
Chapter 315 - Lifera

"Are you trying to oppose our decisions, Lifera?!" even Li who was keeping himself quiet no longer can keep himself shut and decided to join in with his sister.

"Because there is no need! I already told you all that you don't need to do it!" Lifera insisted.

"Because you have something to hide, perhaps?" I tried guessing.

"Stay out of this, you filthy human!" Lifera glared at me.

-you have been inflicted with [Fear]. Due to your END and INT stats being higher than his, the effect was negated.

Oh? Who would have thought I have a higher END and INT than him? However, that is good as I managed to negate the effect without doing anything much.

-you have been inflicted with [Fear]. Due to your END and INT stats being higher than his, the effect was negated.

The message was repeated again which means, the bastard cast it again, trying to intimidate me and to make me kneel. Too bad, his stats can't overcome my stats. After all, with the Versatile Weapon holding most of my big stats, its big enough to deal with his casting skills.

I saw his face frown when he saw no changes in me. But I didn't humiliate him in front of the people he was serving. As much as I wanted to expose him, I wanted to gather more intel on what he is so angry and hesitant to say to force us to stop entering the Kingdom of the Deep Sea.

"No matter what you say Lifera, we can't just ignore everything especially if there is a necromancer working on this events. Whether you like it or not, we will have to go," Sera glared at Lifera before nodding at us to go with her.

"Why can't you two understand!?" Lifera then extended his hands on everyone and tentacles appeared trying to restrain us.

Due to my vigilance, I was quick and pulled out my Versatile Weapon and cut the incoming tentacles before it can do anything to me. My followers and Tina were the same and immediately cut off the tentacles in one go, allowing themselves to stop the restraining process. However, the two siblings didn't anticipate this attack which is why they are captured in the process.

"What the? What the heck are you doing Lifera!? Let us go!"

"I already told you didn't I? I can't let you do that. And now look at what you guys are doing? It's pointless. Your trip over there is not going to be a safe and easy place. You will suffer a lot."

"Now, now. I know you meant well but this is too excessive to the point you will restrain them in the name of "protecting" them. We don't have time with you doing this stuff, so I have to do this quick," I grip my sword tight then looked at Sera and Li.

"Can I go full power on him? I promise he won't die but he will be disabled after this, is that okay?"

"If that is what you should do to stop him, then you can do it!" Sera answered while Li nodded vigorously.

"Don't overstep your boundaries, human or you won't like the results of this!"

"I am not joking either. We are wasting our time, that is why, I will not go to the bullsh*t anymore. I will go all out."

And with that, I disappeared from where I stood. Lifera didn't expect it and with loud thud, my leg landed on his face. I don't know why but even if I am underwater, I can properly do my movement just like how it was in the land. In one swift kick, he was sent flying to the other side.

Then, after landing my left foot to the ground, I slowly increase the exerted force on my left foot, allowing me to dart forward, straight to the f*cker.


The moment I exerted my leg to dart forward, I also extend my right foot and without letting Lifera recover, another kick shook his body's core.

Lifera tried to fight back, but I don't want him to ruin everything. With a quick swap to my weapon's form into a katana, I performed my mastery on it with 4 quick slices.


Looks like what he said being a half automata is true, since the moment I cut off his hands and feet, I felt like I didn't cut flesh but rather, I cut metal joints. As soon as the 4 limbs were cut off, I stab the sword, just a few centimeters away from his face.

"I don't know what is your deal. You seem to despise humans a lot and I don't care since I don't give a f*ck. But why are you seemingly upset on the thought of the two siblings to go and investigate what happened? Even if it is meant for protection, that is not protecting but rather, you want them to remain blind on that reason. It's bullcrap. And what? You want to burden yourself more on this and wanted to just carry the whole situation by yourself? What, you can solve this by yourself?"

"You don't understand Human! We are facing a necromancer! They have countless of army to use from and you all will be overwhelmed! I don't want to lose my masters anymore!"

"Then if that is the case, why are you still trying to stop us humans? We can go to that place because we are not your master at all. So why are you also holding us back? You hate humans so why are you trying your best to stop us too?! Can't you just let us die there too right?"

Lifera grit his teeth and glared at me. "I may hate the arrogance of humans but I am also the last guardian alive in the Kingdom of the deep sea. Even if I hate the humans like you to the core, that is not enough justification for me to kill you all off. That is just going to add salt to the wound and will just increase the problems if you all die as our enemy is the necromancer. So instead of dying pointlessly, I would rather be the villain and keep you all here where it is safe and sound."

I didn't expect him to say that. My expectation for him is that he is having some internal motive. A motive that is enough to make me feel suspicious about him. However, he keep on stopping us no matter what we do so this is also a bit of a nonsense to me. Why is he stopping us too? He hated us, so why?

Who would have thought his answer is just for the sake of his job being the last guardian. He is protecting anyone on entering the dangerous place as to not make the matters worse. I think I slightly improved my opinion on this guy a bit more than usual.

"I know you are fulfilling your duty but we are still here to face the necromancer. Even if I want to just delay this, our chances of meeting up is sky high. After all, I am hunting the necromancers and my task is to eradicate them before they can make this world collapse with the dead's resurrection."

Pulling out the Versatile Weapon out from beside his face, I sheathed it back and I commanded everyone to untie Sera and Li from the tentacle bindings in their bodies.

"You heard his reason. What are your thoughts? For me and everyone, there is nothing wrong about putting everyone to peace and defeat the necromancer at once. The more time he lives on, the more he has chances to escape and do the same to other domains."

"As much as he wanted to protect us, we also wanted to save our country back from the grasp of the undead and the necromancer.. If we failed even on this, we are not fit to be the next in line rulers of the Kingdom of the Deep Sea if even the citizens are all dead and rotten. If you guys are going to check and defeat the necromancer, we will also go too!"

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