know

This alone is very amazing. Both Azief and Jean is in Divine Comprehension realm. The things that they want to know could easily be deduced. 

Azief could see through fates and destiny, manipulate life force and death force, Jean could manipulate time and space and it should have been very easy for both of them to find out if someone attack Paulette.

But even after mobilizing their power, all they could see was a blank. A void. An emptiness. 

Either the person doing it have powers beyond them or they use some kind of method that could hide from the perception of a Divine Comprehension realm.

If Loki could do it, if Void could do it….why not someone else?

Jean did not wait for long before he rushed back to Moscow. 

Arturia did not have many medical devices. Azief did offer him to go to Pandemonium. But, he probably has his own method. 

Azief had heard that Jean had something called the Room of Clocks. And he has all kinds of magical methods. 

Jean brought her to him first. And Azief put his hand on her and survey her energy. She is not dead. 

She seems more like...like she is asleep. 

Like a Sleeping Beauty. Her energy is not chaotic but for some reason she did not wake up. Azief uses his abilities but none of it works. 

Of course, there are other kinds of magic that he did not use. After all, there is still many methods that he could try. But that requires a deeper examination. 

But Azief did not dare try. In destructive capabilities, Azief knows that his power is second to none in this world

However, in the methods of healing, even with all of his abilities he must conceded to many of the healer profession. Normal injuries, even those who were cut, as long as there is a breath, Azief could breathe life force and save such a person

However, it is different when the diseases and the affliction touches the ethereal. The intangible. And that is what Paulette seems to be afflicted by. 

A different kind of magic. 

A dark magic. 

And this kind of magic is the hardest to solve. 

Dark magic is notoriously difficult to counter and dispel. Its intricate nature made it a formidable challenge even for someone as powerful as himself.

  It twisted and corrupted the very fabric of existence, leaving a trail of chaos and suffering in its wake.

And dark magic has many mediums and many ways. Some uses emotions. Some uses items. The intangible. The unseen. 

In some worlds there is stark differences between dark magic and white magic and every world has its own definition of what constitutes dark magic or white magic, whether that magic is good or bad. 

Of course, just like on Earth, where the concept of justice in general decided by the powerful, the definition of magic is also determined by the ruling powers

But there is the justice that is recognized by the public and then there is the justice that other people know in their hearts. 

And the same is for magic. Azief had seen many destructive magic and not all destructive magic is considered dark amici and vice versa. 

But most worlds agree that anything that contributes to destruction and chaos could fall into the category of dark magic. 

Fireball for example destroys thing. But it could also light the way, warm the body, create a light in darkness. 

This is nature of magic that had two sides. Like a knife where you could use it to kill people or to chop cabbages. 

You could use  a hammer to build a house or smash someone head with it

Then there is magic that its own entire existence is rooted in destruction, in chaos, in providing despair and sadness. 

And that is its only function. Most of these kinds of magic falls clearly into what most worlds would agree a dark magic. 

And because of that he is very reluctant in trying to save Paulette. Not because he did not want to

But because he understood the difficulty. 

One wrong move and he could bring more harm than good. Given enough time, Azief could probably learns and resolve such magic. But that requires certain experimentation, a method of trial and error

And Azief is quite sure that Jean would not want his girlfriend to be some kind of lab rat for him to try all kinds of magic.

And in the method of healing, Jena might also be more advanced than him. However, even though Paulette problem is not his, one thing puzzles him. 

This method…it probably would work against anyone. Of course, it probably would not have such an effect on Divine Comprehension leveller and might only work with Disk formation levelers. 

From the report he find out that Paulette seems to be bitten by a snake. There is all kinds of weird thing surrounding this matter. 

And his intuition is telling him that this might not be so simple. For now, he simply ordered Arthur to find more information about this matter 

Azief then sighed. 

He got the report about Shinji death 

Sasha told him to leave it to her. And he will. Shinji was a person that he very much admired. 

If not, he would not have recruited the man. 

'Maybe, it is better it ends like this' he mutters to himself. 

If people hear it, people might not understand why he said what he said. Only he understood it. 

It's only been a few hours after the battle. The execution platform is still wet with blood and the sound of explosion could still be heard all over the island. 

There is still some pockets of battle. But Azief did not need to interfere no more at this juncture. 

He was thinking about something else when someone knocked the door

Azief waves his hand and a gust of wind flew and the door opened. 

There is three people in front of the door. They walk in and look around the room. 

'A medieval design'

'there is no table'

'the windows bring in the light. A pity there is fire all over the city' these three people enter and all speak at the same time

Azief smiles and then click his finger . the door closes, a table materializes and three chairs manifested itself 

six feet long and three feet wide table appears


The three people nodded and sit on the chair. There is Raymond, wearing a war armor. His face had some scratches , his blond hair is tied neatly his blue eyes scanning the room. 

On the other seat, there is Hirate, his face is pale white, a trace of tiredness could be seen. 

And on the other seat is Hikigaya. He now wears something a bit more casual. At least casual for him. He still wears his robe but it is a brand-new purple robe. 

His hair is let loose and there is a smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at Hirate 

Azief have many things to do, many things to settle. So, he did not want to waste time. 

'I think you know why I call you here' at this he turns to Raymond. Raymond face turns solemn and he nodded. 

'We have a deal, Raymond. Do you still agree with that deal?' 

Raymond eyes narrowed. Hirate is solemn. And Hikigaya is just sitting on his chair, looking at all of this with apparent amusement


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