
Chapter 1620 Breakthrough

Chapter 1620 Breakthrough

Azief already knows the methods of breaking through the Essence Creation realm.

He already has thirteen laws that he could use. And now, the only thing he lacks is pure energy

But the knowledge that the ring gave him, is not only the method of breaking through. It also gives some hint on how to use this blue crystal

Azief gazes at the blue crystal, its vibrant glow pulsating with an otherworldly energy. It represents the distilled essence of the Etherna wisdom, a reservoir of knowledge that survived the annihilation of their race.

He comprehends the significance of this relic, sensing the magnitude of insights it holds.

It isn't merely a crystalline artifact; it's a testament to the Etherna collective understanding, a wellspring of knowledge lost to the cataclysmic event that befell their civilization.

The crystal, carries the remnants of their existence, their mastery of laws, their comprehension of the cosmos.

This ancient knowledge, preserved within the depths of the crystal, represents the culmination of the Etherna intellectual legacy.

Azief understands that this repository could hold the key to unravelling mysteries beyond comprehension, unlocking the secrets of the Omniverse itself.

In his quest to defy destiny, Azief recognizes that the Etherna wisdom could be the catalyst for reshaping his path.

With this crystal, he might uncover the truths concealed within the fabric of existence, utilizing the Etherna' accumulated wisdom to forge a new destiny and transcend the boundaries set by fate.

"But now is not the time to delve on all the knowledge in the crystal. After all, she left something for me in this crystal. Probably already foreseeing what I will do the moment I arrived on Earth. This kind of seeing the future ability is really frightening" He thought to himself.

Borgan left something in there for him.

He got the message when he wears the ring. Probably just right before she disappears into nothingness, Borgan left this lingering message on the ring

And the way the Etherna communicate is usually by telepathic thoughts so it is not a surprise that Borgan would be able to leave the message in such an ingenious way.

"She sees everything. Probably even this moment. I really am impressed"

Azief thought to himself.

In the blue crystal there is a pure energy waiting for him to claim it. And now, he could claim it

He taps the blue crystal with his finger that was wearing the ring and the moment he did that, there is an opening on the blue crystal

Azief feels a pulsating torrent of energy surging through his veins as the blue radiance from the crystal cascades into him.

The influx of this newfound vitality transforms his essence, suffusing every fibre of his being with an ethereal luminescence.

With a tap of his finger, the seal on the blue crystal ruptures, liberating an otherworldly energy that surges forth.

It converges upon the ring, the conduit through which this celestial force melds with Azief corporeal form.

The moment this radiant power courses through him, a cataclysmic outpouring of energy erupts from Azief.


A vivid azure brilliance, akin to a celestial beacon, bursts forth and pierces the heavens.

The skies quiver and shimmer in response to this effulgent display, as if the very fabric of existence is momentarily displaced by this eruption of transcendent power.

The world bears witness to this monumental surge of divine energy

As the blue light sears through the firmament, Azief stands at the epicentre of this radiant spectacle, like an enigmatic fusion of mortal resilience and ethereal might.


This is the kind of energy that transform mud into gold

In his inner sanctum, Azief perceives an unfolding transformation paralleling the immense changes occurring in his physical form.

His inner world, a domain existing within the confines of his consciousness, expands and reshapes itself in harmony with his ascending might.

Initially conceived as a mental construct, Azief inner world is ethereal, occupying no tangible space yet bearing the weight and depth of his boundless consciousness.

It is a realm woven from the fabric of his mind, a sanctuary of introspection and transcendence.

As Azief undergoes this profound metamorphosis, his inner world mirrors the evolution, expanding in scope and grandeur.

The very fabric of this metaphysical haven stretches and swells, accommodating the burgeoning reservoir of celestial energy now coursing through Azief being.

What was once a tranquil expanse now vibrating with an otherworldly vitality, radiant and shimmering with the celestial energy that permeates Azief essence.

This celestial energy is not only powerful but ancient.

It is not the celestial energy of the Three Thousand World of the Jade Empire. It is ancient and old, bearing the mark of some kind of ancient energy that has long not felt in the world and in the Universe

The boundaries of this mental realm stretch further, echoing the magnitude of Azief newfound power.

Though intangible, Azief inner world pulsates with the resonance of his ascension.

It exists beyond the constraints of physical reality, shaped and melded by his thoughts, understanding, and the laws that govern the vastness of the universe.

His Inner World had expanded after he became Divine Comprehension leveler. And now it expanded even more

if Azief wanted to manifest it outside of his mind, he could by relying on the Laws of the Universe that he had learned.

Azief mastery over his inner world is not merely a mental abstraction; it's a harmonious convergence of thought and reality, where the ethereal becomes substantial.

Within this domain lies the ability to manipulate the very essence of existence, bridging the realms of imagination and physicality.

If he wanted to manifest the mountain in his Inner world into the real world, then he could take the elements of a mountain from the real world and bring the mountain out of his Inner World, turning the illusion into reality

By extracting the quintessence of a mountain's elemental makeup from the tangible world, he could intertwine it with the vivid projection housed within his consciousness.

The merging of these realities births a tangible mountain, a seamless fusion of his inner creation and the physical elements.

This transcendent capability isn't confined to mountains alone; it's a profound mastery that extends across the spectrum of Azief inner world.

He possesses the unrivalled ability to draw forth the very fabric of his thoughts and weave it into the fabric of reality.

This wields the potential to fabricate entire realms, each shaped by the tapestry of his imagination.

In essence, Azief dominion over his inner world elevates his status to that of a co-creator of existence.

Through the harmonization of thought and tangible elements, he can sculpt realities, giving life to realms crafted from the depths of his consciousness.

It is where the boundaries between dream and actuality dissolve at his command

All Divine Comprehension leveler on Earth could do this kind of thing. Hikigaya could do it and Jean could also do it

Right now, as Azief is trying to breakthrough to Essence Creation there is an upheaval in his Inner World

The expansion of Azief Inner World parallels his ascent to greater realms of power and understanding.

Within this expanse of his Inner World, thirteen colossal entities stand as sentinels, each a manifestation of his distinct Laws.

These titanic beings are Azief Law Avatars, towering figures that embody the very essence of the Laws he has mastered.

Each avatar exudes an awe-inspiring aura, creation aura that held up this Inner World and gives it power

Spread across the vast expanse of his consciousness, these colossal figures radiate an encompassing energy that upholds the entirety of Azief Inner World.

Azief right now is in a weird state. In the real world his body is now accumulating energies from all over.


The energy radiated out from him

The forest within a hundred-kilometre radius is flattened, shattered by the sheer energy radiating from Azief body.

Every electronic device and magical enchantment in proximity are obliterated, unable to withstand the overwhelming force emanating from him.

His body pulses with a raw, uncontainable power, creating an outward ripple effect that pushes away everything in its path.

Even the creatures inhabiting the forest instinctively flee upon sensing this overwhelming energy.

The very fabric of the sky appears torn, clouds splitting apart, and the Earth trembles under the immense pressure.

The force surrounding Azief seems to rend the very heavens and fracture the land

The clouds splits opens and the Heaven seems to shake

The ground cracks opens and the Heaven and Earth seems to split apart!

Azief' energy radiates in a controlled but unmistakably potent manner.

It doesn't explode outward in an instant but rather gathers, like a burgeoning wave drawing upon its energy, preparing for an impending strike.

The force emanating from him seems to be accumulating, gradually harnessing momentum, hinting at an impending surge of power.

This gradual build-up contrasts with the typical violent outbursts of energy seen elsewhere. Instead, it denotes a restrained yet foreboding strength, as if the energy is being harnessed and focused for a specific purpose, steadily growing in intensity and potential.

Only a few second had passed but it felt like a long time.

The effect of him trying to break through is now affecting the area and the area he is affecting is becoming larger and larger

The energies of Heaven become agitated, as if provoked by the escalating upheaval caused by Azief attempts at breaking through.

Top of Form

Above, the Heavenly Will sitting in his throne look down on Earth and its eyes narrowed

The wrath of the Heaven is stimulated!


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