
Chapter 1611 A Body In Space

Chapter 1611 A Body In Space

A compelling force began to push him away, signalling that it was time to exit the vision. 

However, there was something else bothering him. He could sense a certain power building up, an impending eruption.

Before he could even formulate a thought, the scenes around him warped and distorted, growing increasingly surreal. 

Azief felt like he was in a distorted wonderland. 

Then, suddenly, an explosion of white light burst forth from all directions, surrounding him.

In that brief moment, he closed his eyes. 

When he opened them again, he found himself in a completely different place.

 This place was unlike any vision he had seen before, and it left him wondering about what the hell just happened

"What is this?" he thought to himself. 

The scenery was initially quite blurry, unlike the vivid and detailed scenes of the forge from before. 

"Distortions?" he thought to himself. He had no explanation for why this vision is very different from the vision before

Azief couldn't immediately explain the stark difference between this vision and the previous one. 

But he observed that the blurriness is gradually dissipating.


Suddenly, he felt a whoosh of wind. It was as if a breeze was blowing through, even though his clothes weren't fluttering. 

The blurriness resembled a thick fog, and it seemed to be getting pushed away, revealing more of the surroundings.

And it was then that he sees something shocking.

As the blurriness slowly dissipated, Azief vision became clearer. 

He could see an Etherna adorned with a regal crown, holding the ten rings, looking at it like was a treasure

 Kneeling before this crowned Etherna was another Etherna, whom Azief had a strong feeling was Borgan, although her face remained blurry.

"She is presenting the ring" he thought to himself

The Etherna with the crown bore an air of authority and reverence surrounded him.

The way the other Etherna gazed at him was filled with awe and respect, further emphasizing the significance of this crowned figure.

Top of Form

And this Etherna himself seems to emanate a sense of regality. 

"So, the ten rings are given to this Etherna" Azief had a guess of who the Etherna with the crown is and he frowned

Then this vision faded and then he saw another vision. 

It was like he is looking through films that are shoved in front of his eyes and then before he could have the time to digest what he had saw, the film would then be taken back. 

Another vision come to his view and this vision shocked him to the core. 

"So, that is how it happens. Now, it makes sense"

He mutters to himself as he shakes his head

In the vision, Azief witnessed the body of an Etherna suspended in a vast expanse of space.

 This Etherna body remained in a state of suspended animation, as if the threads of life were reluctant to let go. 

Death aura seems to be converging around him. 

But what is more shocking to Azief was that he could see that the threads of fate and destiny that seems to bind him with other people cause and effect is cut by an invisible knife. 

Azief does not know why this time he could see cause and effect of this Etherna but he believe that nothing he saw in this vision should be forgotten

This is probably some kind of lesson that Borgan wanted to teach him 

Though on the verge of lifelessness, there is a faint but persistent breath within the Etherna form.

"A trace of life, of vitality still exist" Azief thought to himself. 

The surrounding scene is one of cataclysmic devastation.

 Stars, moons, and celestial bodies seems to be caught in a chaotic dance, drawn together against the laws of the universe. 

Moons collided with stars, triggering fiery explosions. 

Black holes and quasars churned in the space, distorting the fabric of reality. 

These celestial bodies, which should have been light-years apart, is now unnaturally close, tossed about like discarded playthings in the wake of an immense cosmic clash.

Azief surmised that this chaotic scene was a result of the Ethernas battle against the Destroyer. 

It seemed that during their desperate struggle, celestial bodies had been wielded as weapons, hurled at the Creator and Destroyer with unparalleled force.

This vision probably unveiled the brutal aftermath of a cosmic confrontation, where the universe itself had been warped and shattered by the extraordinary clash of powers.

Ethernas and the Destroyer and the Creator. And these are destruction that he could see. There must be other form of destruction that he did not see. 

But now this one Etherna is floating in space…...Azief doesn't know why he feel a certain kind of feeling toward this Etherna

"Why?" he asks himself. Azief is not panicked that he is in a different vision. 

Maybe, this is Borgan last lesson to him

Maybe, this is her soul trying to tell him something. 

He still doesn't know what Borgan is planning.

But he knows that Borgan seems to think that he is the hope of the Etherna. 

Maybe, this vision would show him an answer. 

"Why do I feel this kind of feeling like I am familiar with this Etherna?" he thought to himself again

 This Etherna that is floating in space is the same Etherna that Azief saw before. An Etherna that has a crown on his head

The Etherna with the crown, who once exuded an air of majesty and grandeur, was now an unrecognizable figure, floating in the unforgiving emptiness of space. 

His once regal countenance had been marred by the brutality of battle.

His body bore the unmistakable marks of a fierce conflict. 

Tattered robes clung to his form, their fabric scorched and rent. And even the fabric seems to have writing on them

"There must be magic on the writing" Azief thought 

The skin of this Etherna, once radiant and resplendent, now bore the gruesome evidence of the fight, with burns and lacerations marring his complexion. 

Blood, darker than the deepest of cosmic voids, formed macabre constellations around his injured body, mingling with the silhouettes of shattered stars.

His once-imposing crown, a symbol of his sovereignty, was askew and tarnished. 

The golden and jewelled circlet had been twisted and battered; its lustrous gems dulled. 

It now resembled a symbol of defiance in the face of obliteration rather than one of authority.

The ethereal and majestic being Azief had previously witnessed is now a broken figure

 he looks nothing like that Etherna before

As Azief observed, each droplet of blood that dripped from the Etherna wounded form carried an astonishing vitality. 

"What an incredible vitality" Azief could not help but remark

The essence of life itself coursed within this blood, making it an anomaly in the desolation of space.

However, the malevolent forces that surrounded this Etherna stifled these life-infused droplets. 

It was as if the very fabric of the cosmos sought to snuff out this spark of vitality. In the void of space, his life's essence dissipated, vanishing into the bleak nothingness.

And then a flash of light appears and once again Azief had to look away. the light is so blinding that is made him feel like there is a Sun blazing in front of him

Then the light faded away. He could feel that the light is fading away

Just like you could feel the Sun no longer shines on you.

As the blinding light subsided, Azief cautiously opens his eyes and he turned his gaze back to the scene. 

His eyes narrowed as he saw a figure suspended in the empty expanse of space, bathed in ethereal radiance. 

This being was none other than the Creator, a being Azief had encountered before.

The Creator's features is a bit different from the last time he saw him

He has a long flowing, luminescent white hair that seemed to radiate life itself. 

His entire being is an embodiment of the holy light of creation. Around Him, auspicious signs manifested, signalling His tremendous power.

The dark, lifeless voids of space were revitalized in His presence, and even that which had succumbed to death's embrace found itself resurrected by His life-giving aura. 

The Creator's arrival was nothing short of life-inspiring

But Azief could not see him clearly because this vision that he is in now, is blurry all over. 

Like it has been tampered a bit. 

The blurriness of the vision persisted, perhaps exacerbated by the presence of the Creator, making it challenging for Azief to see the details clearly.

 The Creator's overwhelming presence appeared to affect the vision, causing it to waver and remain unstable. 

Despite this, Azief strained to discern what he could from the blurred scene before him

And then before Azief could gain his bearing, there is a sound of something tearing and coming out of there is another being

Just by Him being present, the space cracked and destruction aura emanated out from His body

Darkness radiated from Him, snuffing the light. This being is none other than the Destroyer

The Destroyer emerged from the fractured space, exuding a palpable aura of destruction that extinguished light and cast darkness all around. 

His malevolent presence starkly contrasted with the Creator's aura of life and creation. 


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