
Chapter 361 - No Space For Mercy

"Don't you dare approach..." then he saw the unconscious Dean. He grinned before grabbing her neck and putting the hunting knife in his hands to her neck.

"If you dare approach me, I will slit her throat and she will bleed out to die!"

"Go ahead, do I even care? I don't care who dies, but I am more delighted to see you squirm in pain."

The psychopath never felt this terrified before. Seeing that I didn't even flinch or stop when he put the knife into the Dean's neck convinced him that I didn't care about her wellbeing and using her as a hostage is a useless endeavor.

He didn't wait for me to get any closer to him and run to the window.

"Whatever the case, I cannot let you kill me! I would rather die by suicide!"

Opening the window, he quickly jumps without hesitation. He is giggling like a maniac while he is falling but did he really think I would let him fall down to his death and die just like that without him getting any sort of punishment? There is no way I would even let him do that easily.

"Who said you could die on your own without my permission?"

As someone who is an expert at handling guys like him in the game, I didn't expect I would get good at handling guys like him in the real world as well. Using the Hook and Chain form of my Versatile Weapon, the falling bastard didn't even get to properly fall halfway as my Hook and Chain were much faster at capturing him alive.

When the psychopath realized that he can't get down any further after being caught by the Hook and Chain, he started squirming to get off the hook but since I didn't release him yet, there is no way for him to get out of the chain's grasps.

I pulled him up but I didn't pull him back inside the window, instead, I let him on the window and yank him out even though his head and feet are stuck.

"F*ck! Help me!"

"For someone who kills people for fun and experiments, you are so much of a coward."

"Please forgive me! You can't do this to me! I will give you anything, just leave me alone! Please have some mercy to me!"

"I grinned but I doubt he can see it under my mask but I still grinned as I stare at him. "Unfortunately for you, there is no space for mercy for you. People like you are necessary to be slowly punished than killed immediately without any sort of pain inflicted. So please be sure to experience extreme pain until you wish you could die instead."

Panic-stricken, the guy is now crying with snot and saliva flowing out of his nose and mouth alongside his tears. After letting him hang on the window, I pulled him out of the window and began to drag him around the hallways. With the Hook and Chain attached to him, there is no way he can escape unless he has also the same ability as me to make the weapons in the Alternate World manifest. Other than that, he has to struggle in that alone while I drag him around.


"Good luck with that. Now, come on, and let me drag you around for a while. Please relax as it will be a really bumpy ride."

Then, I began to drag him around the hallways. I made sure to go around the hallways with blood from the hostage-takers and let him get coated in their blood. Whenever there are some obstacles on the ground, I made sure to pass through them. He keeps screaming as his face is now covered in his blood and the blood of the hostage-takers. This attracted the attention of the students and they are prompted to look. Seeing that I was dragging someone on the ground, allowed them to know who was I dragging around.

After a bit of those, I stopped doing it as it didn't give him enough suffering that would allow him to beg for him to die. It only amplifies his desire to escape so I stopped it and pulled him up from the hook and chain.

"Looks like it's not enough pain for you huh? Then, let's slowly kill you instead. You like doing that to your victims right?"

I pinned him on the wall and before he can react, a punch in the gut amplified with the power of electricity. I made sure to amplify the power of the electricity as that will increase the lethality of my punch. This will be nothing to a normal player as they can easily withstand something like this but normal humans will not withstand this and will immediately puke blood or saliva the moment they were punched.

And as I punched him for the first time, he pukes out blood and saliva altogether. I repeated it again and he is coughing blood again. He was groaning in pain already and he can't even properly move anymore.

However, he didn't even complain about dying, he is just enduring all my punches while enduring all the pain in his abdomen that seems to have been suffering some internal damage as a result of my punches. But call me heartless and murderer but I don't care whether he died there already. I will be killing him after.

However, in the middle of my punches, he breathed his last and he fell to the ground before he can even complain. It seems I have punched him a little bit too hard. I sighed in relief but I didn't just stop there since he might be pretending to be dead. I stabbed his chest multiple times and after I can confirm his death, I cleaned myself and returned to my classroom. Before I entered, I called Janus and Riko to go out of the room by calling them using my holophone.

When they went out of the classroom, I decided to talk to them about my plan.

"Is everything alright Manato?" Janus asked.

"Yeah. However, our classroom is something I have trouble with."

"Huh? Why is that? You need something done inside?"

"I needed to conceal the information. As much as I like, revealing myself as the killer of these guys would not be a good idea, and letting our classmates know about me is not a good thing either. Therefore, I needed you guys to get out of the classroom."

"What are you planning, Manato? Don't tell me you will kill everyone in the classroom too?!" Riko's assumption is wild.

"What the heck, I might be killing a few people but killing innocent people just to hide a secret is a big no-no already. Besides, I don't need to kill them just to conceal this secret."

"Maybe you are going to do some memory wipe or something similar to that, Manato?" Janus guessed.

"You hit the mark there, Janus. Yeah, that is right and to do it with everyone inside, I have to put them all to sleep. Thankfully, I have a good item that can knock them out immediately as soon as they inhale it. No one can stop this no matter how good their physical prowess or mental fortitude is. Even players of the game will not survive and will immediately go to sleep the moment they inhale this."

I pulled out one of the potions I have been making and I am quite sure it is pretty potent although it is not as effective if used against monsters if it was used against the humans, it will be really potent that the moment they whiffed the smell of a single grain inside of the bottle, they will enter slumber immediately without fail.

"I think I can agree with you on this one, Manato. Since you have killed the intruders, we have to make sure to hide the fact that you are the one who killed them. You said earlier that you managed to fool the other classrooms right? That means the only vulnerable one who knows about your identity is our class. With the police not discriminating on criminals and civilians alike, it would be better if they didn't know about it."

Looks like she agreed. I nodded and opened the door of the classroom and throw the bottle quickly to the ground, shattering it the moment it landed on the floor, releasing the contents inside.

A few seconds later, we can hear the sounds of thuds inside, meaning, all of them are now knocked out unconscious as a result.

"Looks like its time to do the mind alteration work.

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