
Chapter 1599 Sins

"I did not kill those beings. Asargan, Vorgan, they in the beginning also did not kill. And so are many of those soldiers of the King. They did not kill before. Why should the cause and effect of the kingdom fall on us?"

Borgan ask and he paused for a second. And then sighing, she answers her own question

"Because we all could have stopped it. Because when they do such thing, Etherna like you, Etherna like me, did not do anything. And by not doing anything, we acquiesce. Life is like that. Once you are alive, there is thread binding all of you"

"All life is connected. The only difference is some could see it….and some could not" she paused again and smiling bitterly, she said

"Our sins…..was the sin of doing nothing"

These words echoes loudly in these cave chambers.

And all of the Etherna inside the chambers sighed.

Things have already gone this far and there is no going back. Regret is a luxury right now. They are probably the only few that could see and could sense this depression of fate and destiny that is incoming

But there is still some differences between Borgan and the other Etherna in the room.

"How….very human" Azief mutters as he watched this matter unfolds. The Etherna is a massive being and a powerful being.

Because he never knew Etherna personally, all he could imagine when he thinks of an Etherna is this godlike-being.

But now, seeing them talking like this, speaking about families and responsibility, duty, and showing affection, friendship…..it reminds him of him, of his friends, of the people he called family.

"Humanlike" he mutters.

But the scene continues

Sighing again, Borgan sat down on one of the chairs in the chamber and mutters

"The King have sown the seed. And now, someone is going to reap it"

"Our king is strong. He will win" Asargan mutters. And Vorgan also nodded.

Borgan gazed at her brothers, her heart heavy with a profound sadness.

She couldn't help but discern the alarming pattern emerging.

Nearly all life in the Universe was being decimated by her own people, the Etherna.

Alongside her sadness, she felt a deep-seated anger, not her own but the wrath of the Supreme One, a force far beyond her, reverberating through the cosmos.

Other people might not be able to feel it. But she could feel it. There is His anger in the particles, in the atoms that flows, in the creation and destruction force in the Universe.

She could feel it.

He is angry. And nobody should dare to meet that wrath.

So, she sigh.

Having the ability to see the past, present and the future, who gave her this kind of blessing?

Who gave the ten thousand blessings of the Etherna?

Who gave them abilities to sail the stars, eat worlds, drinks from the rivers of space?

The Etherna's hubris and pride knew no bounds. In their arrogance, they had convinced themselves of their invincibility.

They had forgotten a crucial truth: in the presence of the Supreme One, they were but children.

The Etherna had enjoyed the Supreme One's favor as His first creation, and they believed this alone would grant them forgiveness for their transgressions.

The Etherna saw themselves as the Supreme One's favored offspring, but what about the other beings in existence?

They, too, were His creations, His children.

Conflict and strife might be expected, for with free will comes the freedom to choose actions that are not always righteous and just.

Because you have your own will and with freedom of will, you do not always do what you should do and supposed to do.

But, eliminating all of His other children?

How could He not be mad?

How could He not be angry?

And when He gets angry, there is no other Being in the Universe that could contain Him. For He is the One and Only. He is the One that Creates Worlds and Destroy Worlds

He has countless names and all names leads to fortune and goodness. He has no Beginnings and no Ends.

His state of existence could not be imagined. Those who could see Him in His true form all went crazy.

And those who did not become crazy would explode into nothingness.

Now, this is the breaking point.

The Etherna had heard from the voice of the Envoys, that the SupremeOne has decreed their destruction.

If they had accepted it, then in the almighty grace that the Supreme One possesses, He might have forgiven then

But what actually happens? The Etherna took the Envoy strip the Envoy out of his silvery white wings and throws him into the deepest prison of Etherna.

Borgan could tell that this was a test. This was the test that the Supreme One is giving them.

It is a mercy from Him

But, the first test, her people failed Him.

No one would listen

And then there is prophets send by the Supreme One among their kind.

And what did the Etherna do?

The King said that the prophet is spreading false words, wanting to lower the morale of the army and degrade the Etherna.

So, they killed the Prophet. A new sin is now levied and the Etherna fall deeper and deeper, making all kinds of mistake along the way

That was also a test.

If they had shown mercy, shown repentance, and sincere in wanting to be forgiven, then in the grace of the Supreme One, He would forgive

For One of His names is the Forgiver. He would forgive sins, and he would accept repentance, if one sincerely repent.

Prophets have been sent in the trillion years past. But at that time, they accepted it. But there is also stories of deniers.

And denial had come before them from her people and there is always opponents of messengers

Nations, kingdom plotted against their messengers to seize them and they disputed by means of falsehood to defeat with the truth

And when her people kill the messenger, Borgan could not help but feel fear in her heart.

Because one day, when they die, and their soul returns to the Supreme One, He would surely ask them "How is My punishment? You have rejected My mercy, and for you and your ilk, you shall dwell in Punishment"

This is a word that echoes in her ears. But she knows that there are certain things she could do and certain things she could not

And these words are divine words that is revealed to her. But she is not a prophet. She does not channel the Will of the Supreme One.

What she sees is moments. She is allowed to see through the Veil and sees the creation and destruction of things.

Because that is what past , present and future is. An interplay of creation and destruction, of something growing and dying.

But those words that she heard, she knew the moment she said it, she would be annihilated and cursed.

Nowadays, she could not see the future of many things. Before, she was allowed to see unrestricted. But nowadays, there is a price seeing things she should not see.

Before, they were blessed. And now, they are cursed.

Blessed because of their origins, cursed because of their deeds

For he encompass all things and he have mercy and knowledge and he would forgive and spare but not to those who repeatedly shows no remorse, shows no repentance.

For them, is a punishment Most Great and Most High

And the Supreme One had extended mercy, but the Etherna chose to reject. Because they believe themselves to be in the right

the Supreme One does not send calamity before He send a messenger to warn

Each test that is given, the Etherna had failed. Because of that Borgan is sad. The others are still thinking that they are just fighting the Creator and the Destroyer.

And because they were created even before the Creator and Destroyer, they in their hubris and pride think that as long as they could defeat those two, they would still be the chosen race

They did not understand that it does not matter who the Supreme One sends to bring about the calamity. It matters that He is the one who sends it.

And that was probably the last test.

When the Creator and Destroyer came down from the Exalted Divine dimension, the Etherna should have lay down their weapons and plead guilty.

Then even if they were annihilated, there might be a comeback later. Or, they might be punished but they will not be annihilated.

But now…now what has happened? There is a war between the Etherna and the Destroyer and the Creator.

The Creator whose only job is creating things is now given permission to use destructive power.

And the rebirth and generation of soul of Etherna race is now cut off.

There is no reincarnation, there is no coming back from the death


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