
Chapter 1588 Who is Right?

Chapter 1588 Who is Right?

Death in front of him would bloom to life.

Life flourished wherever this being turned His attention.

His thoughts is the genesis of countless galaxies, stars, and worlds, each teeming with the potential for life.

Fear would turn into courage.

And life will thrive wherever he wills it.

This being possess the visage of a young man. When he breathes, life and good fortune keep filling the Universe.

Each movement, each moment, all that is good and all that is fortunate, happens because he exist.

Life is created because he exist, and it is nurtured because he exist.

This primordial being shrouded with an aura of creation cracks his neck and smiles again

"Struggling, fighting, thinking, trying to find a way out. How could I not love these mortals?"

With a joyful chuckle, his happiness radiated like a brilliant light, infusing even the most lifeless corners of the universe with the essence of life.

His very presence nurtured new beginnings and kindled the spark of existence in the void.

As he exhaled, the forces of primordial creation swirled around him, forming nebulous clouds that carried the essential elements required for life to flourish.

Each breath he take became a cosmic act of creation, sowing the seeds of life and renewal throughout the cosmos.

This being with immense power of creation is none other than the Creator Himself.

"Last time, you were stepping on those stairs. Today, you are uncovering some of the secret of those rings"

he sighed and his eyes seems to pierce through the darkness of this Universe and look toward a being that is sailing the sky in the far distance.

Things that could be considered far by the Creator must mean that it is truly far. The Creator sighed and that sigh echoes through all existence and creation .

But only a few beings in the Omniverse could hear this sigh and understood that it came from him.

His white robe billows with purplish aura that creates all kinds of things in space, the kind of elements that would breed life.

Then he retract his gaze

"Fate? Destiny? But this kind of fate and destiny did not happen the last time" he chuckles and mutters

"A new kind of fate and destiny, then. Borgan…..did you calculate these as well?" Yu Wang understood something when Azief walk those Supremacy Stairway in the past. But the Creator has always known.

He thought right. Things are still moving. And there is new fate and new destiny. New roads and new possibilities.

But he sighed nonetheless

He is always right. He had foreseen this. Even this new fate, new destiny, new roads and new possibilities

"I am right" but he did not say it with happiness. He sighed again and then mutters

"I hope….I am wrong"

Then he paused for a second and then mutters

"But, I am always right"

He hoped that Borgan could make his calculation wrong.

Loki of Midgard, That One Eyed Oracle, they might think that this is already a new change to the script

But Yewa Hafar probably understood. Fate and Destiny is not that easy to change.

Fate and Destiny could be hard to bend. But what is annoying about them is that even if they bend, they would adapt.

New fate and new destiny, is just a recalibration of a mistake, a correction to anomaly.

"This is not enough yet" he mutters.

But he always like seeing mortals fight. Fight against their weakness, fight against insurmountable odds.

And even though, right now it seems that these people are still trapped….the Creator did not feel sad for them

Because he still believes in them

He still have hope

"If only Loki and Erika could understand that even if the script is changed, the author could always find a way to make illogical. Even if it doesn't, even if it becomes? a plot hole, what does the author care? After all, He did not write it for others to read?"

Then he looks at Yewa Hafar on earth and there is? a smile on the Creator face

"What a diligent child" he thought to himself

"Building roads for the Destroyer is not an easy task but this child keep persevering." The Creator has many plans.

And people also have their plans. So, he could only sigh at this. And he knows how the story ends depends on that person.

"Not sitting on a holy throne, but a house surrounded by gardens. But there is too much rotten trees and too much rotten fruit. Cutting them is not enough. Mayble pluck it from its roots?"

He sighs and for a moment there is only silence in this part of the world. Even now, as he is talking to himself, he is stimulating creation.

All laws of the Omniverse seems to being breathed out with each word he spoke and each law that comes out from his mouth is a law that encourage creations.

"I hope I no longer hear that Song." He remarks.

Last time, he heard that Song, the Song that heralded the End of Everything.

The Song was sung and the Omniverse ends in a low note, with a whimper and not a bang.

He never knew what the Supreme One is thinking about.

But it is clear, that He might also wanted to see some changes.

Or it might be His grace.

Or it might be His test?

With Him, it is always possible that it might have all kinds of layers.

After all, if He did not want to change anything….why….at that time, He allowed the Gardener to look at the Book?

Why He let Jean do what He did?

Even if that is somehow a mistake, which the Creator doubts, He could always rectify the mistake.

Even right now, if He wanted to rectify the mistake, one Thought could end everything. He could not understand the Supreme One thought.

But the Creator is quite sure of something now.

Maybe….just like him…The Supreme One wanted to see a different answer.

After all, The Creator is a part of the Supreme One.

What the Creator has, the Supreme One also has. And what does the Creator have the most?

Love. Hope. Compassion. Life. Good.

And the Supreme One must also have these traits to him.

"The ending of this story…" he paused for a second and he seems to be looking at the distance.

The Creator look at the possibility of the future, he saw a great war, a tragic love, plots and shames, loyalty and betrayal and he saw a certain possibility

"Two" he mutters and he laughs

"Maybe….this is all fated. If Borgan even calculated this…..then I should reward her. Then I should help the boy. At least a little help" Saying this the Creator chuckles and pointed his finger, and a white light shoot out from his finger and melded with the light of the ring.,

Smiling, he mutters

"I hope it could be a road for you so that you could meet her"

And then laughing the Creator continue lazing around in that dark space that is now brightened and full of life.

Azief eyes snapped open, and he found himself surrounded by a swirling, nebulous aura of vibrant colours.

For a moment, he questioned whether he was in the vastness of space, but a deep intuition told him otherwise.

"Space?" he mumbled to himself as he took in the surreal surroundings.

"No," he answered his own question, his voice echoing softly in the strange, otherworldly expanse.

He tries to use his Divine Sense. The moment he tries to activate it, he felt like there is nothing in him

He tries to change himself into a mass of energy but even that, he could not do.

"what am I? he thought to himself. As a Divine Comprehension leveler he could turn himself into a mass of energy as the physical body could be abandoned

A mass of energy.

But right now, he could not turn himself to such form.

"Mortal" he mutters to himself.

That is what he is feeling right now. Like he is a mortal again.

Azief gazed downward and observed himself floating in the midst of this seemingly boundless space.

The colours surrounding him were richer and more vibrant than the cold void of the universe, yet an underlying sense of desolation permeated the scene.

In the distance, he spotted a solitary planet, and a sense of déjà vu washed over him.

"This is very familiar," he murmured, though he couldn't quite place the source of his recognition.

He made an attempt to move, and as if responding to his thoughts, his body floated in the direction he desired, effortlessly defying gravity.

A sense of wonder and curiosity mingled with a touch of unease as Azief continued to explore this realm.

"What is this?" he seems to be asking himself.

But he also hope there is someone who would answer him.

But he would have to be disappointed.

Because no one is answering him

Azief moved forward through this ethereal, colourful expanse, akin to wading through a tranquil sea.

There is no clear destination or purpose that he could discern.

He just felt like he had to move.

Typically, when faced with such an uncanny compulsion, to move according to this unknown guidance? he would be cautious, sceptical of external influences trying to guide him.

However, in this instance, he found himself embracing this strange sensation with an inexplicable sense of anticipation.

It is as if he has been expecting it, as though some part of him knew that he needed to follow this path, whatever it may lead to.

he ventured deeper into the unknown, his curiosity and determination gradually eclipsing any reservations he might have had.

As Azief floated onward, his gaze shifted left and right, scanning the surrounding expanse in search of something, anything that might provide some context or meaning to this surreal journey.

Yet, all that met his eyes were the vibrant, otherworldly hues that typically graced the cosmos.

The kaleidoscope of colours seemed to stretch endlessly in every direction, creating a mesmerizing but ultimately disorienting and ambiguous landscape.

It was as if he was suspended in an abstract painting, surrounded by a symphony of shades and hues that defied earthly description.


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